The Ink Plague

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The simplicity of the book cover is great, although I have to admit that from afar the ink pen looked like a black flower. The title is interesting enough for readers to look down on the blurb which is good too but needs a little tweaking. I think around the part that points out the year, shouldn't it be more towards the top of the blurb? That's just a thought.
The way you described the characters was enough to make me want to find out more about the plot of the story.
In the prologue, you used very nice descriptive words, all that helped understand what and how everything was going on.
Your grammar is pretty solid, I didn't notice any big mistakes. The next chapters were intriguing because of the focus on different characters. I loved the third person point of view, I'm biased because that's how I often write my stories! Even though the roles of pov were switching throughout the book it was easy to remember who's focus it was. I did find myself coming back to the description to check out which was which of the seven misfits, but that was for fun.
In my opinion, the book is a wonderful read and I will be adding it to my reading list.


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