Monster Under The Bed

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The cover is different from what I expected when reading the book, which is actually more of a journal. Although the font of the title is great I felt it didn't quite match the cover. (In my opinion)

When reading the book I got a feeling of nostalgia because it reminds me of one of my childhood movies, which is always a good thing. As I read I did have to review the grammar used and even though there were many, many grammatical errors I did like the story as a whole. I'm not an editor but I think I did a pretty good job!

The secret identity of the MC (the main character) was very entertaining as well as his personality.
The plot had a fun feel to it as it skids around some serious topics. I thought that was very smartly written. I loved the characters mentioned in the fictional world and was constantly reminded of horror movies, which I also liked.

Nearing the end I noted how the more serious topics reappeared and were handled well in your own way. The final chapter was poetic in my opinion, a great job!

I hope others enjoy your wonderful story too! 


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