Siblings with Mr. Bad-Tempered

12 3 2


The cover is alright but could use some color or better font for the lettering. The title is very cliche and I have seen similarly titled books (if you like it's your decision) but from that title, I can assume that the main character is a teenage girl who is now siblings with a teenage boy and they will grow a relationship from feeling hostility toward each other to having a romantic relationship.

In the blurb, I was really fond of the main character living with her grandparents and glad to find out the facts of her new life ahead.

Then as I read I was thinking why are the beginning and ending sentences in bold font, it was confusing as to whether they are quotes or not so try making it more obvious.

There are many grammatical errors you should look into, try proofreading before posting. Also, the dialogue is all cramped together one after another so it was hard to tell who was saying what.

I do like the MC, Yesmi's character is very comical yet somehow relatable to teens. Though I would suggest you fit in more detail on characters and descriptions on setting/location/ character's personalities as well. I think the deeper you dive in with your characters the better it is to know them and express their unique individualities.


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