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The cover is a little bland, it could use a bit of color in my opinion. And I don't know if it is my device but the letters look blurry for some reason. (Apologies if it's actually not.)

The title is tempting because it's diverse but the blurb lacks detail. To me, there's nothing distinctive about the main characters. Try to amplify it further there. The prologue is attention-grabbing so I think readers would like to feel that from the blurb too.

After reading through the first couple of chapters I see the progress in the life of the MC (main character) but it seems fast and I don't understand her "hatred" towards Chen Qi. They have only spoken once and she feels hate towards him. I think you should go more in-depth with her feelings. (Sadness, depression, pain) The turmoil of emotions after the tragedy should maybe explain why she acts the way she does. 

I did think it's a great idea that the location of the story is somewhere besides the U.S because that gives it more diversity from other books in your genre. Especially with characters, their culture defines their day to day normal and their past.

The grammar is not so bad; it's the tenses of words you need improvement on, I know it is tricky (it is for me too) but your spelling is good and I think it's great you are editing chapters as you go along.

I do suggest that you be careful with the changes in POV in the middle of chapters because it will confuse some readers, it would be best to switch the POV's when starting new chapters. Good luck with your book!


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