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A/N: hey, due to a recent rise in story theft, I would like to specify that I'm Tortollino and I wrote this fic on Wattpad in 2020. If you are reading this under a different username or on a different site, please motify me as soon as possible!

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story <3

Sera PoV

Wellston Private High school

Rhythmically, my footsteps echoed through the hall. It was eerily empty today. I was alone, which I didn't mind but it was suspicious, to say the least.

The peace and quiet gave me time to think. I was so glad to know John wasn't Joker, he said so himself and John wouldn't lie to my face like that. Although he might be secretive, when it came down to it he was always honest. Well aside from that incident with Arlo, but that was different... I guess?

"Seraphia!!", I heard a male call behind me as loud squeaks of rubber a against the floor tore the surreal tranquillity to shreds.

I turned around, I saw a tall, blue-haired fourth year sprinting towards me, panting uncontrollably. I recognised that it was Arlo's best, if not only friend; Holden. Why is he running after me?

As he neared me, Holden slowed his pace, coming to a halt a metre away.

"Seraphina,", he bent over holding his knees and gasped for air, "You need to see the fight between Joker and the Royals!"

Joker and the Royals!? How powerful was this guy, taking on all of the most powerful students at once!? Stunned, I let my jaw hang open.

After a short pause, Holden gripped my wrist and bolted. I leapt behind him, having trouble balancing before the next step. Wasn't this guy choking on his own dry throat a second ago?!

"Hey!! Let go-", I began but was cut off.

" Arlo's orders.", Holden retorted, still looking ahead of him.

Arlo?! Why him again? Why won't he leave me out of this?! Now I was furious.

Elaine PoV

It was so loud. The crowd was giving me claustrophobia, everyone was desperate to see the fight. I personally wasn't one of those maniacs, but my conscience wouldn't let me sit back in blissful ignorance while Remi was being brutalised.

Standing in a window on the second floor, I had a decent view of the scene. I saw Remi trying to pick herself up from a crater in a wall, she was bleeding from the head as well as her mouth, with countless cuts and gashes all over her.

"Bet you 10 bucks that Remi will knock him off that roof."

"Ha! You're on!"

People were betting on who would win. Most people thought Joker but a naïve few thought Remi could make a comeback. As much as I wanted to believe that, I knew Remi didn't stand a chance, John beat Arlo.

Turning my attention to the roof, I could see the masked student shooting down Blyke and Isen. Then continuing to punch Blyke till unconscious. It was barbaric.

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Where stories live. Discover now