Chapter 13.2| Beyond my Control

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Sera PoV

"J-john is d-down."

My jaw loosened in disbelief, "What? H- how?" I breathed.

" I don't know!" Isen exclaimed through thr earpiece, "He was pinning a guy against a wall and suddenly collapsed! He hasn't gotten up yet and his heart rate is speeding!!"

"Where is he?!" Remi called through the device, "I'm going to get him!"

"Wha- Amber, no!" Blyke protested, "This is fu*king dangerous!"

"Well, Glen needs help and we're a team." Remi stated, "It's my duty!"

The others discussed what to do, but I was speechless. We shouldn't have split up. Why would I underestimate a threat, after what John and I have been through?! Now, our best fighter is incapacitated.

"He's in the east wing." Isen caved,  "The other guy is still with him,  be careful! I'll tell you when you enter my feild of vision."

"Thanks!" Remi exclaimed, "Sky, see you there."

"Y-yeah." I replied, beginning to speed in the right direction. I could feel my heart speed up and my palms sweat.

John PoV

Toppled over on the floor, I held my stomach, coughing uncontrollably. But he just hit me again, throwing me across the room. Once I landed, I groaned, exhausted. I couldn't get up. I tried to rewind my injuries but I was too tired, it wasn't working. I felt truly powerless, like at the facility. I couldn't do anything.

My shadow self kicked me into a wall, cracking it. I was down, but he kept coming! This was how I used to act...
Like a monster.

But how could 'I' be so much stronger than me? What training have 'I' gone through?! Is this what would have happened if I hadn't escaped the facility? Would I have become this?!

I felt myself be pulled up by my jaw. I looked at 'my' face, there was no anger, no remorse, nothing. Just a blank slate. My eyes started to glaze over, when 'I' hammered my head into the tiles.

Suddenly I was in my bathroom, looking at my reflection, I saw that I was brushing my teeth. Sera was there too. It was what happened this morning.

I saw my reflection ask, "So what did you  think about last night?"

"It was great." She hugged it from behind. My reflection jolted, raising it's face from the shadows. I got a good look at it's  soulless eyes. That wasn't me. I started to panic, calling Sera's name and begging her to get away, but she didn't hear me.

"So, do you think of me differently now?" My reflection asked her, turning her to face it directly and leaned in, hovering around her lips.

"No." She breathed, "You're just same, old John." She closed the gap between them.

Smacking my hand against the glass, I yelled, "That's not me, Sera!! Please. I changed, I promise!!" But it was futile.

How could she not tell? I'm not that, I'm not a monster. I will never be a monster again! I slid down to the floor. This couldn't be real...

This couldn't be real.

Something clicked in my mind. Of course, this wasn't actually happening; it was an illusion!

It must have started when Preston grabbed my arm. But the real question was how I should get out. Illusion was a mental ability, I had no idea how I could copy it, if it was at all possible.  I could barely sense yhe criminals aura; it was a faint awareness that it was around, but I couldn't point it's location.

The illusion shifted again. This time I was back on the floor, with my shadow self standing over me.  Thats not helpful. I knew I had to focus on finding Preston and a way to come back to reality. 'I' stepped onto my chest and forced 'my' foot down, cracking my ribs.

I lay there, taking the beating that came my way and accepting that I didn't stand a chance of winning against this beast.

Ignoring the searing pain and the taste of blood at the back of my throat, I channelled all of my energy into finding Preston's aura. If I could find him, then maybe could attack him somehow. My plan was as stable as a house of cards, but it was my only option.

Sera PoV

Whizzing through the building, I arrived in the East Wing. I searched each room, until I saw a familiar figure laying on the broad tiles.

It was him.

Racing to his side, I kneeled down to examine him. He was on his chest, with his face directed right, while his arms looked awkward at his sides. I placed my hand on his shoulder, as he breathed shallowly. His eyes were wide open and clouded by a pale green mist. So, he was definitely under an illusion.

"Stand down." A man said, "Unless you want to end up like your boyfriend,  over there."

My attention snapped to the voice and I grew nervous. It was scary to see John in this state, it was only natural to fear the culprit.

"Don't know what to say?" The green haired man began to slowly pace over to me, "A quick 'I give up' will suffice" he said.

I felt John's arm twich briefly as he sloppily grabbed a hold of my knee. My protective instincts finally kicked in, as I froze time and threw myself at the man, sending him into the wall. I chased after him, knocking him to the ground. Time resumed and I continued to toss him around, dodging all of his attacks.

Preston was coughing blood, as I commanded, "Deactivate your ability, you're beaten." He stared up at me silently, so I repeated, "Deactivate your ability immediately. Before I obliterate you."

"Don't get too cocky." He croaked out, "This isn't over yet." He attempted to grab me, but I easily dodged again.

Suddenly the man was struck down, his entire body shaking.  Around him mingled the last sparks of black lighting.

Relieved, I looked to where I left John. His arm was pointed in our direction, eventhough he was still under the man's spell.

He managed to force through.

He managed to force through

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unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ