Chapter 10| Argument's Sake

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Two days later

Wellston Private Highschool-Entrance

Sera PoV

I was leaning against the main gate, waiting for John to show up. His legs were all healed due to Doc's tonics, leaving near to no consequences from that night. Not physically at least. Although we were both currently safe, Leilah did warn me about EMBER's probable attempts do get us again. The thought ut self gave me chills. John and I were too easily overpowered. Which was terrifying. We're both god tiers, for crying out loud! If we are on the losing end, our opponent must have unmatched strength.

I sighed, we need to keep our eyes open from now on...

I felt a quick tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with a soft kiss on the cheek and I blushed a bright red.

Wut da FU*K?!'

"Good morning, Sera!", John greeted cheerfully with a broad grin.

I looked up at him and asked, "Why did you do that?!"

He squinted his eyes and creased his brow in confusion, "Did what?"

"Kiss me...", I lowered my voice, noticing the other students walking past us.

"Oh, I thought you'd like it.", he stated simply, "Was I not supposed to?"

"Well, erm,", I looked down at my shoes, thinking of the best way to phrase this, "I think we should talk about what happened, first."

"Oh.", he said awkwardly, scratching his neck, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

I nodded. We definitely needed to talk. But we didn't get a chance yet. When John was healing, Doc put him on some high-quality pain meds, which practically knocked him out for the remainder of the day. He was still unconscious when we dropped him off at his dorm, leaving Blyke back in 'What-the-actual-fu*k-happened-ville'.

Now, we had school, giving us ample time to stress over any potential outcomes of our conversation. It's not like anything bad could happen, we'll just talk it through so that we're clear on all of the details. Well, that's what I think now.  By lunch, I should be planning a way to stop the school from burning down to the ground, with my overthinking tendencies!

I started to walk to the door and John jogged briefly to catch up. Then he asked, "Ooh, Sera, when are you going to show the school that their ace has made a recovery?", putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not too sure, but, technically, I'm not ace anymore.", I said


"You're stronger than me."

John made an exaggerated, thoughtful look and said,  "You don't know that..."

"Oh, quit the humble act!", I teased, knocking his arm.

He daintily placed his hand over his heart and closed his eyes dramatically, "But how can I, when modesty is my second name?!"

"This is why you have no friends.", I laughed

"Ouch. I am so hurt.", he gasped extravagantly. "How will my broken heart ever heal?"

"You should be used to it by now.", I patted his shoulder, shaking my head at his foolery.

"Eeww! I can't believe that John lets that cripple touch him!", a random girl whispered to her friend.

"Yeah! I'd burn my clothes!", the other said, causing both to laugh hysterically.

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Where stories live. Discover now