Chapter 7 | Change

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Wellston Highschool- 8:30 am

Sera PoV

Walking through the congested halls, I stayed close to the walls and avoided any mid-tiers. Although ever since it became known that the Joker is, actually, John most students stopped bothering me, it’s better to be safe than sorry. I wanted to find Evie, I’ve been meaning to talk to her about this whole John issue, especially with what happened after Turf Wars. I was in desperate need of some old-fashioned girl talk and since Elaine and I weren't exactly ‘close’ I had to keep quiet about everything. I should really start keeping a diary of some sort. 

Sighing deeply, I walked on, letting myself get lost in thought. What even is there to talk about? I messed up. I should have told John the truth from the beginning and we wouldn’t be in this situation. Replaying the past week in my mind, I dwelled in my guilt. If I had told him, he wouldn’t be so hurt, he...wouldn’t have fallen for me. I scoffed. Fallen?! That’s an exagerration, he couldn’t have actually fallen for me that’s stupid, right? He technically only started remembering everything yesterday, love doesn’t happen that quickly...right?

A blunt pressure throbbed in my chest, but like always, I ignored it. One issue at a time. Besides, this has been going on for a while now, I was used to it. I didn’t want to admit to it. So, I decided to ignore it until it passes, it has to at some point...right?

Turning the corner,  I heard a commotion down the hall. Curious, I walked closer, only to realise Evie was being beat up by some purple-haired girl. The girl was yelling something about Evie not watching where she was going or whatever. I wasn’t about to let my friend get beat up by this stuck-up potato. So, I rolled my sleeves up and as I was stepping forward- “What do you think you’re doing?!”, a voice boomed. I recognised it instantly.

With the corner of my eye, I looked at the revenette standing at the end of the hall. The bully turned towards him, her face fear-stricken. I simply continued to eye him, unsure of what was about to happen. With his hands in his pockets,John paced towards us. His back was straight and he stood tall while staring down the mid-tier, giving off and authoritative air. He didn’t look tense or very moved at all, but his knitted brows and cold, ego-shattering glare displayed his vexation.

“I’ll repeat, what do you think you’re doing?”, he spoke coolly but with a serious undertone. The girl shuddered but couldn’t choke out a response. John lowered his glance briefly, sighing, than snapped it back to the girl, “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“I-I was j-just teaching t-this… b-brat a lesson.”, she sputtered, her knees were shaking as she cowered in the shadow of Wellston’s king.

“hmm...I see, well what did she do?”, John asked

Well, that’s weird. I didn’t understand why John wasn’t using his ability or overall superiority this time. Why is he involving himself in this at all?!

The mid-tier stood up straighter, seemingly  more confident after she realised that the King was on her side. “She walked right into me.” she said, smugly eyeing poor Evie.

“Did she apologize?”, he asked after nodding along to the girl’s story.

What are you up to now John?

“She even begged for mercy!”, she said chipperly.

“Then why didn’t you let her be?”

The smile faded from her face, “Eh, well, she needs to learn to respect her superiors.”

“Mhmm… for arguments sake, let’s say you walked into me, does that give me the right to unleash my full force on you?”, John said, tilting his head slightly.

“Well,” she gulped, “Not your full power.”

“But you need to learn to respect your superiors.”, he replied stoically. 

The girl began to shake again, realising her mistake, “I’m sorry, you c-can use your f-full p-power.”

“Even though I could easily kill you with it?”

The hall fell silent, it was barely describable. John said that with disturbing nonchalance, as if it was the most normal thing. Maybe for him it is an ordinary, every-day concept.

The purple-haired girl, looked at the ground, her eyes plastered to the cracked tiles, “Yes.”, she whispered.

John folded his arms and raised his eyebrows, “Just how dumb are you?”


The girl met his gaze, confused. Then he continued, “You were right the first time. The point is, if I don’t have the right to beat you into submission how I see fit, then why do you do it to others? It's an equally unfair advantage.”, sighing again he said, “The stronger person isn’t always right and if you have to use power to back-up your claim, you’re pathetic.”

“With all-due respect, you use power to back yourself up all the time.”, she said snarkily, “Why don’t you show mercy?”

John smirked, “What do you think I’m doing right now?”, the girl stumbled back a bit, noticing what position she was in. 

“Now leave, and don’t bother people without proper reason.”, the boy ordered, the girl followed through and swiftly made her escape, while the rest of the students scattered. 

Only three people remained, Evie, John and myself. Fantastic.

Thank you all for reading and have a fantastic New Year!!! I plan to post a Special but it will probably be a day late,sorry :(

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Thank you all for reading and have a fantastic New Year!!! 
I plan to post a Special but it will probably be a day late,sorry :(

Anyways, cya!

Till next time <3

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