Chapter 15| Finally

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Wellston Private High school

Sera PoV

"Oh wow!" Evie exclaimed, "I can't believe you guys actually went and did it," she lowered her voice despite the hall bing empty, " you're supreheroes! That's amazing!"

"I guess, yeah." I nodded, "I still can't really believe that everything turned out alright. The past few moths have been insane, with me losing my ability, John being Joker, his accident, the whole fiasco with him liking me..."

"You're right, that's a lot-"

"I'm not done!" I cut her off, "Then, we where kidnapped by my sister, John was almost brainwashed or something, I got my ability back , next we barely escaped the facility and finally got together. Plus, to finish off, we became vigilantes." I stared at her with wide eyes, "I think I'm going to have to go on vacation after all of this!"

She laughed at my statement and patted my shoulder to show me her sympathy. "At this point, it seems like a good idea." she said, "Those brush ups with EMBER sounded terrifying. I'm glad everyone came back safe."

"Yeah, luckily Blyke and Isen were just knocked could have been so much worse." I said

As we continued walking, our footsteps echoed through the hall. The scene seemed eerily familliar.

"Seraphia!!" I heard a girl call behind me as loud squeaks of rubber a against the floor tore the surreal tranquillity to shreds. I turned around to see Remi sprinting towards us, panting uncontrollably. As she neared us, Remi slowed her pace, coming to a halt a metre away.

"Seraphina," she called, "You need to see this! John is about to lose it at Blyke and Isen!" she laughed

John about to lose it? I rolled my eyes. This better be good.

"Oh come on!!" Remi pulled my arm along, "I don't want to miss this."

"Lead the way!" I said and gestured for Evie to follow us, "By the way, what did they do this time?" I asked Remi.

"The two idiots got into a dumb fight again and John is having none of it!" She said

Once we got to the East courtyard, it became obvious why the halls were so empty. Crowds of students had congregated around the windows and doorways leading to the courtyard, which could only mean it was about to go down. Most students cleared the path for us, mostly Remi since I haven't showed off my ability yet.

Peeking through the doorway, I could see the scene unfold. It seemed like John was in the middle of a passionate speech. Standing straight against the other two, he said, "This needs to stop, you guys are supposed to be examples, not this!"

While Isen struggled to withhold his laughter, Blyke nodded, bowing and keeping a straight face, he said, "Yes, sir. We shall learn from our mistakes and become respectable individuals-"

Isen howeled with laughter, unable to keep his composure any longer.

"Quit laughing, punpkin-head!" John ordered

"Dude, relax." Isen wheezed, "It was only a stupid argument, we were just having some fun-"

"Fun?!" John questioned, "Is idiocy fun to you people?" he pinched the birdge of his nose, "This is why I have no hope in humanity..." after sighing, he asked, "What was this argument about, anyway?"

"S-sandwitches..." Blyke muttered, looking down in shame.

I swear I could see a vain pop in John's forehead as the light in his eyes diminished. I covered my smile with my hand. Apperntly, he hasn't gotten used to their dumbass-ery yet.

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Where stories live. Discover now