Chapter 9.3| Hero

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Sera PoV

Zooming through the halls, I struggled to fully control my ability. I had completely forgoten what it was like to use it. Eventhough it had only been acouple of months since I lost it! I searched the building, unnoticed. However, most rooms were empty or leading to more open areas of the facility. Safe to say John wouldn't be in one of those.

Turning around, I frantically doged walls, doors...door frames and literally anything else -_-

I spotted a door at the end of the corridor. It was guarded and had a keycard scanner attached. Worth a shot. I ran to the door through the grey and unlocked it. It led to another hall. In which was another room. The door looked sturdier than the others, with thick metal bolts around its rim and bars sheilding the tripple glazed, glass pane at eye-level. It must be it.

Pacing to the barricade, I peeked through the window into the mysterious room. It was dark, its only light suorce being the door which let in a pitiful sliver of cold light. I pressed my face against the bars. The room looked empty, aslide from the lifless 'furniture'. I sighed, resting my forehead on the sil. I watched the still, dusty floor on the other side. How will I find him? It was supposed to be the easy part. I bit my chapped lip. I wished that he would be there, waiting for me, so that we could go home and live out our lives happily. Away from al of this nonsense. I wished that I could talk to him. That I could apologise for what I said to him and thank him for what he did for me.

I wanted to tell him that I was free this weekend and dinner would sound nice.

I wanted him!

Then, I saw movement in the cell. In the light, I notice a fraction of a hand, resting on the tiles. My eyes widened as I clumsily scanned the card and almost pulled the door from its hinges. Light filled the room, revealing John laying on the floor. A smile spread across my face, but it faded as I got closer. He had no reaction to my entrance, he was just there, as lifeless as the rest of the room.

"John?", I called, kneeling before him. His neck was bleeding and I could see dried blood undder his nails.

I touched his wounds, almost to check if they were actually real, I didn't,t want to believe that he did that to himself. I shroked his midnight bangs out of his face. I could now see his dull gaze, he wasn't looking at me he didn't seem to be looking at anything. John just stared and that scared me. I had no idea what kind of damage that monster did to him. All I could do was hope for the best.

Continuing to slide my fingertips throught his hair, I lifted his head off of the cold floor and placed it on my lap. "Please be ok. Please be ok.", I begged inaudibly. "Come back...please.", I caressed his pale cheek, keeping my palm on it.


"Yeah, it's me!", I said, meeting his confused gaze, "Please, talk to me.", I wrapped my hands around his, pressing them agains my lips and waited for him to respond. John creased is eyebrows, closing his bleak eyes.

"...weird...", he muttered, "...but not bad..eitherwwr..."

Brother -_-

"John, I'm here right now.", I said, "Come on let's get out of here."

Instantly, his eyelids spread open and he ripped his hands from mine, trying to shuffle away from me but was stopped my the brick wall of the cell.

"Are you crazy?!", the asked

"Am I crazy? No, I don't think so.", I replied, "Let's go, before they notice."

"But that's not safe."

"Safer than staying here", I chuckled somberly. What have they done to you?

"But I'm dangerous.", he said soullessly

I sighed, thinking about what I should say.

"No, its wat's best. For you and for everyone.", he continued, leaning against the wall, "Just leave without me."

"Are you hearing yourself?"

He looked puzzled by my statement.

I took a deep breath and said, "You can't stay here, they'll turn you into some messed up toy or puppet! Or a weapon! Or all of the above!"

"Well, I'm incapable of changing for the better. You're stupid if you think otherwise.", he lowered his head, "Leave, Sera. I want to s-stay."

He's trying to scare me off again?

"Do you?" I asked, "Do you really?", I crossed my arms, glaring him down.


"You do, do you?"


"What was that?"

"I said 'yes', ok?", his tone darkened, "Just go."

"Fine, but only if you go with me."

"I already said-"

"No, John! I don't care what you 'already said', because you're not thinking straight!", I exclaimed, "Keon got in your head and now you think you're worthless and a failure, but you'll only be that if you listen to him. You mean a lot to me and I wouldn't spend my time trying to save you if it were otherwise."

"I-I don't k-know, Sera.", he whispered, "I don't know what to think, anymore.", he looked up into my eyes, "I don't know if what I'm thinking is actually me or Him. If I could ever trust myself, then I definetly can't anymore."

What he said sad, he was so lost. "But you trust me, don't you?", I asked.The boy nodded softly, not breaking eye contact. "Then,", I continued, "trust me when I say that I trust you."

He blinked and was about to say something but I intergected, "I trust you, John. Eventhough you don't see it, heck, I didn't see it at first, but you did change. After everything, you pushed yourself for the better and acting for others' sakes. And, when you were willing to potentially trade your own life for mine, I knew that you wouldn't ever hurt me again, that I felt safe with you, that I trust you."

His eyes widened a small glisen of life shining from them. "You mean that?"

"Of course I do." And I did. All I said was true. I didn't have to worry anymore.

Setting my eyes alight, I said, "Copy my ability and let's go."


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