Chapter 3.1 | Monsters

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Wellston Private Highschool- roof

Sera PoV

I don't want to.

John hurt me in so many ways, he doesn't deserve my help.

Looking over the sobbing ravenette one last time, I turned on my heel and quietly crept towards the door. I was leaving him.

"Let go if her you sick fu*k!", John threatened, his voice booming.

Every muscle in my body froze. Having my back turned to him, I didn't have the guts to even look back at him. What's going on?!

" You're dead."

Huh?! My heart was racing. What will he do to me?! I shuddered and finally turned to face him, I knew the rational choice was to run. But it was a rare moment of thoughtlessness, with logic out of my reach.

I prepared myself for a burning hatred in his eyes. The thought of it still replayed in my mind, even if it wasn't aimed at me. I readied myself to be witness to his intimidating posture and the darkness that lingered around him.

Yet, John wasn't standing tall and threatening. He was still curled up on the floor. Grinding his teeth audibly, he clenched his fists so tightly that they her pure white and shaking.

Tears streamed down his face as he whimpered, his voice cracking as he stared past me into the distance. Does he not see me?

"I should have done something. Anything.", the ravenette cried, " It was all for her. All for her."

Pulling at his hair chaotically, he constantly switched between that and scratching his neck aggressively.

Instinctively, I rushed to his side. I ignored all of my fears and worries, at that moment I didn't care whether pushed me away, ran or attacked me. He needed me. I can't ignore him. No matter what.

Wrapping my arms around him firmly, I held him in a deep embrace. "Shh.", I whispered soothingly, stroking his, raven hair," It's OK. It's Sera. I'm here now."

John was trembling. However, he remained stiff in nature. Not responding to my words. I sighed but continued comforting him.

Suddenly the boy, threw his strong arms around me, pulling me closer. Our heads rested on each others' shoulders. He held me firmly, as if I were to fly away if he let go.

"S-sera, I'm so s-sorry...", John whispered, his voice trailing off as his sharp breaths slowly became longer.

What do I say? He's obviously sorry, but he still hurt me both emotionally and physically.

Escaping his hug, I looked him in the eyes. They were still glazed over and a bit red, while the area around them was puffy and pink. He looked so tired and worn out, it was almost like he had been hit by a van.

"Tell me everything. ", I commanded

John had a weary expression as he looked down to the ground, "No, it's... fine. I c-can handle it..."

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Where stories live. Discover now