Chapter 1 | Peaceful

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Wellston Private Highschool -Infirmary

Sera PoV

In the brightly lit room were eight people, four of which unconscious. The angry Doc sat at his desk, mumbling profanities.

While Remi, bandaged up, sat on a chair in between her red and orange-haired best friends, both bloodied and unconscious, with a solemn look on her face as she stared at the stained tiles that made up the floor.

Next to me stood a tall blonde, Arlo. He calmly sipped his healing tonic, frequently eyeing Elaine. She, like Blyke and Isen, was also unconscious.

I sat on a chair next to a bed in the corner of the room. On that bed was John. The one person I had really trusted. My role-model. My strength. My John. But, as it turns out, our friendship was one-sided, he never trusted me. And that hurt. It hurt like hell.

John had a wide bandage tied around his head which helped stop the dramatic bleeding. Doc had also patched up his other injuries, made by Blyke for the most part.

Once again, I looked at his face, paying attention to all the little details. I noticed dark bags under his closed eyes. Has he had trouble sleeping? I felt a sting of guilt, How could I have not seen it? He had a faint wrinkle in between his relaxed brows. Frown lines? He was always happy with me... My eyes threatened to spill over. There were so many hints. He clearly wasn't OK! I was too blind and absorbed in my own problems to realise.

He was my best friend, I should have pushed matters that concerned me. I was so...naïve.

Through my blurred vision, I could see the ravenette, innocently still...he looked so peaceful. How deceiving.

Breathing deeply, I attempted to calm my nerves. I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and diverted my thoughts to another subject, one that wasn't centred around the midnight-haired liar.

"Arlo.", I turned to the blonde, he looked to me with a questioning look.

"Listen,", I began," I'm really sorry for snapping at you a few days back.", my voice cracked, "Y-you told me the truth and I j-just dismissed it. You were just trying to ask me to help, I should have believed you."

"You had no reason to.", Arlo shrugged, leaning against the wall." All I ever did was try to manipulate you.", guilt streaked his face. I was stunned, he really has changed.

Abruptly, a loud sob escaped my throat. I've been so conceited, my face collapsed into my hands, I couldn't see anything or anyone aside from myself! Not Remi, not John, I never even noticed that Arlo had stopped being an ass!!

I'm so...useless.

John PoV

Shakily, I pulled my eyelids open. My vision was very fuzzy. The light was blinding. Who had the smart idea to put a light directly over a bed?!

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