Chapter 6 | G'night

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Wellston, Boys’ Dormitories 3:43 AM

Blyke PoV

“No, Remi, don’t go yet... We still have so much to do…”, I mumbled in my sleep.


I jolted awake. Sitting upright, I listened out for more noise. I shuddered when I heard a faint grumble, “Ugh.Damn, you.”, it said. Someone is in the dorm!!

My lip quivered as I peered into the blackness of my room. What the hell do I do?! Wait. I have my ability! Right! I slapped my cheeks and crept out of bed. Slowly, I pushed the door to my room open, making sure not to make it creak. 

Tiptoeing into the living room. With my fingers prepared to aim, I squinted, trying to find the intruder. I saw him. He was huddled over the counter of my kitchenette, back turned. Within a moment, I activated my ability and called, “Leave now! I’m warning you!” The man began to turn around, but I still couldn't make out who it was.

“I said, leave!”, I yelled, charging up a few beams.

The figure waved his arms out in front of him and said, “Woah! Relax, it’s just me!!”

“NOT TODAY, SATAN!!!!”, I burst, darting into my Ka-Me pose.

“You better stop right there!”, the man hollered, while two glowing-orange orbs stared back at me.


Immediately, I deactivated my beam and stood there in a cold sweat. All I could do was wait for what John would do to me. To my surprise, the boy just sighed and leaned against the counter, letting his eyes return to their regular colour, “What do you think you’re doing, attacking people in the middle of the night?!”, he exclaimed.

“Well, what are you doing in people’s kitchens in the middle of the night?!”

“Getting food.”, he lifted a half-eaten piece of dry bread.

I crossed my arms, standing like a scolding mother instead,” Tch. Why didn’t you buy something on the way? Where the hell were you?!”

“I just so happened to spend all my money on a fuc*ing taxi!”, he aggressively bit into the bread, “You think I want to eat this stale mess?!”

“True.” I nodded, “But why did you need a taxi?”

“Well, it turns out Pottenham is a long way away.”, He paced over to the sink and dusted off his hands.

“Pottenham!? Why were you all the way over there?!”

Walking past me he said, “It’s a long story which I don’t have time for.”

He walked into his room and shut the door. I scoffed. I guess old John is back for good. I began to return to my room and as I was about to close my door I heard a muffled, “G’night.” from John’s room.

“Night?”, I called back. Weird.

After shutting myself in, I collapsed face first onto my bed. Covering myself in its warmth and coziness. As I was about to drift off into another world, a quiet knock disturbed my peace. What now?!

I stomped over to the noise and swung the fragile door  open again. Once is understandable, but to wake me up twice is unforgivable! I cursed John under my breath.

John stood in the frame and was looking at the floor paneling while stating, “I need to talk to you.”

But a second ago- “Really, you have to talk now? You’re kidding-”

His gaze pierced my soul, “Do I look like I’m joking.”

“C-come on in, buddy.”, I stood aside letting my roommate walk in and take a seat on my chair.

“Look,”, John began, “I wanted to…a-apologize…to you.”


“A while back, you said that you couldn't accept my apology because I didn’t know what I was apologizing for,”, he explained, “Now I do and I’m sorry.”

I leaned back against my door, “Alright, who are you and what have you done to the real John?”

Hey guys! Sorry for a shorter update, but I thought I’d write something more lighthearted for this week

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Hey guys! Sorry for a shorter update, but I thought I’d write something more lighthearted for this week. I hope no one minded.

Anyways, thank you, my wonderful readers, for deciding to spend your precious time reading my story! I’m forever grateful.

Till next time<3  

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