Chapter 9.2| Hero

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Sera PoV

They sat me in a small room with only a bed, sink and curtained toilet. The thick walls were stone or concrete and there was a covering of dust in every crevice. My only exit was a bolted, iron door, which could only be opened with a key card. I didn't have any chance of escape. I lowered my head. If only I had my ability. Seething I huffed and threw my pillow against the floor. If only I could do SOMETHING!!!

The thought of John's defeated look replayed in my mind as I let myself fall back onto the bed. What's going to happen to him now? I hugged myself. And how much time does he have till they break him completely? Our situation was hopeless. There was nothing I could do about it, neither could John. He wouldn't dare disobey them now...We won't get out of here, will we?

Through the silence, I heard a light tap on my door. I ignored it absorbed in my thoughts. However, the tapping reoccured, but, this time, it was louder. I looked up and on the other side of the small glass pane, I saw the taitor; Leilah.

After glaring at her, I burried my face in my hands, turning away from the door. Then, I heard a beep, notifing me that my door had been unlocked. I refused to turn around, but I could hear the door open and closed, followed by the echo of my sister's heels against the tiles.

"Seraphina.", she cooed, "Please listen to me."

I remained facing the wall. The mere thought of seeing her face disgusted me.

"I'm so sorry that you had to be part of all of this.", she continued, stroking my shoulder, " But believe me when I say, I had good intentions."

I scoffed, "Don't all villans?"

"I understand why you would think that.", she said, "But, would a villan give you your ability back and hand you an escape card?"

"Of course. As one of their many, sick games.", I finally turned to face her, making my anger visable.

She was looking down, her bangs shadowing her eyes. One of he hands was behind her while the onther tightened it's grip on my shoulder.

"I thought you'd say something like that.", instantly, she stabbed my imobilized arm with a suringe, ingecting it's contence into my bloodstream. I attempted to jank myself from her grip in fear, managing to do so after a couple of seconds.

Leilah activated her ability and appeared at the enterance to the room. She tosseed me her keycard and said, "I hope that's enough for you to forgive me.", she met my gaze, tears in her shining, green eyes, "Now, go. You can make it before they figure it out."

"Wait, what?", I asked, shocked, "Is this why you pulled me here?"

"I believe I did tell you that we'd be getting your ability back.", she teased despite her tears and disapeared after freezing time-

I felt her freeze time.

I FELT it.

Letting hope linger in me, like it once did, I tried to activate my lost ability. Suddenly, I felt an immense surge of power. My power. My eyes lit up and I watched as my surroundings turned greyer and duller than they already were. Leilah... was all of this really her plan? Can I trust her? But it didn't really matter. My dream had come true, I had my ability again and, this time, I had the upper hand. My enemies didn't know I was a threat, yet. But most importantly, I could now get John and escape that hellhole. They lost their leverage over him!

I walked out of my room, card in hand. With the world around me frozen, I jogged through the building, looking for where they were keeping John.

Cell 14

John PoV

What am I going to do now? I should have left when I could! But Sera, I can't leave her...

But I should stay here, it's the safest for everyone- No! I can't stay here- But it's for the better. Wait, no it's not, is it?

No of course it isn't! But I'm dangerous. I am incapable of being better. When I thought I changed, I eneded up hurting Sera and others.

The images of her bruised face when she called me a monster flooded my mind. Along with the memory of my hand wrapped around her neck as she started to lose consiousness.

It is for the best that they are keeping me in a contained vacinity. I am a failure- I can't even tell whether these are my thoughts or what Keon pumped into my brain!!

I can't control myself.

I burried my fingers in my hair, pulling at it in an effort to punish myself for my actions. I fell against a nearby wall, pressing my cheek against the cold stone. I ripped off my school blazer, and didn't spare the pathetic vest either. But I was still boiling inside, I loosened my tie, scratching the nape of my neck until it bled.

I paused and looked at the crusting blood under my nails. My hands tremmbled, but I couldn't stop staring. I caused so much suffering. I am a threat. To everyone.
I am not capable of being better.

I am dangerous.

I am weak.

It's the safest if they control me.

They should do the thinking for me.

They know what they're doing.

Slowly, I crummbled to the floor, blankly staring athe the other wall. My limbs were numb and motionless. The only sound I could hear was my raspy breath. My mind was empty. I didn't want to think about anything. I just wanted to lay there until I was needed again, tomorrow. I felt a tinnge of panic and a small voice in my head said that it didn't want to see Him again.

It's for the best.

On the other side of one of the walls, I sensed a powerful aura. Time Manipulation. Must be that lilac-haired woman. I heard the door to my cell creak open, as the yellow light blanketed the dull floor. I could just make out the shadow of a figure on the tiles. But I continued to stare at the bare wall. Uninterested.

The powerful figure, suddenly, appeared directly in my line of sight. I recogniseed her instantly. "Sera?", I mumbled, glancing up at the girl.

She looked down at me and crouched down, feeling my neck with her fingers. I looked deep into her scared eyes, remembering how much I care for her. You are safer with them, than you are with me.

 You are safer with them, than you are with me

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