Haloween Special

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Disclaimer: this has nothing to do with unCHANGED . Its a separate story. Also, this is a Vampire AU so, enjoy the spoops.

Bostin Manor, England 1758

Twinkling silently, the stars ware a backdrop to the dazzling moon which lit our path. Her hands were miniature compared to my own, yet they gave off  much craved warmth. Our fingers interlocked tightly, we frolicked through the neatly trimmed shrubbery of the gardens. 

The dusk had been stunning and we reminisced about it until now, midnight. After a couple of hours, the ball failed to maintain our interest so we escaped into the darkness of the night.

Ringing in my ears, the pleasant sound of her sweet giggles echoed in my mind, consuming it. Being at her side was pure bliss. She made me forget about the world and its everyday problems. The time she spent with me felt like a dream and I clung onto it dearly, fearing that I might wake up at any moment. 

"Oh, hurry up!"she teased, speeding in front of me while still holding my hand.

Barely keeping up, I staggered behind her. "Why the rush, darling? We still have the rest of the evening to spare."

Turning her rounded face towards me, she replied with a heartwarming smile. My heart threatened to beat right out of my chest. Swiftly, she snapped her head back to face forward and ran even faster, leaving me to helplessly leap behind her.

As unbelievable as her pace was, especially in a gown like that, she moved with fluid grace, almost like she simply floated above the ground rather than toddling on it. I must have looked like a top-heavy, clumsy disaster compared to her.

She was so beautiful. Like an angel. This evening was a fantasy. As she ran, her glamorous, deep-red gown sailed behind her. As, the elegant tangle atop her head was slowly coming undone, loose strands of hair fluttered in the breeze, creating a storm of mint-green.

As we run further from the manor, the trimmed, decorative bushes grew into tall, un kept trees. The undergrowth became denser and my trousers began catching on the sharp branches of miscellaneous creepers. It was bothersome, yet I knew that I would follow my crimson-eyed treasure anywhere. To the ends of the earth if that's what it took. 

Gradually, the girl halted, gasping heavily. I too, stopped, huffing aggressively. The girl giggled in response, “You can not be that tired!”, she continued raising an eyebrow, “I thought you said you were athletic!”

Leaning on a nearby tree, I chuckled, “I am! That’s why I ‘m so impressed by your f-form.”, I stuttered, realising how that could have sounded.

She smirked, “My form, you say?”, she approached me, her pace was easy and rhythmic like a pulse or heartbeat. With every inch that declined between us, I grew more eager to touch her delicate cheek, dusted with a light rose. I felt her petite hands on my chest. Looking to her intently, I was met by a seductive glance. “How so?”, she inquired, dancing her fingers across my breast. Speechless, I breathed shallowly, unable to utter any form of response.

After a moment of silence, she shifted her expression, making it more innocent and begging. Tilting her head to the right, she pouted and puckered her inviting lips. I leaned in, placing my hand under her chin and kissed her gently. For a moment it felt as if my heart and mind exploded, leaving only a mindless shell, an animal. I yearned for more. I wanted that moment to be stretched infinitely, forever. I wanted us to be eternal.

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