Lets begin with this random ass Junk shall we?

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Before you yell at me, the above video is actually REALLY catchy. Not kidding-


Camile: Are you alright?
Nekora: Alright is a relative term. I may be able to see into others minds, see, feel, and know what they do, but I still feel like -


Red, at the unmasking scene: Why are you doing this?!
Annabelle: When I was younger-


Coraline: Nothing can make me cry.
Red: You hide behind a thin, brittle shell.
Nekora: And you isolate yourself emotionally.
Annabelle: And you hold on tightly to anything that makes sense to you because so little in this world does.
Red: And you feel like you can't let anyone see how you truly feel or they'll think you're weak.
The Reon Army: And you feel like wearing a mask, but at this point you can't tell what's a mask and what's your personality.
Coraline: What the hell, you guys.


Coraline: Annabelle, you're good at hacking and stuff right?
Annabelle: Yeah... why?


Someone: Why do you speak Reonish*?
Annabelle: Funny story actually, I'm from Reon.


Celine: It's been so long that I forgot how well you could smack talk.
Kahoe: Meaning you've probably forgotten how well I can smack in general.


Camile: Why do boys call other boys 'pretty boy' as an insult? That's probably the most flattering thing anyone could ever say to me?? Call me 'pretty boy'. Tell me I'm the prettiest boy you've ever seen.


Cindy: Whatever you're thinking right now, stop it.
Alisia: What?
Cindy: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid to piss me off, so cut it out.

Alisia: You're my best friend and I love you.
Cindy: ... I guess I was wrong -
Alisia: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Cindy: I KNEW IT!


Annabelle, holding a pot and a mug: Tea or coffee?
Nekora: Coffee
Annabelle, filling the mug: Wrong, it's tea


Nekora: Hey Alisia, how'd you get the nickname "Sparrow?"
Alisia: When I was a child I was carefree and lighthearted; not to mention nimble and constantly moving.
Nitsoku: Wrong, it's because when she was seven she slammed into a glass window at full speed and knocked herself out.


Lei: Hey, about that love letter you sent me...
Nekani, nervously: What about it?
Lei: The fourth sentence-
Nekani: Yeah, that's where it gets pretty emotional and-
Lei: You forgot a comma


Blacky: I thought you said there was nothing illegal about this!
Nix: And I thought you understood I was lying!


Nekora: I only feel one emotion and that is anger.
Lailah: Last night you drunk texted us a ton of heart emojis and went on about how much you love us.
Nekora: That was out of anger.


Rosaline: You get 3 wishes. But I have 3 rules first. No wishing the dead back to life. No wishing for love. And no wishing for more wishes.
Nitsoku: I wish spiders could fly.
Rosaline: Okay, now I have 4 rules.


Also if anybody could give me a better name for "Reonish" That would be kindly accepted.
I am fucking lazy

"Dont Half-Ass Two Things, Whole-ass One Thing" [|Random Book 1|]Where stories live. Discover now