"well christ on a stick"

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Be warened
I really wanted to do more Chayos Trio randoms so that's mainly what this is gonna be

Nix: I once stared down at a toaster without getting scared

Nix: I'm pretty much the most hardcore person I know

Loki: it doesn't count if it was off
Nix: hush your mouth

M: you know what i am when im mad
Nix: hot

Loki: *cracks knuckles*


Loki: *rotates wrists and makes cracking sounds*


Loki: *rolls neck and causes cracking*

Loki: *cracks entire being*

Nix: *insults Loki*

Loki: *gasp* That hurt my feelings!

Nix: *scoff* We all know you're dead inside.


Loki: Good point. But still
This is gonna get tough

-Who is the annoying roommate who never does the dishes? Definitely Nix. Loki makes sure they have a dishwasher for this exact reason.
which one stays up so late and keeps everyone up?
Hahahahaha again, that would be Nix.
which one is the mom friend who keeps everyone from burning the house down? Uhhh... I guess it would be M, but she's not a mom friend.

-imagine gaming nights.
They decide to do Mario kart/smash brothers. which one swears? They all swear. All of them. No matter what.
which one always wins? Loki. Loki is the videogame *boss*
which one flings their whole body around and hurts themselves? ...none of them.
does it end in a physical fight? No, that would break the couch

-imagine pizza nights.
what do they order? Loki cannot *stand* pizza so she always gets chicken Alfredo, while M and Nix split a pepperoni pizza
who pays?
who steals the last slice and who fights them for it? Nobody, cause they learn to split it 50/50

- imagine your squad going to Denny's at 3am and filling up a booth and being so loud and crazy that they get kicked out.
which one is asleep the whole time? Nix, strangely enough.
which one orders more pancakes than a human being should ever eat? Loki.

-imagine them deciding to have a sleepover in the middle of the living room. imagine them all pulling out sleeping bags and flashlights and staying up until 5am.
which one tries to get everyone to stop talking at a reasonable hour because they're so tired? M. M needs more sleep than the other 2
who starts a game of "truth or dare"? Nix
how does it end? Loki breaks something
about what time do the dirty secrets start coming out? They stopped that, there are no more dirty secrets to tell lmao
who is wearing the crazy pajamas? M. Definitely M.
who snores so loud nobody can sleep? Nix.
who brings the epic snacks? Loki
who starts the pranks? Loki
is there blanket sharing? Yes, they all just 'cuddle with the homies'

-imagine a rainy day. they decide to play board games.
who rocks at which game? (scrabble/risk/chess/connect-four) fuck scrabble, Loki is the risk *GOD* M has *never* lost at connect four or chess.

-imagine one of them gets the horrible idea to play monopoly.
who owns the board? Loki.
who is always in debt? Nix, she's a strange spender. And Loki owns the board
who spends the whole game in jail? M.
who flips the board? M, she just wants to play.
who tries to kill whom in the fight that is guaranteed to ensue? Loki tries to kill M. Loki was *winning*

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