"Happy gay month"

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Aaa before we say happy pride month
I feel like pride month is just an excuse to go from gay to gay²
And I love it

Nitsoku: Shh, here comes Alisia!

Owynn: Quick, Camile, start talking about boring nerd stuff!

Camile: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist.

Owynn: Yes, that's perfect. Just like that.

Loki: You guys don't stand a chance with us around!

Nix: We're gonna yeet you all back to yesterday!


Camile: Dude, you have got to stop drinking Bang before class.

(After an argument)

Owyyn: Camile, do you think I've been a dick to everybody?


Owynn: I need you to answer me babe, please. Please tell me I'm a good person. Please, deep down, just tell me I'm a good person.
Camile: [slowly turns their head to face Owynn]

Camile: Bitch.
Camile: You have been so fuckin rude. To everyone. All the time.


Red: [walks into the kitchen]

Coraline: [is wearing gloves and googles and welding a sandwich together]

Red: I love you.
Nix: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

M: No, I said "Nix don't lick the swing set"  and you said  "Don't tell me what to do M". And then you licked the swing set.

Camile: Nekora is okay.

Owynn: She's okay? She said she was going to break my legs. And don't tell me she didn't mean it, okay? 'Cause she gave me the dead mackerel eyes. She meant it!
Camile: Owynn, Nekora's threatened me. She's threatened Annabelle. She probably threatened someone before breakfast this morning. It's what she does. Come on. Grow a pair!


Eleanor: I have faith in you.
Nix, very confused: Why?

Nekora joined the group
Nekora renamed the group "I will break your kneecaps 🖕🖕"
Nekora added Owynn, Nix, M, and Alisia
Camile: Just cause I'm dating him doesn't mean you can threaten him every chance you get
Nekora, rolling up some rope: What was that bro? I'm packing up some rope to deal with your boyfriend
Camille: Just cause I'm dating doesn't mean you can kill him you don't need to be so protective of me

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