Itsa bech

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If you know this song I am sorry for you

Richie: *giggles* Im So DrUnK lol-
Hannah: *takes a sip of Richie's drink*
Hannah: Wtf
Hannah: Richie this is sparkling cider
Sally: I hate you!
Richie: I hate me too
Sally: Richie, we talked about this
Now to oc randoms
Dani: at least my dad isn't being cheated on!
Sylvia: At least my dad didn't get with 3 different women, and then fight my other parent for custody!
Dani: I-
*Sylvia is Blacky's child*
Naiomi: *stubs her toe* OW MOTH FUCKER
Chris: Nai! Language!
Naiomi: Hey! You never correct Jay when he says it!
Chris: Jay.. Doesn't say that. We all know what Jay says and we ignore it
Kiku: Let's rob a bank!
Willow: let's... Not rob a bank
Ani: Why would you give Angelica a knife?!
Blacky: She felt unsafe, so I gave her a knife!
Ani: Well now I feel unsafe
Blacky: I'm sorry..
Blacky: ...would you like a knife?
Jay: Here Kiku, nice hot cup of tea
Kiku: this is cold
Jay: nice cup of tea
Kiku: *takes a sip* its horrible
Jay: cup of tea
Kiku: I doubt this is even tea
Jay: Cup.
Dani: if you had a shot for each bad decision you made, how drunk would you be?
Julia: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Chris: Drunk
Naiomi: Wasted
Kiku: Dead.
Ani: What do you have?!
Sylvia: a knife!
Blacky: okay, have fu..
Ani: NO!
Willow: Hello people who do not live here
Jay: hello
Kiku: hey!
Willow: I gave you that key for emergencies
Kiku: we were out of jellybeans
Nix: you don't think I can fight cause I'm a girl!
Ghost: I don't think you can fight cause your in a wedding dress. I don't think even Nekora could fight in a wedding dress.
Nekora: Good, cause I will never wear one!

BTW Ani and Angelica are Galactical- 's characters not mine

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