Mother fucc-

11 1 0

Ugg I'm so fuccin sick

But I need to update my shiz so here wez go
And no my IRL name isn't Nekori

And yes all these things actually happened-
Noah: Aly and the other girl told me to ask you out
Nekori (aka me bish): What?
Noah: The two girls told me to ask you out
Nekori: wait what *is dying of laughter and pan panic*
Noah: Yeah- I think they're trying to play matchmaker
Aly: *playing basketball*
Nekori: Aly, are you and Alisa trying to play matchmaker??
Aly: Yes
Mr. Pete (my social worker): The court ordered that communication be monitored. You have to give up the MiFi and the debit card
Nekori: No. I refuse
-next visit-
Nekori: I had to give it up. Mr. Pete said that the court ordered it.
Grandma: You went to court?
Nekori: No??
Grandma: Well court never ordered that. Mr Pete is lying.
Mr. Pete: The department wants communication to be monitored.
-after the visit-
Mr. Pete: There are three rules for calls. You must be on speakerphone, only 15 minutes at a time, and the conversation must be positive.
Nekori: *internal panic* um okay I guess that will work...
-after the next visit-
FM: We want you to only talk to your Mom and dad over the phone. I think the conversation between you and your cousin was a little rude.
Nekori: NO! I can't! I don't want to talk to that woman, and I see dad twice a week!
Nekori: Uggg I feel like I'm dyingg-
Nikki: I can set up the mats and you can take a nap on them on the turf
Nekori: Yes please-
(It. Was. So. Comfy)
Noah: Truth or dare
Nekori: Truth
Noah: What is everything the girls told/asked you?
Nekori: Well, they asked me if I liked you
Noah: They asked me that too- I lied and said no
Nekori: Wait, what?
Noah: I like you as a friend
Nekori: *introverted panicc*

(This was 4 months ago)

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