High school confessions

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Camile: I was in English honors for 10th grade. You wanna know something? Smart kids cheat. All of them. You really think they read a tale of two cities? No! They read spark notes. That's what makes them so smart. I still have no clue what that book is about! One time we had to read this book set in the holocaust, I don't like the holocaust because thinking about it gives me a stomach ache. One night I thought I'd at least read a part of it.
I had no idea where we were at in the book, I just skimmed till I found something that looked interesting and read till the end of the chapter.
The next day in class we had a discussion on it. Discussions, if you participated, raised your grade. So we had a discussion on the section I read and I was the only one who participated.
Later on the teacher told me that he thinks I was the only one who read the book from our discussions. Because usually I would make guesses on stuff just so I could participate. Otherwise my grade would suffer. 

Loki: One time in math class I was completely asleep and not paying attention at all, my teacher wakes me up and forces me to do math. The question he's making us doing looks really hard so, this is our conversation
Me: but A is so easy B looks hard, let's do B. (Secretly thinking B looks easier.)
Teacher: if A is so easy what's the answer?
Me:(fuck...) 5! (Straight up yelled the first number off the top of my head.)
Teacher: that is correct.
Every other kid in class: SHE GUESSED!
I did guess... But I am a REALLY good guesser.


Nix is always getting 1-hour after school detentions for stupid little stuff like late assignments or being late for class.  M has a crush on Nix and wants an excuse to spend more time around them so they attempt to do something small that will get them into detention, but their punishment ends up being something worse like an out-of-school suspension.
"Holy fucking shit. Why the fuck did we fill the teachers lounge with 300 balloons??"
"The question is why did we get OSS for it??"


Nix do you want a tarot reading
Loki: those are pokemon cards
Nix you get a magikarp
Nix:that means you fucked up
M: fuck off dude I can do better
M: my tarot cards are the best
M: let's see what u get
M: you got "I drink to forget sexual tension"
Camile: pffft- accurate
Blacky: that's true
Blacky: last time we were hanging out and we bumped into Owynn and this idiot right here turned 50 shades of pink and demanded me to get him a mocha frappe
Blacky: he inhaled the entire thing in 19.43 seconds while mumbling about them
Blacky: $6.50 cash flushed down the drain in 19.43 seconds
Blacky: you owe me $6.50 dumb head
Blacky: but speaking of tarot cards-
Loki: oh god please don't
Blacky, pulling out a bunch of cards: I've got my own too
Loki: dude, those are price tags taped onto random business cards
Blacky: you got 1000
Blacky: pay up bitch
Camile: ooo tarot cards
Loki: fucking hell
Camile: here's mine
Loki: please don't tell me you printed out character cards
Camile: would ya look at that you got this guy
Camile: I always knew you had a thing for these type of dudes
Loki: oh my fucking g-
M: holy shit these things are accurate

Nekora : Well that was fun!
Loki : - shivering -
Nekora : You okay?
Loki : I've seen a monster...
Nekora: You mean the werewolf?


Eleanor: it was a momentary pleasure, I owe you a dollar
Coraline: that sounds kinda wrong
Red: it sounds like prostitution
Coraline: I just bought Eleanor a drink at the pop machine

Blacky: What's the easiest way to make money?
M: Prostitution.
Loki: Sell drugs.
Nix: Sell your kidneys to the black market.
Blacky: ...OK what's the easiest LEGAL way to make money?


Eleanor: Do you guys ever get tired of drinking... soda?
Loki: *takes a swig of Cola*
Loki: Nope. My blood is a mix of Cola, energy drinks, coffee, and the blood of my enemy.
Camile: I didn't know you had the same blood type as Nekora.
Nekora, yelling from 5 feet away: *IM NOT HUMAN I DONT HAVE A BLOOD TYPE*

you made it this far, good
I have no cookie this time

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