"you can buy formaldehyde on amazon"

18 1 4

True fact btw! ^^
Nekora, laughing her ass off: How many variations of femboy hooters are there?!? But seriously! There's tomboy outback, goth IHOP, yandere pizza hut, milf Denny's, and ara ara arbys...
Nekora, looking somthing up on her phone: Wait no not yandere pizza hut its pizza thot
Nitsoku: Congrats Nekora, you’ve made it on the “quotes I’m decorating my shack with” list
(Based off an actual conversation)
Camile; Please explain to me why do we only have FOUR soft blankets in this GODSFORSAKEN HOUSE like who the FUCK needs this many scratchy blankets
Loki: Got an idea, put the soft blanket on the bottom and stack
Camile: I wish I could but my SISTER stole my SOFT BLANKET. And why are the best blankets blue??
Throughout the years, the softest most warm blankets were always the blue ones. Like wtf red should be able to be soft too but no, just the blue ones get soft
Alisia: Ugg my stomach growled so loud in French
Alisa, 5 minutes later: I would like to clarify, it growled in French class, my stomach cannot speak
Nistoku: Bonjour
Nitsoku: Le growl
Nitsoku: Hon hon hon feed me a baguette
Alisia: Shut the fuck up before you get punched the fuck up.
Nekora, pissed off about a group project: GODDAMNIT y'know, Julius Ceasers assassination was the last time everyone did their part in a group project .
Lexi: Apart from the fact there were 60 people who agreed to stab him but there were only 23 stab wounds
Alexis: Seems about right
Nix: Maybe the real treasure was this gun you found along the way
Owynn: I feel like opinions on abortion are like nipples. Everyone has them, but women's are a little more relevant
Camile: But all you ever see are men's
Nekora: *does a spit-take*
Cindy-Ray: The only thing I am fucking is stupid and the only thing that is fucking me is life

Blacky, in a skeletor voice : prepare for skELETON WAR!!


Richie: people are like balloons, if you stab them, they die.


Layne: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?

Lucian: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated

Niratap: smad

Layne: there are two types of people

Nekora: ok how do you politely tell someone you want to hit them with a brick?

Camile: One wishes to acquaint your facial features with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.

Owynn: that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard

Nekora: 'Women aren't as strong as men'. Well, I'm strong enough to carry your corpse into the woods.

Lexi: What's it called when you kill a friend?

Alexis: Murder?

Lexi: Homiecide


Nekora: "Wow those tattoos are pretty permanent you know" so are those 3 kids, CRISTI


M: When do you feel most beautiful?

Nix: When a dog pulls on his leash on the sidewalk because he wants to come say hi to me

"Dont Half-Ass Two Things, Whole-ass One Thing" [|Random Book 1|]Where stories live. Discover now