"Danielle, *no*"

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Aaa so I decided that I must use the next gen so here we are
Julia: I hate you!
Dani: I hate me too
Julia, now concerned: Danielle, no
Sylvia: Shower thoughts; If 666 is evil, than 25.8069758011 is the root of all evil
Jay, mildly confused: Do you have a calculator in your shower???
Chris: You can add "and dragons" to any title and it will become 900% better
Jay: Dungeons and dragons and dragons
Chris: That's TWICE the dragons you literally cannot go wrong here
Willow: A necromancer is just a really late healer
Naiomi, being dramatic: Your too late doc.. He's... He's already dead
Dani, also being dramatic: *cracks her knuckles* I didn't get my doctors license revoked for nothing
Willow: Deep thoughts.
Dani: add "for legal reasons" to any sentence, it will make it 100x more interesting
Willow: My moms a detective, for legal reasons
Jay: I don't know my mom, for legal reasons
Dani: ... You guys made it dark, stop that
Chris: I'm a twin, for legal reasons
Julia: Why do you have so many piercings?
Willow: Why do you have so many exes?
Nekora: My wife just said "Don't join the military"
Nekora: Little does she know I've been leader of the Reonin army since I was 25
Naiomi: FUCK!
Layla: Language!
Naiomi: You don't tell Sylvia to mind her language
Layla: Sylvia swears almost every ten minutes, I would sound like a broken record
Naiomi, in the hospital bed: Tell mama Lailah I love her, and tell Mama Nekora she owes me 50$
Dani: What about your sister?
Naiomi: Uh... Tell her I love her too?
Maeve: You bet Naiomi 50$ that she wouldn't try the skate course?
Nekora: ...I didn't think she would actually do it
Lailah: oh god my wife is a dumbass
Ivy(5): Aunt Loki why don't you have a husband?
Loki: I don't date men
Ivy(5): Why don't you have a wife?
Loki: Cause I'm hopeless.
Owynn(20): Hey fucknut guess what?
Nekora(21): What?
Owynn, with a big smile on his face (20): I'm engaged to your brother.
Nekora (21): Not for long.
Owynn(25): Could I... Please hold my child??
Nekora, holding the newborn Ivy(26): No. This is my niece. I love my niece.
Owynn(25): My child. Now.
Nekora(26): Yes. You are worthy enough to hold the child now. You have done good. You are now okay in my eyes
(Oh my Nekora, you overprotective person)
Ivy(7): *accidentally let's her balloon go*
Camile: *let's it fly away but gets her 5 more*
Willow(6): *accidentally lets go of her balloon*
Annabelle: *let's it fly away* Tough luck kiddo.
Naiomi(8): *accidentally lets her balloon go*
Nekora: *grabs the balloon, gives it back* Here you go baby girl
Nekora: We almost always have someone else's kid over. Either they need to be away from home or they just wanna see us
Nekora: I've given at least 7 kids keys to my place. A bunch of them call me mom. I would willingly adopt those kids.
Nekora: Did I give birth to them? No. I care about them as if I had. I have taught them to cook, clean, pay taxes, and be respective members of society.
Nekora: How can I do all that, but some people can't even love their kids??
Naiomi, pointing to Chris, Jay, Layla, Dani, and Sylvia: could you take all of them?
Kiku: of course!
Kiku: ...wait, you mean in a fight?

Dani: That feeling when your personal demon turns on all the lights in your room at night while you're trying to sleep 🙄🤔😑😪

Willow: .... I'm a little concerned about why you have a personal demon but I'm mostly concerned about how you used emojis in a verbal conversation.

Dani: Kiku, are you drunk?

Kiku: Only on friendship!!!

Kiku: And vodka. And gin. And bourbon. And vodka.

Chris: You have a dinner date for seven pm. What time do you arrive?

Willow: Seven. Am. Case the restaurant. Run background checks on the staff. Can the cook be trusted? If not I gotta kill him. Dispose of the body. Replace him with my own guy no later than 4:30.
Dani: There's a keyboard but it doesn't work!! What's the point?! ... oh, wait. Nevermind. Didn't turn it on.


Naiomi: *on the phone* Tell then I'm thriving, I only cry once a day!


Chris: *about another roommate* Straight up, if we killed the bitch, no one would care. Plus, we could have more shelf space. No consequences.


Jay: *at the planetarium* Woah, woah! Don't touch me! I need my... space! *proceeds to laugh at own joke for 45 minutes*

Naiomi: I'm now going to demonstrate the magic trick of hiding under my covers until life stops being mean to me.


Willow: When mom comes in for room check, I want everyone to stand on this table and chant "Spaghetti!" It won't do anything, I just think it would be memorable.


Lorraine: Get hungover on a Saturday morning? We judge you. Get hungover on a Sunday morning? The Lord God judges you, amen.


Jay: There's a bee in here and I'm just really concerned. We're in the basement. There's no windows. How is it here?! Is it okay?!


Layla: Where do girls get off on being so pretty? Like sure, they're pretty back home. But here? Flawless. I'm fucking pissed about it.


Lorraine: Interview with (Professor) went badly because he asked what I was talented at or liked to do and I couldn't think of a single thing besides vine compilations.


Kiku: Why is there only one laundry machine in this god forsaken Petrie dish of a dormatory?!


Also Kiku: *gesturing to vaccuum cleaner* We're going to call him Mr. Sucky and thank him for his service.


Dani: Unfortunately, the window is not high enough to fall from and die instead of being in this conversation. I checked.


Julia: I need this many clothes because I'm attempting to impersonate every one in this university at one point or another. Please let me in, TSA.


Chris: Ah, yes. Humanities. Or as I like to call it, "Humans Fucked Up Before Us Too"!

Lailah and Maeve belong to XxPotatoKweenxX

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