aw fuck

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I have been listening to that all day
Ghost; What's wrong with me..?
Four-Eyes; You live in a cemetery, your bed is made out of a coffin, your best friend is a ghost, you refuse to use your real name so everyone calls you ghost, you hang out with me, you eat apple slices with ketchup on them, your blood is pineapple juice...
Ghost: I wanted a pep talk you ass
Ghost: Woah... She's so hot..
Annabelle: She's taken. And straight.
Camile: *sigh* all the guys here are straight
Loki: Yeah.. Its a fucking shame... They won't stop flirting with me.
Nekora: You two are... Chaotic children.
Red: Coraline! Is that a weed?
Coraline: Uh.. Its a crayon
Red: Damnit. I was about to ask for a blunt
Coraline: oh, I have those too.
Nitsoku: This is dumb people, with me, your host, Nitsoku. Let's find our first dumbass
Alisia: *walks by*
Nitsoku: Hello there! You are the first dumb person here. Introduce yourself
Alisia: Bitch I'm your sister so that means if I'm a dumbass then you are
Nitsoku: Didn't mom cheat on dad to have you
Alisia: then you would still be half dumbass
Blacky: I thought you said this was legal!
Nix: I thought you knew I was lying!
Nix: Wanna make a bonfire?
Blacky: Im not hiding any fucking bodies Nix.

[Nekora, playing video games in a room with Loki, Camile, and Lailah]

Karl: I need all of you to be straight with me.
Nekora: That’s gonna be extremely hard for everyone here, dad.


Loki: that sweater looks awful on you

Camile: im rereading the texts you sent me

Loki: what

Camile: im searching and scanning for answers in every line

Loki: what are you doing

Camile: for some kind of sign

Camile: of where i asked for your fucking opinion

Nekora: Dad, meet Lailah, my new girlfriend!

Lailah: Nice to meet you Mr. Misheart!

Karl: You could have found someone better

Nekora: Dad! Don’t be rude!
Karl: I wasn’t talking to you

Alisia: Can you at least try to see things from my perspective?

Camile: *crouches down*

Nitsoku:*kneels down*
Nekora: *sits down*


Alisia: I fucking hate you guys


Blacky: I need you to swear-

Nix: FUCK.



Blacky: I need you to promise-
This took two fucking weeks wtf

"Dont Half-Ass Two Things, Whole-ass One Thing" [|Random Book 1|]Where stories live. Discover now