"well thats... good??"

14 2 0

Anastasia: *cutting onions* dammit, why can't we genetically modify these onions so I don't have to cry?
Annabelle: Yeah, why can't I genetically modify myself so I don't cry?
Anastasia: A-are you okay?
Annabelle: *tearing up* no.


Camile: 7 hours of sleep and small breakfast, or 4 hours of sleep and big breakfast!

Loki: 3 hours of sleep and no breakfast?

Camile: Nope, 3 hours of sleep and LARGE breakfast!!

Loki: No sleep no breakfast!!

Camile: N O!!

Loki: No Game No Life? More like No Sleep No Breakfast!! >:)

Nekora: You two seem kind of out of it today. What did you eat for breakfast?

Camile: Don't be silly, what I ate this morning has nothing to do with my current state.

Nekora: Loki, what was your breakfast?

Loki: skittles cereal.

Nekora: Oh god, you see! That's what I mean, I didn't even know skittles made a cereal!
Loki: They don't, it's just skittles in a bowl with milk.

Four-Eyes: God bless pornhub.
Coraline Never say God and pornhub in the same sentence ever again.

Bluu: Westly, you're my best friend.

Westley: Aaww! Dude, I'm your only friend.

Nix, bad at flirting: I really like your name

M, equally as bad at flirting: Thanks, I got it for my birthday
Red: *starts a fucking civil war*
Coraline: *holding a camera* You're doing great sweetie! Love you!

Owynn, the usually rowdy and mean one: ha! you'll never beat us!

Camile, the small and cute one: YEAH FUCKHEAD

Owynn: *visibly shaken* hey woah, you're going a little bit overboard 

Camile: *grinning manically* EAT SHIT AND DIE

Camile: i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing.

Camile: *looks to Owynn, the usually chaotic one, napping on his shoulder*

Camile, smiling: but i know i'm doing it really, really well

Westley: *talking to Bluu* Well hello there, you're looking very

Westley: *seductively takes of glasses*
Westley: Blurry.

Westley: Look pal, I don't know who the HELL you think you are, but if you're the asshole stealing goldfish from my locker every day, then we're about to have a SERIOUS problem."

Anastasia: I don't CARE if you're captain of the swim team, if you put one more rescued snail in my locker 'bEcAUsE iT wAs LoNeLY,' I swear I'll dump my ten-pound collection of glitter into your pool.

"Dont Half-Ass Two Things, Whole-ass One Thing" [|Random Book 1|]Where stories live. Discover now