Chapter 3

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The sunlight hit the mansion and lit up the room. The young Mizusawa only groaned as the sun rays were hitting directly in her eyes. Matsuri groaned a bit and opened her eyes. She yawned and rubbed her eyes blinking a few times so her eyes adjusted to the light's morning already? Fuck...I'm so tired
Matsuri stayed in bed and buried her face on the pillows. She blushed deeply as she sniffed both her mate's scent
It smells great...fuck...I hate to admit it but...I enjoy their company. I hate having a dorm...I only wanted one because I wanted some space but now...I just wish they'd be here with me
"Morning baby" Mei said as she ruffled her hair. Matsuri blushed and looked up giggling a bit
"Morning Mei" Matsuri said and sat up. Mei leaned in and kissed her softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and kissed her back. Mei pulled away then kissed her nose softly
"Let's go downstairs. Mitsuko made us pancakes for breakfast" Mei said
"Oooh pancakes!" Matsuri said and got out of bed going to the bathroom. After that Matsuri came out running but stopped
Wait a minute! My clothes!
"Aren't you coming down?" Mei asked
"I'm putting clothes on" Matsuri said and stepped back inside the room
"You don't have to put clothes on" Mei said
"If I don't then you two will come after my ass" Matsuri said and grabbed some clothes from the drawer
"There is nothing wrong with that. Besides you're in heat" Mei said
"Y-yeah I know..." Matsuri said as she blushed deeply and tried putting her clothes on but Mei grabbed her
"E-eh? What are you doing?" Matsuri asked as she blushed
"You're coming with me" Mei said and carried her
"E-eh?! Hey! Put me down!" Matsuri said as she squirmed
"H-hey don't move around! I'm going to drop you!" Mei said as she tried to keep holding Matsuri. Matsuri sighed and allowed Mei to carry her bridal style
"We're here" Mei said
"What the he was all that yelling?" Mitsuko asked as she put down the plates on the table
"Pancakes!" Matsuri said and got out of Mei's arms going to the table then sat down. Mitsuko leaned in kissing her head softly
"Morning" Mitsuko said
"Morning senpai" Matsuri said and leaned in stealing a kiss from her. Mitsuko blushed deeply and smiled softly
"Mei-san mind passing the syrup please?" Matsuri asked
"Of course baby" Mei said and walked to the fridge getting the syrup then went back to the table
"I'll be pouring the syrup" Mitsuko said snatching the syrup bottle from Mei
"Eh? Why?" Matsuri asked
"You always pour a lot a syrup on your pancakes" Mitsuko said
"No I don't" Matsuri said
"You fill your whole plate with syrup. I'm surprised you don't have any cavities yet" Mitsuko said and began pouring syrup on her pancakes
"But I love to eat sweets" Matsuri said
"You'll get to eat more sweets later" Mitsuko said and kissed her ear. Matsuri blushed deeply and trembled a bit
"You can eat your sweets now if you want~" Mei said as she wrapped her arms around her neck from behind. Matsuri jumped a bit and blushed deeply knowing what they were talking about
I really need to take a short break from all this sex stuff...
"L-later. Let's just eat and then W-we can gave fun" Matsuri said
"Alright" Mei said pulling away and went to her seat. The three mates began to eat their pancakes
"Hey what about my work and lessons?" Matsuri asked
"We'll be picking up your homework and notes from the University" Mitsuko said
"Why not me?" Matsuri asked
"You're in heat and we won't let that incident happen again..." Mei said as she growled
"I-I know that but I can just call my friend to bring my work and all the notes" Matsuri said
"You're staying here. You may be an Alpha but your heat isn't. Your heat can drive any Alpha mad so it's best if you stay here. You're ours" Mitsuko said and took a bit of her pancake
"He didn't do anything wrong or well...I mean he kinda did but he couldn't control himself" Matsuri said
"We won't go so easy on him next time we meet up with him. He's lucky that he is still alive...but I'm not sure if he'll ever walk again" Mitsuko said
"Just talking about him makes me sick..." Mei said letting out a low growl. Matsuri looked down feeling bad and ate her pancake
"I really need to apologize to him..." Matsuri mumbled. Both Mitsuko and Mei flinched and put their fork down
"What the hell did you just say?" Mitsuko asked as she glared at her
"N-nothing" Matsuri said
"I'm pretty sure you mentioned something about him..." Mei said as she glared at her as well. Matsuri felt her heart race and gulped
Shit...I think I fucked up
The three mates enjoyed being together and they're always happy together but there was a little small problem. Mitsuko and Mei...get crazy jealous whenever Matsuri is with others or thinking about someone else.
"Matsuri...have you forgotten about our rules?" Mitsuko asked with a stern tone and give her a glare
"O-of course not. I remember the rules" Matsuri said
Oh fuck...I am so fucking dead. Please let me live after this...
"We thought we've settled this..." Mei said and glared at her. Matsuri only trembled even more feeling scared and nervous looks like I'm dead at this point
"I-I swear I wasn't thinking about anyone else" Matsuri said as she shook her hands and smiled nervously.
"You sure?" Mei asked raising an eyebrow
"O-of course. My mind only thinks about you two. Th-that's all" Matsuri said and laughed nervously
Hopefully I can escape from them...
Mitsuko and Mei looked at each other and back at their little mate
" know we love you" Mitsuko said and stood up from her seat
"Y-yeah" Matsuri said
"But you know we hate it when your mind starts thinking about someone else...especially other Alphas or anyone else other than us" Mei said and stood up from her seat as well
"We've been together for a month. I thought we explained everything clearly the first day" Mitsuko said
"It seems you need to be taught another lesson" Mei said
"Y-yes I know but before you do anything...let me just say this please" Matsuri paused and took a deep breath before running away
"Hey!" Mei exclaimed
"Come back here!" Mitsuko exclaimed
"Hell no! If you want me then come and get me!" Matsuri said as she ran upstairs
"Don't you dare run away from us!" Mitsuko said
"Get you ass back here!" Mei said. Matsuri only went in the room and trembled
Shit! Sex beasts are after me!

"Nooo! I'm going to be late!" The young woman said as she ran out the house. She stopped seeing a car and looked surprised
"H-hana?!" She exclaimed
"Hey Nene. I decided to stop by since I knew you'd be late" Hana said as she smiled softly. Nene only sighed in relief and went to the car
"Thank you!" Nene said and Hana opened the car door for her
"You're welcome" Hana said. Nene stepped inside the car and Hana got inside the car. Hana drove away with Nene heading to her college
"How did you know?" Nene asked
"Well I mean you stayed up late studying at my place and so I had a feeling you were going to wske up late" Hana said
"Heh yeah but thank you so much for driving me to college" Nene said
"No problem" Hana said and giggled softly. Nene only blushed and smiled softly
"So...have you seen Matsuri-chan?" Nene asked
"Oh a few times but she is busy with the University she's in" Hana said
"I guess that University keeps her busy right?" Nene said
"Yes. Alpha's University isn't like any other college or university. They treat all their students like Alphas and if you're late or joke around they will kick you out immediately" Hana said
"I don't get why Matsuri-chan wanted to join the University. She could've tried getting in some college or University that takes it easy on their students but I guess it's what she wanted" Nene said
"And how are you doing with your classes? Hana asked
"O-oh I'm doing just fine" Nene said a little nervous
"Have you been catching up with your work?" Hana asked
"Well I mean I am behind a little but it's fine. I can still finish my work" Nene said
"Well if you ever need anything you can always talk to me and ask for help" Hana said as she gave her a warm smile. Nene looked at her and smiled softly
"Hehe okay. Thanks for helping me" Nene said
"Like I said. It's no problem. I love helping out" Hana said. They arrived at the college and Nene stepped out of the car holding her bag
"A-anyways thank you so much Hana for the ride" Nene said
"You're welcome. Have a good day" Hana said and left. Nene sighed softly and walked to her college
Ugh....I should've turned on my alarms
"Hey Nene!" Nitski said and wrapped an arm around her neck
"Ah! N-nitski!" Nene exclaimed
"How's your morning been?" Nitski asked
"I-it's going great" Nene said
"Hm? Don't tell me you woke up late again?" Nitski asked
"Wh-what? How did you know?" Nene asked
"Well Hana's car was up here so I guess she picked you up" Nitski said
"Y-yeah" Nene said
"Oh right! Before I forget do you have any plans this weekend?" Nitski asked
"Hm? I don't think so. Why you ask?" Nene asked
"I plan on meeting up with the whole group and you know we can all hang out together" Nitski said
"HaruYuzu!" Nene exclaimed
"Bitch don't start fantasizing!" Nitski said
"Hehehe my beloved HaruYuzu. I can't wait to see them" Nene said and began to nosebleed
"Damnit...I have no tissues idiot" Nitski said
"That's alright" Nene said and giggled softly as she kept fantasizing about her HaruYuzu. Nitski only pulled away from her and sighed
"Let's hurry up and get you cleaned up before your class starts" Nitski said
"Hehe okay" Nene said and began to mumble her HaruYuzu fantasies
Ahhhh I can't wait to see them!
"Bitch stop fantasizing or else you'll lose more blood" Nitski said as she dragged Nene to the bathrooms. Nene kept mumbling while Nitski tried to clean Nene's nose up
"This is bullshit. I should've brought tissues" Nitski said and finished cleaning Nene up
"Oh thank you Nitski" Nene said and smiled softly
"Hahaha...your welcome but stop fantasizing. You'll just keep bleeding" Nitski said
"Ah sorry about that but I can't help it. Once HaruYuzu is on my mind I start fantasizing" Nene said and giggled softly
"Hm? What do you usually fantasize about them?" Nitski asked
"Eh? Oh I imagine them holding and kissing each other with love. I just love them so much! I'm so happy for them! Kyaaaaa!" Nene exclaimed and fainted as she started nosebleeding again. Nitski only looked at her and started to gently kick her head
"Hey? You awake fangirl?" Nitski asked and kneeled down
Is she dead? Did she finally die from bloodloss?
"You're going to be late for class" Nitski said
"Ah! R-right!" Nene said as she stood back up
"Hey before you go let's clean you up...again" Nitski groaned as she grabbed Nene pulling her to the sink
"O-oh sorry" Nene said and laughed nervously
"Whatever I guess this time it was my fault for asking you" Nitski said
"Hehehe" Nene giggled. Nitski finished cleaning Nene and sighed
"Alright let's get to class because it's about to start in a minute" Nitski said
"Oh no! I'm going to be late and Hana will kill me!" Nene exclaimed as she started running out the bathroom. Nitski only stood there and started laughing
"Since when did those two get close...could it be? That they like each other?" Nitski asked

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