Chapter 36

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"Awww don't be so mean to be Hojo" Alyssa giggled
"What are you doing here?" Hojo asked
"I just came by to see how the little boy is doing" Alyssa giggled
"Little boy?" Hojo asked raising an eyebrow
" have you been?" Alyssa asked
"Shut the hell up and leave me alone" Hojo growled
"Aww is the little baby boy upset?" Alyssa asked
"Shut up you whore!" Hojo said
"Daddy touching you again?" Alyssa asked. Hojo's eyes widen and looked at her
"H-how?" Hojo asked as his voice trembled
"Taruto told me your little secret" Alyssa asked
"That bastard..." Hojo growled
I'm going to kill him for sure! I'll kill him! I'll tear off his body into pieces!
"So your father raped you? Haha! That's messed up..." Alyssa said
"Don't start talking about it..." Hojo said as he looked down
"Did it feel good?" Alyssa asked
"Shut up" Hojo said
"Was it big?" Alyssa asked
"SHUT UP!" Hojo exclaimed and punched Alyssa across her face knocking her down
"H-hahaha...damn Hojo. You know how to punch" Alyssa said and licked her lips
"Leave me alone you slutty bitch" Hojo growled
"Okay I'll go" Alyssa said and touched her cheek
Damn he is so strong...
"Wait...actually..." Hojo said and looked down
Can't believe I'm going to say this...
"Hm? Yes?" Alyssa asked as she smirked
"...were you the one who hurt Soha?" Hojo asked
"Oh you're talking about that night?" Alyssa asked
"Were you the one...who did it?" Hojo asked
"Maybe or maybe not" Alyssa said as she smiled
"Tell me!" Hojo exclaimed as he grabbed her
"Soha was drunk you idiot. Yes I was there but I didn't plan anything or wanted anything from her. On the other hand...Jinah wanted something. So she took advantage over her and decided to have some fun. Hehe it was really fun to watch them" Alyssa said as she giggled. Hojo gritted his teeth and lossened his grip
"Thank you" Alyssa said and fixed her shirt
"Bitch" Hojo said
"Is there something else you want to ask me?" Alyssa asked
"Fuck off you slut..." Hojo said
"Since when did you became so cold? I remember you being so happy and always smiled...especially when your daughters were born. You still kept a serious expression but I knew you were happy...hehe not until your beloved Soha left you. Did it remind you of that day at the hospital?" Alyssa asked as she giggled
"Just how much did he tell you about me...?" Hojo asked
"Taruto told me everything about you. Your past...your family...everything" Alyssa said
"That son of a bitch is going to fucking pay for everything..." Hojo growled
I trusted him with my secrets...fucking traitor
"You two must've been close. I mean you told him everything...even your darkest secret" Alyssa said
"I treated him like my brother..." Hojo mumbled
Stupid asshole...
"Your father must've been messed up or something..." Alyssa said
"Yes....I don't know what was going through his head that day" Hojo said
"Your brother was the only person in your family to treat you like someone very special right?" Alyssa asked. Hojo looked down and smiled weakly
"My big brother meant everything to me. He was always there for me when I needed him..." Hojo said
"What happened? Alyssa asked. Hojo sighed as he clenched his fists tightly
"He got into an accident and...he died" Hojo said
"Hiroji! Hiroji!" Hojo shouted and opened the doors. His eyes widen as he saw his big brother in the hospital bed. Hojo trembled and stepped inside the room
"Onii-chan..." Hojo mumbled. He walked up to him and stood next to him in bed
"H-hiroji...please wake up" Hojo pleaded and held his hand. He gasped as he felt his brother's hand tighten his hand gently
"H-hojo..." Hiroji mumbled weakly
"Hiroji? Y-you're awake?" Hojo asked
"Heh...hey l-little bro" Hiroji said weakly and smiled a little
"'ll be okay r-right?" Hojo said as he smiled and held his hand. Hiroji only reached up to touch his head softly
"H-hiroji?" Hojo asked. Tears rolled down Hiroji's eyes as he gave his little brother one final smile
"Hojo...f-forgive your weak big brother" Hiroji said
"W-weak? No! No! You're not weak Hiroji! Y-you're strong! I know you are! Please don't go!" Hojo said as tears rolled down his cheeks
"H-hojo...please don't cry. It'll be o-okay. I'll always look after you..." Hiroji said
"N-no...please...don't..." Hojo mumbled as he cried
"I-I love you...little bro. St-stay...strong..." Hiroji said and he slowly closed his eyes. The machine beeped and Hojo trembled as he cried
"O-onii-chan!" Hojo cried
End Of Flashback
"Damn...must've been hard huh?" Alyssa said and pulled out a cigarette
"Yeah..." Hojo said
"Want one?" Alyssa asked
"Thanks" Hojo said as he grabbed a cigarette then Alyssa lit it up
"So...what about your girls?" Alyssa asked
"What about them?" Hojo asked
"Hehe...I heard that they hate you...especially the eldest one" Alyssa said
"And she should hate me...I'm terrible. I couldn't even give them the childhood they wanted...after Soha left...I didn't know what to do. I was a mess...I wasn't strong. I ended separating the two..." Hojo said
"She looked like her..." Alyssa said
"Yes...I just couldn't take it. Harumi looked just like Soha...and I...I could never get over her death" Hojo said and covered his face
"And then I ended up beating her up..." Hojo said as he trembled
Damnit...why now? Fuck...damnit...pathetic...
"So this is your true side..." Alyssa said
" up" Hojo said
"And she ended up just like you..." Alyssa said
"Wh-what?" Hojo asked
"Admit it. Mitsuko is just like you. Strong on the outside...weak on the inside" Alyssa said. Hojo only looked down and sighed deeply
"Well since we're talking about ourselves...guess I could talk about myself for a bit" Alyssa said and giggled
"So I used to be a shy little bitch back then. I lived with my grandparents most of the time since my parents were busy. You could say I had a good childhood until my grandfather began to touch me. He sexually assaulted me and well...yeah" Alyssa said
"Did you do something about it?" Hojo asked
"Hehe unlike you little boy. I did do something about it" Alyssa said
"You did?" Hojo asked
"I killed him" Alyssa said and laughed softly
"You what?" Hojo asked as his eyes widen
No way...
"You heard me...I killed him" Alyssa said and smiled
" got rid of him?" Hojo asked
"Yes I did. It was fun actually..." Alyssa said
"How did you get away with it?" Hojo asked
"Well...I just put the blame on my grandmother. Of course they all believed me" Alyssa said and shivered a bit
Fuck it's getting cold now...
"It's getting a little chilly isn't it..." Alyssa said
"Want me to give you a ride and take you home?" Hojo asked
"No thanks. I'm good" Alyssa said
"No please...I insist" Hojo said as he unlocked his car then opened the car door for her
"Well if you insist" Alyssa said and entered inside the car. Hojo closed the door and went to the driver's seat. He turned the car on and drove away
"Want to hear something intresting?" Alyssa asked
"Hm? What?" Hojo asked
"When I was with Taruto...he told me a story. If you go deep in the woods you'll find a small lake" Alyssa said
"Enough with the scary story" Hojo said
"Oh but it's true. They say if you stare at the lake and close your eyes. You will summon her" Alyssa said
"Summon who?" Hojo asked
"The Dark Devil" Alyssa said
"Okay now that's just bullshit" Hojo said
"No. If you say her name three times while keeping your eyes closed you'll feel a tap on your head which means you may open your eyes and look at her. If you scream or cry...she'll kill you. If you do it wrong then you're dead" Alyssa said
"Why the hell are you telling me this?" Hojo asked
"Because...the girl is from the Mizusawas" Alyssa said. Hojo's eyes widen and gripped the steering wheel tightly
Then...the girl that Taruto told the girl from the lake?

In the big mansion the three mates were peacefully asleep except for the young Mizusawa. Matsuri was awake and looked at her sides seeing her mates. She let out a soft groan and sat up on the bed
"People actually have tried keeping this a secret...mostly your grandfather because of the huge incident"
Huge incident? Is this all true?
Matsuri sighed in defeat and got out of bed carefully not waking Mitsuko and Mei up. She tiptoed to her bag to grab the flash drive
Come on come on! Where is it?! It has to be in here!
"Gotcha" Matsuri said as she whispered. She gasped softly and froze as Mei moved around the bed a bit. Matsuri sighed in relief and stood up as she held the flash drive. She tiptoed out of the room and went to Mitsuko's office. Matsuri looked around her office and used her phone as a flashlight
"Where's her laptop?" Matsuri asked as she searched all over the place and carefully walked around her office. She saw a bag and grabbed it
Found it!
Matsuri walked slowly out of the office and went downstairs to the living room. She jumped but sighed in relief realizing it was just Kitty
"Meow" Kitty said
"Sorry for waking you up Kitty but...there is something I have to check out" Matsuri said as she sat down on the couch. Kitty hopped on the couch and sat down next to her
"Oh password" Matsuri said and typed in the password but it was wrong
What the hell?! It's wrong!? Shit did she change it?
While Matsuri was thinking, Kitty got on the laptop and began typing in letters getting the password
"What? How the hell did you know the password?" Matsuri asked and petted her head softly
"Meow" Kitty said
"You must be one smart cat. Alright. Now let's see what's inside this" Matsuri said and connected the flash drive to the laptop. All the sudden the laptop started glitching and a website popped out
Matsuri looked at the article and her eyes widen
"Dark Devil...known as Miaseakuu Mizusawa" Matsuri said and started reading
Two fated mates? Found dead?
" this the one that has two mates?" Matsuri said. Suddenly her eyes widen and gulped
T-taniguchi? Aihara? What? Is this a coincidence? Why do they look like Mitsuko and Mei?
Kitty began to pin her ears back and trembled slightly
"Kitty?" Matsuri asked. Kitty ran away leaving the couch and hid herself
"What's wrong?" Matsuri asked and looked around but saw nothing
What the hell? Whatever...
Matsuri kept reading the article and covered her eyes seeing the dead bodies
I'm going to be sick...
"The Dark Devil killed about a million victims. She stripped them naked and dismembered their bodies but before she dismembered them. She tortured them and always kept a camera on to record them" Matsuri said
Shit...huh? A video? Do I want to watch it?
Matsuri groaned and clicked on the video. Suddenly her eyes widen and covered her eyes not wanting to see how the organs fell off from the victim's stomach. Miaseakuu wore a mask and kept singing a lullaby throughout the entire video. Matsuri took a small peek and covered her mouth
I'm gonna throw up!
"Enough!" Matsuri said and got out of the video. She trembled as she tried to keep herself calm
Calm down...calm down...calm down
Matsuri scrolled down and read the rest
Horrific night? Bloody night? Nightmare?
"So...this must be the incident" Matsuri said and kept reading
"Dark Devil tried assassinating everyone in town. People evacuated the area while others stayed behind and tried to hide. That night Dark Devil vanished and never showed up ever again. No one returned home because of that night..." Matsuri said. She sighed deeply and leaned back
What does this have to do with me?
All the sudden images started popping up on the screen. Matsuri looked at the pictures and her eyes widen
W-wait...these pictures...n-no...
Matsuri reached up to her face and trembled
" I look...j-just like her? Why do Mei and Mitsuko look like them? Wh-what does this mean?" Matsuri asked. All the sudden she heard whispers and giggles
"H-hello?" Matsuri asked and whimpered. Kitty started meowing and kept hiding herself. Matsuri got pinned down on the couch by a shadow and looked at her eyes. Matsuri trembled in fear as she teared up
" beloved little girl" The shadow giggled

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