Chapter 21

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Meanwhile Hojo and Sho only stood frozen as they saw the black haired man
"Hey hey! How are my bros doing?" He asked as he smiled
"You...asshole" Hojo growled
"Hojo...don't start" Sho said as he placed a hand on his shoulder
"Father?" Mei asked
"Mei...why don't you and Mitsuko head inside. I have to stay here for a while..." Sho said
"Yes father" Mei said and grabbed Mitsuko's hand
"Do you think we should leave?" Mitsuko whispered
"Let's just go. Besides I don't trust that guy..." Mei whispered
"You're right. Something about him makes me feel uncomfortable" Mitsuko whispered
He somewhat looks familiar...
The man let out a chuckle and looked at Hojo staring at his chocolate brown eyes
He is still very handsome. Hmm...he hasn't changed one bit hehehehe
"Hello there Hojo-kun. Happy to see me?" The man asked
"You asshole. Why the hell are you here?" Hojo asked as he glared at him
"Hm? Why are you mad? Didn't you miss me?" The man asked
"I'll fucki-"
"Hojo calm down" Sho said
"Ah Sho-kun. You're still hanging out with this pathetic loser" The man said
"Why are you here?" Sho asked as he glared at him
I thought he left for good once he graduated from this place...
"What? Have you two forgotten? I also graduated in this University...and this is the same place where I kicked your ass" The man said as he glared at him. Hojo felt his blood boil up inside
This asshole is definitely asking for it! I'm going to fucking murder him!
"What the hell? You piece of shit!" Hojo growled as he clenched his fists tightly and raised them slightly
"Calm down" Sho said
"Hey! That's enough Taruto" His father said sternly as he walked up to him
"Shit..." Taruto mumbled and stepped away from the two men
This old man...I swear I wish I can get rid of him
"Now behave yourself Taruto" Zander said as he glared at him
"Yes sir..." Taruto said as he looked down
"I apologize for his stupid behavior. I'll keep him under control" Zander said and started walking to the entrance. Taruto only looked at Hojo giving him a smirk
"Asshole" Taruto said letting out a soft chuckle. Hojo only gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly
This piece of shit! I'm going to kill him!
"Morning Shintani-san" The young teenager said as he greeted him with a warm smile
"Why the hell are you talking to me Aihara?" Hojo asked
"Hehehe oh come on. Don't be so cold" Sho said
"Whatever..." Hojo said walking pass him
"Eh? Hey wait!" Sho said as he followed him. Hojo only walked away leaving the Aihara behind
'Why the hell is he so kind to me? Ugh...he is still following me'
"Hey stop following me you piece of shit" Hojo said
"Jeez did something happen or what?" Sho asked
"Nothing happened. That's just the way I am..." Hojo said. All the sudden another student ran pass the two
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Hojo exclaimed
"Hey! Come back here midget!"
Hojo turned around glaring at two other students making them flinched
"Let's get out of here quick!"
Hojo only sighed and Sho helped the student on the ground
"Ouch" The guy said as he sat up
"Hey you okay?" Sho asked
"Ugh y-yeah I'm fine" The guy said as he stood up
"Who the hell are you midget?" Hojo asked as he glared at the smaller student
"Eh? Oh Taruto Mizusawa" Taruto said as he smiled
"Sho Aihara and this is-"
"None of your fucking business. Now get out my way" Hojo said as he walked pass them
"Is he an asshole or what?" Taruto asked
"Ah don't mind him. He acts like that but he's pretty cool once you get to know him. Just give him some time and you'll see his soft spot" Sho said
"Who is he?" Taruto asked
"Hojo Shintani" Sho said
End Of Flashback
"Hey Hojo...try to not do anything stupid" Sho said
"Huh? What the hell do you mean by that?" Hojo asked
"I know you hate him with all your guts but it's all in the past now. You better control yourself before you start doing some stupid shit" Sho said
"Yes...I know but still...I'll kill him one day" Hojo said as he walked away heading inside the University. Sho only let out a sigh and followed him
Hopefully nothing bad happens...
"Father nothing bad happened right?" Mei asked
"Huh? Mei? Why aren't you in the cafeteria? Didn't I tell you to go ahead?" Sho asked
"I was worried father" Mei said
"Who is he? How do you know him?" Mitsuko asked as she glared at him
"Hey it's best if-"
"Taruto Mizusawa" Hojo said
"Wait Mizusawa?" Mitsuko asked
"Does that mean?" Mei asked
"Yes. He is Matsuri's father and the older man is his father Zander Mizusawa" Hojo said
"How do you know them?" Mitsuko asked
"Because we met Taruto when we were in the University. Us three went to the same University and that's where we sorta became friends..." Hojo said and gritted his teeth
"It was the biggest mistake I've ever made..." Hojo hissed as he clenched his fists tightly
"Why are they here?" Mei asked
"I'm not so sure. I mean they're probably here because they're graduates from this University" Sho said
"Shut up dumbass. They're obviously here for that Mizusawa" Hojo said
"But why do they want her now? Didn't they abandoned her?" Mitsuko asked
"I'm not sure either but...they probably want her now that she's an Alpha" Hojo said
"That's bullshit!" Mitsuko said
"Hey cal-"
"I agree! They abandoned her and now they're looking for her?" Mei said
"Yes I agree but I'm not surprised either" Hojo said
"What do you mean by that?" Mitsuko asked
"The Mizusawas are well known for being really strong and smart. It's best if you don't underestimate them...that's what I learned when I first fought Taruto. He may have seen like a stupid midget who only joked around but during the fight...he showed his true strength" Hojo said
"He's one tough Alpha. He was even stronger than me..." Sho said and chuckled softly
"Can we go see her?" Mitsuko asked
"Please father. I know we were suppose to be guest speakers for the fourth year students but we want to check up on our mate" Mei said
"Of course you can right Hojo?" Sho said as he looked at him
"Sure. That's fine" Hojo said
"Thanks" Mitsuko said
"Thank you father. We'll be back hopefully" Mei said. Mitsuko and Mei left their fathers as they went to look for their mate
"Hehe you're doing great Hojo" Sho said
"Shut up" Hojo said letting out a sigh and started walking to the cafeteria
"Wait for me" Sho said as he followed him to the cafeteria

"Your dad?!" Arton and Ari exclaimed
"Shhh! Yeah my dad is here" Matsuri said and looked down
What the hell does he want? Why is he here? No way he could be coming back for me...
"Did your father..leave you?" Ari asked
"He did all because I was an Omega. Once he was gone my mother left me and yeah..." Matsuri said
"Damn...sorry you had to go through all that" Ari said
"I'm fine now. You don't have to feel sorry for me" Matsuri said
"Are you sure you're okay?" Arton asked
"Yes...I'm fine" Matsuri said as she looked down
No I'm not fine...I feel like punching something...
"Matsuri Mizusawa! Come down here" The coach said
"Good luck" Ari said. Matsuri only walked to the arena and stood there while the coach picked an opponent from another class. Matsuri felt her blood boil up inside as memories from the past were coming back
Damnit...can't think...
Once the whistle blew Matsuri immediately went for the attack as she ran up to her opponent. Her opponent immediately blocked her attack but Matsuri lifted her leg trying to kick her side
"You are nothing"
"Why don't we just leave her?"
"She is weak. That's pathetic"
"You can't do anything"
"Why would someone want to be with you? You don't belong in this world. Just kill yourself"
Matsuri felt her rage reach it's limit that she started throwing punches and kicks at her opponent
"How is Matsuri so fast?" Ari asked
"Yeah it's like she gained speed" Arton said. Matsuri blocked her opponent's punch then grabbed her arm tightly
"I-I give up!" Her opponent cried out. Matsuri only tightened her grip as she raised her fist punching her on the nose breaking it
"Agh!" The opponent cried out and covered her nose as she fell to the ground
"Good job Mizusawa but don't try to kill your opponent. She surrendered" The coach said
"I know..." Matsuri said and walked away. The students only flinched as Matsuri walked pass them. Matsuri seemed really pissed off as her eyes darkened for some reason and released a strong aura
Bullshit...this is bullshit...he's a piece of shit. Damnit...
Matsuri gritted her teeth and walked out of the arena. Ari and Arton looked at each other then stood up from their seat. They stepped out of the arena and looked around
"Matsuri? Where are you?" Ari asked
"She is probably in the bathroom" Arton said
"What happened to her back there?" Ari asked
"I have no clue but...I believe it has something to do with her father" Arton said
"Guess she really hates him" Ari said
"I would be pretty pissed off too..." Arton said
"But what surprises me is that Matsuri got a lot faster back there. She usually doesn't go that fast in her attacks" Ari said
"Let's just hope she is okay" Arton said. They stopped at the bathroom and Ari stepped inside
"Hey M-matsuri. You in here?" Ari asked as she looked around
"What the hell do you want?" Matsuri asked as she looked at her
"U-uhm to check up on you" Ari said
"Thanks but you can leave now...I need to calm myself down" Matsuri said as she looked down
"Hey Matsuri...what happened back there?" Ari asked
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Matsuri asked
"You were pretty fast back there..." Ari said
"Yeah...what about it?" Matsuri asked
"It just surprised me. You're usually not that fast during your fights" Ari said
"Oh that...yeah. It happens sometimes..." Matsuri said
"Anyways I'm just glad you're doing okay" Ari said
" you can leave" Matsuri said
"Uhm you sure? I mean if there is something bothering you just remember that I'm here to help" Ari said
"Yes. I know" Matsuri said as she gave her a weak smile
"Okay so...I guess I should be going and leave you here to think right?" Ari said
"Please..." Matsuri said
"Okay" Ari said and walked out the bathroom
"So? What happened?" Arton asked
"She just needs some alone time. Come on let's get going" Ari said as she walked away
"Alright" Arton said as he followed her from behind. On their way back the two heard some fangirling that came from the arena
"Huh? What the hell is going on?" Ari asked
"Some crazy shit happened?" Arton asked
"Hm not sure" Ari said. The two stepped inside and their eyes widen
Oh shit...
Mitsuko and Mei noticed the two then walked up to her
"Where the hell is Matsuri?" Mitsuko asked
"A-ah Matsuri...w-well she's in the bathroom down the hall" Ari said
"Thanks" Mei said. Mitsuko and Mei stepped out of the arena
"Ugh...those fangirls are idiots" Mitsuko said
"Let's just hurry" Mei said. The two Alphas got to the bathroom but realized it was empty
"I'm going to kill her. That Ari bitch lied" Mitsuko growled
"Shh" Mei said
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"Did you hear that?" Mei asked
"Hear what?" Mitsuko asked. Mei grabbed Mitsuko dragging her out the bathroom then down the hall
"Where ar-"
"Shhh" Mei whispered shutting Mitsuko up
"Wow I'm impressed. You've grown so much. Hehe I thought you were dead once we ditched you" Taruto said
"Shut up before I kill you" Zander snarled. Taruto trembled a bit and looked away
"Anyways sorry about that" Zander said
"What the hell do you want from me?" Matsuri asked as she glared at them
"I came here to bring you home along with your two cousins" Zander said
"Home?" Matsuri asked
Bullshit...I'll kill you

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