Chapter 16

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"Finally we found you!" Lina said
"Have you been hiding?" Sakira asked
"It's not my fault this place is huge" Matsuri said and tried to stand up but Mei grabbed her placing her on her lap
"My turn or else your legs will fall asleep" Mei said
"Thanks babe" Mitsuko said as she leaned in and kissed her softly
"You know it's kinda funny seeing you three together" Lina said
"Eh? Why?" Matsuri asked
"Well...nevermind" Lina said. Matsuri only looked at her confused until her eyes caught an Alpha
Wait a sec...that must be the leader. Oh shit...
"Hey Matsuri uh...who are you staring at?" Sakira asked
"Huh? Oh no one. I was...well I only spaced out for a moment" Matsuri said and chuckled softly
"Oh I see" Sakira said. Mitsuko and Mei only looked at their mate and felt their spark of jealousy
"Hey're not thinking of no one else right?" Mitsuko asked
"Of course not" Matsuri said and leaned in crashing her lips against hers. Mitsuko's eyes widen and kissed her back. Matsuri broke the kiss and turned to look at Mei
"Don't think I've forgotten about you" Matsuri said before connecting their lips together. Mei kissed her back and stroked her thighs softly. Matsuri pulled away and blushed really hard
"Aww she's embarrassed" Asher said
"Shut the hell up" Matsuri said and trembled slightly
"It's okay baby" Mei said and kissed her ear softly
"You're the cutest" Mitsuko said and leaned in towards her neck planting soft kisses
"Th-that tickles" Matsuri giggled
"Ah there you guys are!" Yuzu said
"This entire place is so wild" Shai said
"H-hey Yuzu-chan and Shai" Matsuri said as she smiled
"This place is a mess. Good thing I didn't wore a dress" Himeko said
"That freaky dress of yours?" Harumin asked
"Shut up Taniguchi-san" Himeko said
"Sorry for taking so long. It's difficult to pass by a crowd of people without spilling" Ari said as she walked up to them with their drinks
"Thanks Ari" Matsuri said
"You didn't do anything funny to our drink right?" Mitsuko asked as she glared at her
"Mitsuko" Matsuri said
"Of course not. I would never hurt any of you" Ari said
Because then I'll be dead...
"Thanks" Mei said and took a sip of her drink
"Thanks Ari and sorry for what she said" Matsuri said
"Don't worry it's okay" Ari said as she smiled
"Please sit down over here" Ari said as a guy brought more chairs
"Thanks" Yuzu said. The girls took their seats and they jumped hearing a shout
"HaruYuzu!" Nene said and started nosebleeding
"Hey everyone" Hana said and carried Nene before she fell
"Hi Hana" Matsuri said
"Welcome to the party" Yuzu said
"Please take a seat and I'll bring back some refreshments" Ari said
"I can help you" Ortho said
"O-oh okay. Thank you" Ari said as she blushed
Oh my gosh! He is so handsome!
"She is so nice" Hana said
"Hehe yeah she is" Matsuri said and jumped feeling Mei's and Mitsuko's glare
"But of course not as nice and adorable as you both" Matsuri said
"Come here" Mitsuko said and pulled her into a kiss shoving her tongue inside. Matsuri blushed deeply and kissed her back. She trembled as Mitsuko shoved her tongue deep to her throat
"Mmmm!" Matsuri said during their kiss
Matsuri couldn't pulled away since Mitsuko held her closely
"Haaah" Matsuri panted as she broke the kiss. She trembled a little and felt another tug. Mei whimpered a bit wanting a kiss from Matsuri. Matsuri leaned in and kissed her. Mei opened her mouth slightly and sticked her tongue out. Matsuri opened her mouth and shoved her tongue inside
"Mmm~" Mei moaned softly and licked her tongue slowly. She wrapped her tongue around hers and sucked on it gently
"Mmm~" Matsuri moaned softly and trembled a little. Mei broke the kiss and giggled
"Cute" Mei said and licked her lips. Matsuri blushed and smiled softly
"I think Matsuri-chan wants to go fucking already" Nitski giggled
"N-nitski?" Matsuri asked
"Stop teasing her" Juhin said
"I was this close going after you two if you didn't show up" Hana said
"Sorry it was difficult to find her. I thought I lost her completely" Juhin said
"And where were you?" Hana asked as she glared at Nitski
"You know what I did" Nitski said
"Nitski better have not messed with that clan" Hana said sternly as she glared at her
"Just kidding" Nitski giggled
"Oh there you guys are" Phila said
"Phila! Hey!" Yuzu said as she waved at her
"This place is so fucking crazy. I've never been to a party like this before" Hinria said
"Hey is that other girl there too?" Nitski asked and her eyes widen seeing Cyndi hiding behind Phila
"Oh there she is" Nitski said as she smiled softly
"Please come sit with us" Shai said
"Thanks Diamond" Hinria said. Himeko only glared at her and let out a low growl
"Oh Himeko don't be so jealous" Shai said and leaned in kissing her softly. Himeko blushed deeply and kissed her back passionately as she wrapped her arms around her neck
"Get a room" Nitski giggled. Himeko pulled away and glared at her
"Shut up" Himeko said and kissed Shai. Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply
Sh-she wants to keep going!?
"While the lovebirds are making out let's talk about something I found interesting" Nitski said and looked both at Hana and Nene
"What are you looking at?" Hana asked as she finished cleaning Nene's nose
"Since when did you two get close?" Nitski asked
"What do you mean?" Nene asked
"Don't you like Hana?" Nitski asked
"H-huh?!" Nene exclaimed
"Just leave them alone Nitski" Matsuri said
"Haha sorry about that" Nitski said
"Whatever" Hana said and sighed
"We're back!" Ari said as she came back with the drinks along with Arton and Ortho
"Hey babe!" Juhin said
"Oh you finally came back with Nitski?" Ortho asked as he walked up to him handing him a drink
"Hehe yeah. This bitch scared me for a moment" Juhin said
"Wow I never thought you'd care about me" Nitski said and giggled
"Of course I care about you. You're my big sis after all" Juhin said
And I may be your little brother but I care about you and Matsuri
"Awww so sweet but I can take care of myself" Nitski said and took a sip of her drink
"Hey Furto have you seen Brono?" Lina asked
"I thought he was with Asher" Furto said
"You know how Brono gets when he's drunk" Matsuri said
"I told him not to drink!" Lina said as she stood up
"Haha bet he's trying to flirt with other bitches" Matsuri said
"Let's go sis. I'll help you find him" Asher said
"I'm going to give that asshole a piece of my fucking mind" Lina growled
"Oooh talking about jealousy which one of you gets easily jealous?" Nitski asked
"Who are you asking?" Shai asked
"All of you well...only the ones with a mate" Nitski said
"I'd say both Mitsuko and Mei" Matsuri said and smiled
"Is that a good thing?" Sakira asked
"Ha! It's because Matsuri gets her ass fucked" Nitski laughed
"Shut up Nitski before I kick your ass" Matsuri said as she glared at her
"Is that true sis?" Harumin asked
"I just love Matsuri so much" Mitsuko said as she held Matsuri closely while trying to hide her blush. Matsuri giggled and blushed as Mei bit down on her shoulder gently
"And I love Matsuri-chan so much that I don't want to let go of her" Mei said
"I love you both" Matsuri said
"What about you two?" Nitski asked looking at Shai and Himeko
"Himeko" Shai said
"No I don't" Himeko said
"It's cute though" Shai said and cuddled her
"Yuzucchi gets easily jealous" Harumin giggled
"I-I don't" Yuzu said as she blushed
"It's okay Yuzucchi" Harumin said and kissed her. Yuzu blushed and kissed her back
"And I bet Lina is the one who gets jealous" Matsuri said. Lina appeared holding Brono by his ear
"You idiot!" Lina said
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Brono whined in pain
"Yep. She's definitely the jealous type" Nitski said. A couple minutes passed by until Matsuri flinched sensing a strong aura nearby and both Nitski and Juhin stood up
"Devil clan..." The guy mumbled
"Hehehe...Taji Kamenashi" Nitski said. Taji snarled as he glared at Nitski
"Hey...leave" Hana said as she stood up
"Oh come on Hana. Let us have our little fun" Nitski said
"Nitski...enough" Hana said as she glared at her. Nitski gritted her teeth and looked away
"Matsuri...that means you too" Hana said
"Hana it's-"
"Matsuri. Don't" Hana growled
"But I-"
"Matsuri! Enough!" Hana said raising her voice. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and trembled
Calm down...
"Let the Devils fight" Taji said
"Get the hell out of here..." Hana said
"Guess I wasn't three devils were here" Taji said
"I'm warning you" Hana said
"I was wondering where my gang was...and I have a feeling a certain someone decided to mess with them" Taji said
"That's because they fucked with me first asshole" Nitski said
"Keep your mouth shut" Taji growled
"Leave" Hana said
"What? This is a party. I'm just hav-" Matsuri ran up to him and passed by him. Taji's eyes widen and fell on his knees Everyone's eyes widen seeing cuts appear on his legs then Matsuri turned around holding out a knife which belonged to him
"She said leave asshole" Matsuri growled
"Hehe...the little Pink Devil huh? You never fail to impress me Mizusawa..." Taji said
"Leave before I stab your throat" Matsuri said and handed him back his knife. Taji groaned a bit as he left stumbling a bit
I'll get you back...
"That's our little girl" Nitski giggled
"Yay little sis!" Juhin said
"Matsuri I told you to not do anything" Hana said
"Sorry I couldn't help it" Matsuri said as she smirked
"Woah how did you do that?" Lina asked
"Yeah you just ran pass him and all the sudden you have a knife?" Sakira asked
"You even attacked him!" Asher said
"That's a little secret" Matsuri giggled. Mitsuko and Mei only looked at their mate shockingly not believing what they just saw her do

After the little trouble, Matsuri started playing with her friends which pissed Mitsuko and Mei. Their jealousy began to boil up inside and felt like they were going to explode. Especially seeing Cyndi spending time with their mate. Of course Mei and Mitsuko weren't the only ones feeling jealous. There was also Nitski who only wanted Cyndi to notice her
No fair Matsuri-chan! Please stop taking my girl away!
"I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom" Cyndi said
"Oh okay. Be careful" Matsuri said
"Sure thing Mats" Cyndi said and left. Mitsuko and Mei looked at each other then nodded
"We'll be going to get something to eat" Mitsuko said as she stood up along with Mei
"Let's go" Matsuri said
"Ah no. You wait here" Mei said and gave her a soft kiss
"Eh?" Matsuri asked
"Just stay seated. We'll bring something for you to eat okay?" Mitsuko said giving her a soft kiss
"Uhm...okay" Matsuri said unsure
They're usually clingy with me. They take me everywhere or one of them leaves while the other stays with me...but the two of them leaving me? That's strange't think that way. It's okay...
"Matsuri you okay?" Lina asked
"Huh? O-oh I'm fine" Matsuri said as she smiled softly
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about
Meanwhile Cyndi was in the bathroom washing her hands
This place is so big and's kinda scary. I should hurry back...
Cyndi stepped out the bathroom and gasped seeing the two Alphas
"U-uhm...h-hi" Cyndi said and trembled
"Hi it okay if we talked for a moment?" Mei asked as she smiled
"Don't worry. This won't take long" Mitsuko said keeping a serious expression
"U-uhm...s-sure" Cyndi said
D-did I do something wrong? A-are they going to hurt me? I must get out...

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