Chapter 18

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"That stupid Nitski is going to fucking pay for stealing my car keys" Hana growled
"Hana calm down. Nitski took Cyndi back at her place" Matsuri said
I'm still worried about Cyndi though...what if Nitski is messing with her?
"Hey Matsuri-chan you okay?" Nene asked
"Huh? What?" Matsuri asked
"You spaced out for a moment there" Nene said
"Oh...yeah sorry. It's just that I'm worried about Cyndi" Matsuri said. Mitsuko and Mei only looked at Matsuri as they gritted their teeth
"You two seem pretty close..." Nene said
"Of course we're close. She's my childhood friend. We always played together until she moved away" Matsuri said
"Hehe I remember her very well. You really liked her. It almost looked like you had a crush on her or something" Hana said
"Not true. Cyndi is only a friend and was always a friend" Matsuri said
"Right because you fell for Harumin-senpai" Nene said
"Hehe well...I really wasn't interested back when I was a kid" Matsuri said nervously
They're looking again. Change topic!
"I wonder what Nitski's been up to..." Hana said
"What do you mean?" Matsuri asked
"Nitski has been messing around with the other clans. I wonder when she'll stop..." Hana said
"Is it bad?" Nene asked
"Heh obviously" Hana said and sighed
"Especially the BloodLust clan. Nitski really did fuck up..." Matsuri said
"Don't worry about those assholes. I'll make sure to fix up her mess but Matsuri...I told you to stay" Hana said
"Y-yeah's just that he wouldn't leave. Besides you know that instinct is still in me" Matsuri said
"Yes I know but next time control yourself" Hana said
"Yes ma'am" Matsuri said. The car stopped and both Hana and Nene stepped out of the car
"Thanks for the ride" Hana said
"Thank you" Nene said
"Eh? You two are going to sleep together?" Matsuri asked
"Is there a problem?" Hana asked
"When will you two get together?" Matsuri asked as she smirked
"Huh? T-together?" Nene asked as she blushed deeply
"Let's just go Nene. Have a nice night" Hana said
"Bye bye" Matsuri said and giggled
"Night you two" Mitsuko said
"Bye" Mei said. The driver took the three mates away and headed home. Hana only watched them leave and sighed
"Let's go inside" Hana said
"O-okay" Nene said as she blushed. Hana and Nene went inside then sat down on the couch
"Ugh...can't believe she took my god damn keys" Hana said and leaned against Nene. Nene jumped and trembled a little
Oh no! My face is burning up! Even my heart is beating fast!
"You okay Nene?" Hana asked as she looked at her. Nene blushed deeply staring at Hana's blue green eyes
Oh no! Please don't!
"Oh you're bleeding again" Hana said and pulled out some tissues. She cupped Nene's cheek and started wiping the blood off her nose. Nene only blushed deeply staring at Hana's beautiful face
"There we go. Hm? Why is your face hot? Are you sick?" Hana asked as she placed her hand on her forehead
"N-no. I'm fine really" Nene said as she looked away
Why can't I stop blushing? This is bad...r-really bad...
"Do you need something to drink like water or tea?" Hana asked as she stood up
"S-sure. I would love that" Nene said
"Okay" Hana said and went to the kitchen to prepare the tea for Nene. Nene only looked down and clenched her fists tightly
"H-hey Hana...uhm...s-sorry for asking but uh...h-have you ever been intrested in someone?" Nene asked
"Hm? Nah not really. I'm not intrested in dating or finding a mate at the moment" Hana said
Why is she asking something like that? Wait...could it be...that she likes...
"Is there someone you like?" Hana asked as she smirked
"H-huh? Me l-like someone? U-uh well...uhm n-not really" Nene said
Did she realize that I like her?
"Are you sure? You keep blushing and having nosebleeds" Hana said
"Th-that's normal isn't it?" Nene said as she fidgeted with her fingers
"Hm? Yeah I guess it is normal usually shout HaruYuzu during your nosebleeds. You didn't shout anything so it must found someone you like right?" Hana asked
"M-maybe" Nene said. Hana finished preparing her tea and walked up to her
"Here" Hana said
"Oh thank you" Nene said and took a sip of her drink
"You're welcome" Hana said and sat down next to her. Nene only trembled a little and blushed deeply
"So come on" Hana said
"H-huh?" Nene asked
"Tell me" Hana said
"Tell you what?" Nene asked
"Your little crush" Hana said
"Cr-crush?" Nene asked
"You definitely have a crush on that person right? They must be attractive since you got a nosebleed just thinking about them right?" Hana asked
"U-uhm...well y-yeah" Nene said
"Hehehe so who is it?" Hana asked. Nene only trembled a little as she whimpered
"Oh come on Nene! Is it someone that I know?" Hana asked
"Y-yeah" Nene said
"Nene...look at me" Hana said as she turned to look at her
"O-okay" Nene said as she looked at her
"Is it Nitski that you like?" Hana asked
"E-EH?! NO!" Nene exclaimed
No way I would like her! She is not even my type!
"Hahaha! Sorry about that" Hana laughed
"Wh-why would you think that? Nitski isn't my type" Nene said
"Hehe sorry it's just that I find you two perverts so I thought you two would be good for each other" Hana said
"I-I don't like her at all" Nene said
"Heh just kidding" Hana said and ruffled her hair
She's really cute. Hm? Should I go for it?
"So you really haven't found anyone yet?" Nene asked
"Nah..." Hana said
"Would you like an Alpha or Omega?" Nene asked
"Hm? Guess any type" Hana said
"What if it...was a friend of yours?" Nene asked
"Oh that? Hm? I don't know. I might give them a chance hehe" Hana said
"R-really?" Nene asked and looked at her
"Hehe I like you too" Hana said
"H-huh!? What!?" Nene exclaimed
"Haha it's so obvious" Hana giggled
"W-wait so y-you know? I-I mean how?" Nene asked
"I was joking" Hana said
"J-joking?" Nene asked and trembled was a joke?
"Hm? You okay?" Hana asked
"Y-yeah just...I think I want to sleep" Nene said as she stood up but felt Hana pull her close to hers
"Sorry for joking like that. Forgot you were sensitive" Hana said and kissed her. Nene's eyes widen as her face redden
Sh-she's kissing me!
"Hm? Is this your first kiss?" Hana asked
"U-uhm...I-I w-well it's y-yeah... " Nene said as she fidgeted with her fingers and trembled
M-my first kiss...with H-hana...
Nene only touched her lips and felt her heart beat fast
"A-again..." Nene whispered
"Hm? Again?" Hana asked as she wrapped her arms around her waist pulling her close. Nene trembled and closed her eyes tightly. Hana only smiled softly and leaned in connecting her lips with hers. Nene blushed deeply feeling her soft lips against hers. She trembled slightly as she kissed her back
Th-this feels nice~
Suddenly the door opened and the two pulled away quickly
"I knew it! Haha! You two are together!" Nitski exclaimed
"A-ah Nitski h-hi" Nene said nervously
"Hehe sorry for interrupting your make out session" Nitski said. Hana only glared at her and growled
"A-ah Hana a-about taking your car. I-I apologize. Pl-please forgive me..." Nitski said as she kneeled down
"Time for another punishment" Hana growled

"Wh-what is it?" Matsuri asked
"You prefer her don't you?" Mei asked as she pouted
"Eh? Perfer who?" Matsuri asked
"That Cyndi girl..." Mitsuko growled
"Why are you two like this? She is just a friend who I care about" Matsuri said
"And what about us?" Mei asked
"Don't you care for us?" Mitsuko asked
"Of course I do. I care about you both but...I mean I get why do you two get so possessive and clingy. I really don't mind that it okay if you two take it easy?" Matsuri asked
"We hate it..." Mitsuko said gritting her teeth
"Hate what? That I'm around others?" Matsuri asked
"Yes!" Mitsuko said raising her voice. Matsuri flinched and trembled a little we go again. It's best if I think before I speak...
"Matsuri we's that we...we don't want to lose you" Mei said
"Lose me? What are you afraid of? Don't you two trust me? I mean we've been together for a month and you two still think that I would go out to fuck with some other slut?" Matsuri asked
"Everyone wants a piece of you" Mitsuko said
"Mitsuko that's just nonsense. They're my friends" Matsuri said
"So?" Mei asked
"Okay. They're my close friends almost like you two have your own friends. Maruta and Himeko are your closest friends. I bet Maruta is your childhood friend as well so why don't you two trust me? I don't get it. Whenever Mei is with someone or when Mitsuko is with someone none of you say anything or do anything. Oh but when I'm with my friends you two get mad for no reason" Matsuri said
"We care about you and love you Matsuri" Mitsuko said
"If you truly love me then stop getting so clingy and possessive" Matsuri said
"Then stop letting them touch you. You know some of your friends are Alphas" Mei said
"Most of my friends are taken! Brono and Lina! Asher and Sakira! Now my cousin is after Cyndi's ass while Ari can go fuck with Furto since they're both single!" Matsuri said
"Don't raise your voice!" Mitsuko growled
"Right..." Matsuri said and started walking pass them
"Where do you think you're going?" Mitsuko asked as she grabbed her wrist
"Going to the fucking bathroom. I have to take a shower before I go to bed because I have their scent on me" Matsuri said and trembled as Mitsuko tightened her grip
"Matsuri we love you. We just...hate seeing you so happy with others..." Mitsuko said as she began to loosen her grip then released her
"We only want to be the only ones who make you happy" Mei said and wrapped her arms around her
"You two do make me happy it's see it's okay to be clingy, jealous, or a little possessive but...sometimes you might get a little too aggressive" Matsuri said
"Because we have to tell those assholes to back the fuck off" Mitsuko said
"What about you? Don't you get jealous?" Mei asked
"Of course I do but I must learn to control myself before I cause a scene or go do some shit" Matsuri said as she pulled away from Mei
It's difficult to control myself but I try...because it's your business partners. They're working with you and I hate seeing you two with them but I can't do anything!
"Then why don't you do anything? You know you ca-"
"Because they're your god damn business partners! What the fuck am I suppose to fucking do!? I can't go threaten them or say anything! I can't do shit! I try my god damn best to be an Alpha! To have both your father's approval! I'm trying my hardest to impress them and prove that I can be good enough for the both of you! You two are way out of my league! You two are the heirs to your rich family's business while I'm just a fucking runt who is a god damn loser! I WAS BORN A STUPID WEAK OMEGA! AND I STILL AM!" Matsuri shouted. Mitsuko and Mei only trembled and Kitty walked up to Matsuri
"I want your family's approval b-because...I-I want to marry you two and spend th-the rest of my life with you both because I love you..." Matsuri cried as she looked at her mates. Mitsuko's and Mei's eyes widen seeing Matsuri cry
"But all I am is a Mizusawa...I-I...I've done terrible things..." Matsuri said as she calmed herself down. Mitsuko's expression soften and walked up to Matsuri then carried her
"Let's go to bed" Mitsuko said. Mei followed Mitsuko upstairs then went to bed
"I-I'm sorry..." Matsuri whimpered
"Shhhh it's okay" Mitsuko whispered and placed Matsuri on the bed. Mei laid down beside Matsuri and stroked her hair softly
"M-mei...Mitsuko...f-forgive me" Matsuri whimpered
"No it's okay. We're still here" Mei whispered and kissed her head softly. The three got in bed and cuddled each other
"I-I'll obey...I'll be a b-better mate. I understand why y-you two are like this...I'm sorry for e-everything" Matsuri said
"Don't worry's okay" Mitsuko said
"We love you" Mei
"I l-love you b-both" Matsuri said and held both their hands. Kitty stood in the door and stepped inside. She walked to the bed and jumped on it. Kitty curled herself into a ball and closed her eyes

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