Chapter 10

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"It's so great to see you again" Lina said
"Why didn't you call me that you were back in town?" Matsuri asked as she picked Kitty up but still hissed
"Uh...I think she hates me" Lina said nervously
"I don't know why she is acting like this. Here take her" Matsuri said as she handed Kitty to Mitsuko. Kitty purred and nuzzled Mitsuko's neck
"Yep definitely hates me" Lina said
"Anyways why didn't you say anything about coming back in town?" Matsuri asked
"Well I mean we didn't want to interrupt your beloved moment with your mates" Lina said
"Anyways how are you doing?" Sakira asked
"You're here too? Wait...the others are here?" Matsuri asked
"Of course" Brono said
"You guys should've called me" Matsuri said
"But aren't you always busy?" Asher asked
"No I'm not. I mean maybe a little since I'm in the Alpha's University but it's okay" Matsuri said
"Hehe and we're kinda afraid of...well you know" Lina said nervously
"Huh? Mei and Mitsuko? They're not scary" Matsuri said
"Hehehe if you say so..." Lina said
They're scar as hell. I'm even scared of that damn cat
"Since when did you dyed your hair?" Matsuri asked as she looked at her hair that had blue on the tips
"Oh that. Well I decided to dye because why not. Besides you had yours dyed so I sorta felt inspired" Lina said
"You should dye yours again. You looked really cute with pink hair" Sakira said as she ruffled her hair
"H-hey stop that" Matsuri said and laughed a little. Suddenly Mei and Mitsuko appeared from behind placing their hand on Matsuri's shoulder
"Who are they?" Mei asked
"More friends of yours?' Mitsuko said
"Ah hello Aihara-san and Taniguchi-san" Asher said
"Who the hell are you?" Mitsuko asked
"These are my friends from middle school. Asher, Furto, Sakira, Lina, and Brono" Matsuri said
"Oh...them" Mei said
"How have the three of you been?" Sakira asked
"You're not terrified at all?" Lina asked
"Of course not. Why would I be?" Sakira asked as she smiled
"Hey let's get inside" Matsuri said
"Sure" Lina said. The group followed Matsuri inside the mall
"Oh before I forget there is this party tonight. You guys should definitely come" Matsuri said
"Oh you want us to go too?" Lina asked
"Is that cool?" Matsuri asked
"Sure. Sounds great" Furto said
"Are you still single?" Matsuri asked
"It's fine" Furto said
"Don't worry you'll find your mate soon" Asher said as he patted his head softly
"I don't need one" Furto said
"Aren't you lonely though?" Matsuri asked
"Not at all" Furto said and chuckled softly
"He says that but I bet he feels lonely inside" Brono said and laughed
"Shut up" Lina said and smacked his head
"The two of you haven't changed a bit. How is your relationship going?" Matsuri asked
"We're doing amazing" Brono said as he wrapped an arm around Lina
"Surprisingly..." Lina said as she rolled her eyes
"Hey did you three come along or did the others come along?" Sakira asked
"Oh the rest are probably somewhere in the store I guess" Matsuri said
"Oh and what about Hana? Did she come with you too?" Lina asked
"Yeah she did. She's in the food court I think" Matsuri said
"Has she found someone yet?" Lina asked
"Why are you intrested?" Matsuri asked
"Well I mean isn't Hana already old enough to have a mate? So why hasn't she found one yet?" Lina asked
"How the hell should I know? I don't even know if she is looking for one" Matsuri said
I don't even know her sexuality. She doesn't seem interested with any girl or guy...
"Oh so she's kinda like Furto" Sakira said
"Should we set them together?" Lina giggled
"Wh-what? I'm not intrested!" Furto said as he blushed in embarrassment
"Awww he's blushing" Sakira said
"Ugh...shut the hell up" Furto said
"Hey it's okay to be embarrassed" Asher said as he wrapped an arm around him
"Hey! Get your arm off of me!" Furto said. Matsuri laughed along with her friends and looked up then trembled. The young Mizusawa's eyes caught Tonisha with her group
It's her she really is back
"Matsuri?" Lina asked looking at her concerned. Mitsuko and Mei stopped then looked at the same direction as Matsuri
Who is she staring at?
"Hey Matsuri. Who are you looking at?" Mei asked
"Ah sorry. I was only spacing out for a moment" Matsuri said as she smiled nervously
Shit...I really need to be careful. If I keep acting strange then they will surely find out soon...
"I'm kinda getting hungry. Let's go to the food court and see if Hana is there" Matsuri said
"Sure. I'm down" Asher said
"Hm? Guess I could get a pretzel" Furto said
"Hell yeah. Let's go!" Brono said. Mitsuko and Mei looked at Matsuri concerned
"Is something on your mind?" Mei asked placing a hand on her shoulder
"You can tell us anything" Mitsuko whispered
"Heh I'm fine. I just spaced out for a moment..." Matsuri said and held their hand. Kitty looked at her and licked her cheek
"Hehe I'm fine Kitty" Matsuri said as she petted her head softly
I don't want to think about it anymore...I just want to live my life with my Alphas
Meanwhile Lina only looked at Matduri concerned
Why the hell did she act that way? I know something is up with her...I've known her for so long. I know something is wrong Matsuri...and you will tell me what's up with-
Lina's eyes widen as her eyes caught Tonisha as well. She looked at her then back at Matsuri
Now I get it. Don't worry's okay. We're here to help...

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