Chapter 43

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"I-I'm sorry..." Anderson said
"Shut the hell up. I don't need your god damn apology" Matsuri growled and kneeled down to grab him by the hair. Anderson trembled a little and Matsuri slammed his head on the ground
"Fucking asshole..." Matsuri growled. Anderson trembled as blood dripped from his nose and mouth
"F-forgive" Anderson said. Matsuri released him and stood up
"You asshole...I said I don't need your god damn apology" Matsuri said as she kicked his face hard. She repeatedly kicked him as she knocked his teeth out. Anderson laid on the ground with his face covered in bruises
"Let's have some fun" Matsuri said and grabbed his body dragging it on the ground. She got to a tree and made him sit against the tree
"M-matsuri..." Anderson mumbled
"She is right. This world is unfair. It's filled with idiots..." Matsuri said and laughed a little
"I-I'm sorry..." Anderson said. Matsuri kicked his stomach hard that she kicked through his body
"Aaaagggghh!" Anderson cried out in pain and coughed out blood. Matsuri pulled her foot out of his stomach
"Damn...this must be my true strength. Now that I have a new body...I can use my true strength" Matsuri said as she smirked. Anderson coughed and trembled as his body slowly gave out
Sh-shit...this end...
"Huh? You awake asshole?" Matsuri asked as she kicked his head. Anderson's body fell to the ground as blood and guts dripped from his wound
"Damn...I went right through him. Hehehe that's awesome" Matsuri said and looked up seeing the storm
Is it going to rain? I should get going...
Matsuri left Anderson's body and walked out of the forest only to find a car
"Oh...he is still here?" Matsuri asked. Isoshi gasped and got out of the car
"M-matsuri? that y-you?" Isoshi asked as he blushed
Shit! She's hot!
"Of course it's me dumbass" Matsuri said as she looked down at him. Isoshi looked up and blushed extremely hard. He looked down slightly seeing her stomach
"A-ah uhm...y-your are a little small r-right?" Isoshi asked
"Hm? Yeah you're right" Matsuri said
"A-are you going to change?" Isoshi asked
"Yeah I will" Matsuri said. Lightning struck loudly that it almost struck Isoshi
"I-it's best if we get out" Isoshi said
"Alright" Matsuri said and went to the car. Isoshi ran to the car and opened the door for her
"Asshole you don't have to" Matsuri said and smiled at him
"I-it's nothing really" Isoshi said
Since when did I start to have a crush on her? Wait...her neck...there are no marks
"Isoshi close the door" Matsuri said
"Y-yes ma'am!" Isoshi said and closed the door
Fuck...I'm blushing so much around her. I loved her when she was a cute little girl but now...she's taller than me
Isoshi got to the driver's seat and drove away
"Guess there is a severe storm coming up huh?" Isoshi said
"Hehe yeah" Matsuri said
"Oh also I heard on the news that the Alpha's University got attacked" Isoshi said
"Hm? It did?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah who knows why but I heard an explosion" Isoshi said. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled
Explosion? Damnit...I have to safe them
"Safe them? Are you an idiot?"
Bitch I may be you but...I still care for others...
" long as you kill then I'm cool with it"
"Hurry the fuck up and get me home. I need to get there" Matsuri said
I have a feeling I know who those fuckers are...
"Yes" Isoshi said and sped up a bit to get to the mansion
"Attention everyone! There has been attacks at the Aihara Academy, Alpha's University, and finally the College Of Omegas. We just got informed that the college is filled with explosives and it seems that these men are looking for a certain somone in the building" The reporter said from the radio. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled
That's the college...they're in! I have to hurry!
"Isoshi! Step on it!" Matsuri said
"B-but Mat-"
"Shut up! Just do it!" Matsuri said
"On it!" Isoshi said and stepped on the petal. Matsuri looked up at the sky as lightning appeared everywhere
Don't worry Nitski and Juhin...I'll kill them
Isoshi stopped since a car passed by in front of them
"Alright. I think I can go from here" Matsuri said as she started running
"W-wait up!" Isoshi said as he got off of the car
"Tell my gang to go to that college and save my cousins and friends! Now! That's an order!" Matsuri shouted loud enough for Isoshi to hear. Isoshi nodded and drove away. Matsuri kept running and passed by the cars
I should be tired by now but...I feel amazing! Heh this body is perfect!
Matsuri passed by people pushing them aside
"Sorry! Excuse me! My bad!" Matsuri said as she ran pass them. She stopped by the mansion and ran to the door's not l-locked?
Her eyes widen as she entered inside the mansion and saw Kitty on the ground on top of a puddle of blood
"K-kitty...?" Matsuri asked. All the sudden someone came up behind her and wrapped their arms around her
"Mmph!" Matsuri exclaimed
"We finally have you" The man said
"Let go of my girl!" Miaseakuu shouted and Matsuri kicked his dick from behind
"Aaaaaah!" The man cried. Matsuri kicked him out of her house then grabbed his head and smashed his face with her knee breaking his head in half. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled as she stepped back
Wh-what? H-how strong a-am I?
"Hehehe like I said...I gave you everything. Now go ahead and kill them...remember...if you need my name but you are the one that has to stop me" Miaseakuu whispered. Matsuri turned around and saw Kitty
"Kitty! Kitty wake up!" Matsuri said as she kneeled down. She held Kitty and saw the injury. Tears rolled down her cheeks and cried softly
"N-no...Kitty..." Matsuri cried
"'s dead" Miaseakuu said bluntly
"Bring her back..." Matsuri said
"The fuck?" Miaseakuu asked
"I will kill bring Kitty back" Matsuri said
"Oh? Kill? I love that. You truly are me" Miaseakuu said and snapped her fingers. The wound in Kitty's body slowly began to close and soon Kitty began to breathe again
"K-kitty?" Matsuri asked
"M-meow meow!" Kitty said and jumped in Matsuri's arms. Matsuri hugged Kitty and cried a bit
"I-I'm sorry I didn't came sooner..." Matsuri said and trembled. Kitty purred but then pinned her ears back as she trembled. Matsuri's eyes widen and turned around seeing the men
"Matsuri Mizusawa. Come with us and no one gets hurt" The man said. Matsuri stood up and placed Kitty down
"Come at me you piece of shit" Matsuri said as she smirked devilishly
"Very well. You asked for it" The man said
"But remember one thing...don't you dare underestimate Pink Devil" Matsuri said as Miaseakuu appeared behind her

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