The End

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After 20 minutes, the two lovely mates got themselves ready. They started putting on the finishing touches and stepped out of the room
"How do I look?" Mei asked as she blushed
"You look so beautiful" Mitsuko said as she held her hand. Mei blushed deeply and smiled softly
"You're much more beautiful" Mei whispered before giving her a soft kiss on her lips. Mitsuko blushed deeply and looked away
"Let's get going. Maybe he's finally arrived" Mitsuko said as she walked downstairs. Mei followed her downstairs and found Kitty on their couch asleep
"She must be tired" Mei said and walked over to Kitty. She petted her head softly making Kitty purr. Mitsuko looked out the window and a car approached to their entrance then waited
"He's here. Mei we should go now" Mitsuko said
"Okay" Mei said and walked to the front door with Mitsuko. The two walked out of their house and Isoshi trembled slightly
"H-hi" Isoshi said
Please don't kill me...
"Don't worry. We won't kill you..." Mitsuko said
"Thank god" Isoshi as he sighed in relief and opened the door for the two Alphas
"Thank you" Mei said
"Thanks" Mitsuko said
"Y-you're welcome" Isoshi said and trembled. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat to take the Alphas to their destination. It was a quiet ride which was comfortable with them. Isoshi trembled a little but remained calm
I'm glad I'm still alive. I don't want to die now...I'm too young to die
"Where are we going exactly?" Mei asked
"Ah right. Well I shouldn't be saying anything since it's a surprise for you both but I guess I could say that she's taking you both out to dinner" Isoshi said and smiled
"That's sweet" Mei said
"It'll get even better. Trust me. Hehe she's got something really special planned for you both" Isoshi said
They're going to be so surprised
After driving for a few minutes, Isoshi stopped by the entrance and came out of the car to open the car door for the Alphas
"Thank you" Mei said
"Thanks for the ride" Mitsuko said
"No problem" Isoshi said and closed the door. He guided the two Alphas to the fancy building
"What is this place?" Mitsuko asked
"What? You two haven't been here before?" Isoshi asked
"No. I haven't heard of this place before" Mei said
"Hehe well then guess Matsuri made a great decision to set the surprise here" Isoshi said and chuckled softly. Isoshi opened the front doors for the young lovely Alphas and a man in a suit was waiting for them
"Follow me Miss Taniguchi and Miss Aihara" The man said
"Okay" Mitsuko said
"Thanks for everything...Isoshi" Mei said before leaving
"Y-you're welcome" Isoshi said and sighed in relief
I survived...
Mitsuko and Mei walked passed by a couple of tables that were occupied by a few people with their dates. Mitsuko and Mei walked pass them heading to the elevator. The man followed them to the elevator and headed to the third floor. It was slightly uncomfortable for the two Alphas. Once the elevator doors opened Mitsuko and Mei stepped out of the elevator. The man guided them through a hallway and stopped by a room
"You two may enter now. I'll be off" The man said as he bowed down and left
"Thank you" Mitsuko said and knocked on the door. Soon the door opened revealing Matsuri in a light pink dress
"Yay! You two are here!" Matsuri said as she let them inside. Mei and Mitsuko looked around the beautiful room and were amazed
"How did you find this place?" Mei asked
"Well...hehe I kinda got help from Eyebrows" Matsuri giggled
"It's amazing" Mitsuko said and looked at Matsuri
"Matsuri you look so beautiful" Mitsuko said. Matsuri blushed deeply and covered a bit of her face
"Th-thanks" Matsuri said
Fuck! I'm embarrassed!
"Let's order something and eat" Matsuri said. After sitting down on the dining table and ordering their food. The door opened as the waiter walked in while other waiters came in with trays. After thanking them for bringing their meals and drinks the three mates were finally alone together
"Why did you reserve this place?" Mitsuko asked
"Isn't it obvious? You two get so fucking jealous" Matsuri said
"R-right..." Mitsuko said nervously
"Sorry..."Mei said
"Hehe don't be. Besides...I understand how you two feel now..." Matsuri said as she looked down at her food
"Hm? You do?" Mitsuko asked
"The past two years after getting a new body...I've felt a strong feeling inside. It was a struggle to hide and control but...somehow I managed to stay in control" Matsuri said and giggled
"Now you truly understand how we feel" Mitsuko said
"Hehe yes. Now I know how it feels to have that desire to kill" Matsuri said
"Is there something special going on?" Mei asked
"Hm? could say that" Matsuri said
"What? Did something happen?" Mei asked
"Mmmm well I'll tell you two about it later. Right now let's just enjoy our meal" Matsuri said. The three mates ate their meal while talking about themselves and a bit of the past. After eating, Matsuri stood on the balcony staring at the moon
So pretty
"Hey Matsuri...will you tell us what's so special today?" Mei asked
"Hehe you're both curious" Matsuri said
"Of course we are. Why did you take us out for dinner? There is something else right?" Mitsuko asked
"Hehe I don't want to ruin the surprise" Matsuri said and walked away
"Matsuri-chan" Mei said
"Do you remember the first time we met each other? I bet you both thought of me as a little devil" Matsuri said and smiled
" be honest. That's exactly what we thought" Mitsuko said
"And I thought both of you as fucking sluts because of your body" Matsuri said and laughed a little
"But now...I think of you both as two are just adorable little kitties" Matsuri giggled which made Mitsuko and Mei blush deeply
"And I love you both so much no matter what. We've been through a lot so much in the past...sometimes I thought that you two were good without two would never let me go" Matsuri said
"Of course we will never leave you!" Mitsuko exclaimed
"Why would you think such a thing like that?!" Mei exclaimed
"Relax it's all over now. Those thoughts...have dissapeared forever. Now my mind only thinks about us and our future together. I really love you two so much. I want to spend my entire life with you both. So...u-uhm..." Matsuri blushed deeply and trembled as she reached to her back pocket grabbing a small box
"Matsuri?" Mei asked
"Are you okay?" Mitsuko asked. The two Alpha mates stepped closer towards her and Matsuri kneeled down on one knee
"M-matsuri?" Mitsuko asked
"Wh-what are you doing?" Mei asked. Matsuri's face turned red as a tomatoe as she felt embarrassed while looking down
Fuck...I'm blushing like crazy
Matsuri held out a box and looked up at her mates
"I love you two so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you two. I promise to always be faithful and stay by your side. I won't hurt you two ever. I will protect you two with my life. So please...Mitsuko Taniguchi and Mei Aihara" Matsuri paused and opened the box revealing two diamond rings
"Will you...m-marry me?" Matsuri asked as she looked down trying to hide her blush. Mitsuko and Mei were speechless and teared up. Matsuri gulped and waited for their answer. Suddenly Matsuri jumped in surprise as Mei tackled her
"M-mei-mmmph!" Mei crashed her lips against hers as tears rolled down her cheeks. Matsuri blushed and kissed her back as she wrapped an arm around her neck. Mei pulled away and smiled
"Yes! I do!" Mei said as she smiled. Matsuri blushed deeply and gasped as Mitsuko pulled her into a kiss. Mitsuko pulled away and cupped her cheek
"I do" Mitsuko said and leaned in
"U-uhm wait shou-mmph!" Matsuri's eyes widen and Mitsuko kissed her with passion while Mei started nibbling on her neck. Matsuri trembled and let out soft moans
I love them so much!

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