Chapter 11

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Matsuri was sitting with her group of friends in the food court area
"Hey! Sharing is caring!" Asher said
"But I don't care" Furto said and took a bite of his pretzel
"Asher stop bothering Furto" Sakira said
"Does he seriously act like a kid?" Matsuri asked
"He's always like this. I have to mom them especially Brono" Lina said as she groaned
"What do you mean me? I'm well behaved!" Brono said as he stood up from his seat
"Sometimes you are. Now sit down and don't raise your voice at me" Lina said as she glared at him. Brono only sighed and sat down
"Alright" Brono said
"Anyways so how has college life been for all of you?" Matsuri asked
"It's going great. I actually never thought I would make it in college" Lina said
"Hehehe all because you always never turned in your work for your classes" Matsuri said
"That's all in the past" Lina said
"Oh? So you've been studying and working hard?" Matsuri asked
"Of course I have" Lina said
"What about Brono?" Matsuri asked as she looked at him
"Hey! What about me?" Brono asked
"He's doing good surprisingly" Lina said
"Hey Matsuri. I heard that Hunton has been accepted in the same University as you" Brono said
"Oh Hunton? Yeah he's in the University" Matsuri said. Both Mei and Mitsuko looked at Matsuri giving her a glare
"And u-uhm...a-are you two g-getting along?" Lina asked
"Hm? Yeah we are" Matsuri said and sighed
They're glaring at me right? Yes...of course they are
"And we told you to not think about anyone else" Mitsuko said
"I wasn't thinking about him. I am only talking about him since they asked about him" Matsuri said
"H-hehe I guess they don't like him" Lina said nervously
"It's because I was in heat and...uh...Hunton sorta y-you know" Matsuri said
"You idiot" Lina said
"Nothing bad happened right?" Sakira asked
"No...except that Hunton was sent to the hospital" Matsuri said
"Damn...I thought he would get killed" Brono said and chuckled softly
"Hey it's not funny" Lina said
"He is lucky to be alive" Mei said
"And walking..." Mitsuko said
"I can't imagine how they beat him up..." Lina said
"I hope he is okay" Sakira said
"Haha! He deserved it though" Brono said as he laughed softly
"Have you met up with him?" Asher asked
"Uhm...n-no" Matsuri said
"Well hopefully he is cool with you" Sakira said
"I think he'd be a bit terrified for a while..." Matsuri said
"Does everyone in your University know about your little relationship?" Lina asked
"N-not really" Matsuri said
"Yes" Mei said
"After our appearance in the University everyone knows that we're together" Mitsuko said
"Is that true?" Sakira asked
"Y-yeah" Matsuri said
"Hey...I know you probably don't want to talk about it but...what about Tonisha?" Lina asked. Matsuri looked down and sighed
Why now? Heh...guess I can't lie to her. She is smart...
"Don't fucking bring her up. I don't want to talk about that slut" Matsuri said as she looked away
"Please Lina...let's not talk about her" Sakira said
"Who is she?" Mitsuko asked. The group only looked at Matsuri waiting for her to answer
"I fucking hate you..." Matsuri said as she glared at her friends
"Just tell them" Lina said
"Matsuri?" Mei asked. Matsuri sighed and leaned back in her chair
"Tonisha and I were childhood friends. We were really close and all...not until..." Matsuri paused and looked down
"Let's just say what happened between me and how I got the name Pink Devil" Matsuri said
" idiot..." Tonisha mumbled and coughed blood. The pink haired girl looked over at Tonisha and smiled
"You're the idiot one here..." Matsuri giggled
"Wh-why? Weren't we friends?" Tonisha asked
"I's not my fault" Matsuri said and giggled. Tonisha gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly
"Y-you'll fucking bitch..." Tonisha growled
"Haha! Do you really think you can defeat me? Well's best if you don't try anything unless you want me to kill you" Matsuri said. Tonisha stayed still on the ground and breathed heavily
"'s your fault. If you hadn't fucked with them..." Matsuri said
"I-I didn't fuck with a-anyone..." Tonisha said
"Haha...whatever" Matsuri said and started walking away
"H-hey! Where the hell a-are you going!?" Tonisha exclaimed
"Going home. I'm not wasting my time with you..." Matsuri said
"C-come back bitch!" Tonisha said. Matsuri laughed softly as she walked away. Her phone started ringing and she picked it up
"You done Mizusawa?" The guy asked
"Yes. Your bitch is on the ground right now so you better pay up" Matsuri said
"Yes yes I know. I'm near the cafe" The guy said
"Alright. I'll see you there" Matsuri said and hanged up. She walked to the cafe and stopped seeing a hooded guy
"Ah you must be the little Mizusawa right? Hehehe here you go kid" The guy said and handed her the money
"Thanks..." Matsuri said as she took it
"You know...I'm quite impressed. Someone like you able to defeat someone much stronger...even though you're an Omega" The guy said
"Whatever..." Matsuri said as she walked away
"Hey...wasn't that little bitch your friend?" The guy asked
"No..." Matsuri said as she walked away. She only looked up at the sky and smirked
'This filled with idiots...'
End Of Flashback
"After the little incident...I guess karma came to get me. I lost my mother a few days after that and...yeah" Matsuri said
"Hm? So that's how you earned your name?" Brono asked
"More like Nitski named me that..." Matsuri said and laughed softly
"Why didn't you want to tell us before?" Mei asked
"Because I hate talking about the past...especially mine. So I rather forget about it and focus on my future...w-with you two" Matsuri said as her face redden
"Awwww!" Both Sakira and Lina said
"Sh-shut up!" Matsuri said as she felt embarrassed
"Hehe you still get embarrassed easily?" Brono asked
"Shut up before I kick your ass..." Matsuri said as she growled
"Don't be embarrassed" Mitsuko said as she wrapped her arms around her then carried her up placing her on top of her lap
"E-eh?" Matsuri asked and trembled
"Cute" Mei whispered and kissed her ear
"N-not in public!" Matsuri said as she shook her head then got off of Mitsuko's lap. She held Kitty closely and trembled a little
"Help me Kitty" Matsuri said
"Meow" Kitty said and licked her nose
"Who's the top one in the relationship?" Brono asked only earning a soft punch from Lina
"Idiot! That's none of your business!" Lina said
"Ah! S-sorry!" Brono said
"I am" Mitsuko said
"Y-you didn't have to answer that!" Matsuri said
"Shut up" Mei said and stole a kiss from her. Matsuri only blushed extremely hard and covered her face
I love them so much

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" Shai asked as she walked around with Himeko
"I don't know" Himeko said
"Hm? Is there something wrong?" Shai asked as she looked at her
"N-not's just...that back there. I was worried for a moment" Himeko said
"Hm? About what?" Shai asked
"About Meimei and the little situation back there" Himeko said
"Oh that? Yeah Yuzu seemed upset for a moment there...but the ones who seemed even more upset were those two sisters" Shai said
But how come the little one is older than her tall sister? I thought she was the oldest
"But I bet Aihara-san taught her a lesson..." Shai said
"I don't think Meimei would've beaten her up for no reason" Himeko said
"Why were you worried for her? Worried that she'd beat the shit out of her or something?" Shai asked and chuckled softly
"It's not funny especially when Meimei can get out of control sometimes" Himeko said
"Hehe right...and what do you mean she loses control? Does she just beat the shit out of anyone who pisses her off?" Shai asked
"She was like that but now with Mitsuko...they can kill anyone" Himeko said
"And what's so bad about that?" Shai asked
"Shai!" Himeko said
"Heh sorry. I should be taking it seriously but really though...what's so bad about that? They don't seem like serial killers..." Shai said as she looked down
But I am one...
"I'm just afraid that the little Mizusawa might not be able to control them once they're in rage. Trust me...I've seen Meimei and Mitsuko-senpai go down. Those two back then were monsters. There was always blood on the arena everytime they truly was scary seeing them both" Himeko said
"But I don't think they'll harm anyone. I mean it seems that Matsuri-chan has them under control. They don't get easily jealous right?" Shai asked
"They do seem like the jealous type..." Himeko said
"And so do you..." Shai mumbled
"What did you just say?" Himeko asked as she glared at her
"That Pucchi is so cute" Shai giggled and snatched Pucchi from her arms. Pucchi barked and licked her face
"Hehehe that tickles!" Shai giggled. Himeko only pouted a bit and wrapped her arms around her waist. Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply
"H-himeko?" Shai asked
"I want you to hold me too" Himeko said as she kept blushing feeling embarrassed. Shai only looked at her and giggled softly
"You're cute too Himeko-chan" Shai said and patted her head softly while holding Pucchi with her other arm
"No way! Is that Shai Okogi?" A young woman said. Shai looked up and saw a beautiful brown haired woman
"Seems like you haven't changed a bit...Diamond" She said as she smiled
"E-eh? Wait a s-sec...D-diamond?" Shai asked
There was only one person in the world who called me Diamond because of my eyes
"H-hinria?" Shai asked
"Yay! You remembered!" Hinria said as she smiled brightly
"It really is you?" Shai asked
"Of course it's me silly" Hinria said and walked up to Shai until Pucchi started growling
"Eh? Pucchi?" Shai asked. Pucchi barked and pinned his ears back
"Hehe I think he doesn't like me" Hinria said as she smiled nervously
"Uh...Himeko I think your dog is broken or something" Shai said as she turned around to look at her
"He's not. He just really despises strangers" Himeko said as she held Pucchi and petted his head softly
"Calm down...for now" Himeko whispered. Pucchi barked and licked her hand
"Uh...a-anyways it's great to see you" Shai said
"It's great to see you too Diamond" Hinria said and cupped both Shai's cheeks pulling her face close to hers. Himeko's eyes widen and felt fury run all over her body
Keep. Your. Filthy. Hands. Off. Her.
"H-hinria?" Shai asked as her face redden
"Wow! Your eyes really do look like diamonds" Hinria said and released her
"O-oh my eyes. Hehehe y-yeah" Shai said as she smiled. Hinria smiled back and noticed the tornado haired woman
"Hm? Oh where are my manners. Hinria Qin. Nice to meet you Shai's friend" Hinria said and held her hand out. Himeko only looked at her hand and glared at her
"Girlfriend" Himeko said
"Eh? Girlfriend?" Hinria asked as she pulled her hand away
"Right! Hinria meet Himeko my mate" Shai said
"Oh...mate? Ah so you've finally found a mate? That's great" Hinria said as she smiled
Who would've thought she'd end up with someone...oh well...what a shame
"Hinria where the hell have you been?" Another woman asked as she appeared behind her
"Sorry Phila. I just bumped into someone. You probably know her" Hinria said
"Eh? Wait...who are you?" Phila asked
"Oh come on Phila. It's me Shai Okogi" Shai said
"O-okogi? Wait a Yuzuko with you?" Phila asked
"Yuzu? Oh yeah. She is with me oh uhm...well not right now. She is with her girlfriend at one of the stores" Shai said
"Huh? Yuzuko has a mate too?" Hinria asked
"A mate?" Phila asked
"Yep!" Shai said and spotted a woman hidden behind Phila
"Awww hey Cyndi. It seems you haven't changed at all" Shai said. Cyndi whimpered a bit and trembled a little
"H-hi Shai" Cyndi said
"Heh I bet Matsuri would love to see you" Shai said
"M-matsuri? Sh-she is here too?" Cyndi asked as she lifted her head
"Of course she is" Shai said
"That's great. We should hang out" Phila said as she smiled

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