Chapter 14

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"'s just i bumped into someone" Matsuri said
"So that's why you have a strange scent" Mitsuko said and growled
"And also another Alpha's scent is on you" Mei said as she sniffed another scent from Matsuri
"H-huh? Oh it's...uh" Matsuri paused and trembled should I explain?
"W-well you see...I uh...bumped into Tonisha and H-hunton" Matsuri said
"Shower time" Mitsuko said grabbing Matsuri
"H-huh?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Didn't you want to go to the party?" Mei asked
"O-oh...right" Matsuri said and smiled nervously
"What? You don't want to go now?" Mitsuko asked
"I-I do it's's just many things are in my mind right now" Matsuri said buried her face on her chest
"Is this what they said back there?" Mei asked
"Hm? About what?" Matsuri asked
"That Tonisha girl" Mitsuko said
"'s just that I really screwed up. Sometimes I wonder why I did it...heh I was only a stupid kid back then" Matsuri said
"Just focus on the future like you said. We all made mistakes in the past as well or suffered but it's best to just forget about it" Mitsuko said
"Besides there is nothing you can do to change the past..." Mei said and stroked her hair softly
"Mmmm...I don't think I want to go to the party..." Matsuri said and nuzzled her chest
"Do you want to stay here?" Mei asked
"With my two cute and adorable Alphas" Matsuri said as she smiled. Mei and Mitsuko blushed deeply which made Matsuri giggle
"You two are so adorable but why do you have to scare my friends?" Matsuri asked
"We just hate seeing others hold you or hug you" Mitsuko said
"You two get so easily jealous...I find it hot" Matsuri said mumbling the last part
"What was that?" Mei asked
"N-nothing" Matsuri said and giggled
"Let's just get you in the bath immediately. I can't handle this scent anymore" Mitsuko growled and took Matsuri to the bathroom. Mei turned the faucet on preparing the water while Mitsuko got rid of Matsuri's clothes
"D-do you always have to take my clothes off?" Matsuri asked as she blushed deeply
"You're our little baby" Mitsuko said and kissed her neck softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and trembled a little
"The bath is ready" Mei said and started to strip herself naked
"Alright get in" Mitsuko said as she finished getting rid of Matsuri's clothes. Matsuri blushed deeply and stepped inside the big bathtub. She gulped as her two mates finished stripping and stared at their bodies
"You're horny aren't you?" Mei asked as she smirked
"N-no" Matsuri said and looked away shutting her legs together. Mitsuko and Mei stepped inside the bathtub and went over to Matsuri
"It's okay to admit you're horny. There is nothing wrong with that" Mitsuko said and started to nibble on her ear gently. Matsuri bit down on her bottom lip and trembled
"Let your voice out~" Mei whispered and licked her harden nipple slowly
"M-mmm~ Ahhh~" Matsuri moaned softly and looked at Mitsuko then leaned in connecting their lips together. Mitsuko kissed her back and shoved her tongue inside her mouth
"Mmmm~" Mitsuko moaned softly and wrapped her tongue around her tongue. Mei pinched her nipples and slid her hand down between her legs. Matsuri broke the kiss and moaned. She panted softly and touched Mei's ears
"N-ngh~ Haaah~" Mei moaned softly and trembled. Mitsuko grabbed her by the hair tugging it gently then crashed her lips against Mei's. Mei let out a moan and trembled a little. Mitsuko shoved her tongue inside her mouth and played with her tongue. Matsuri blushed deeply and started licking Mei's chest then squeezed her boobs hard
"A-ahh~ Mmm~" Mei moaned and tried fighting back but Mitsuko won
"Hah~" Mitsuko panted softly as she pulled away with a strand of saliva between their lips
"Heh we should finish our bath and then we can have fun" Matsuri said
"Alright" Mei said. Matsuri giggled and splashed water on both her mates
"Matsuri" Mitsuko said and wrapped her arms around her waist
"Hehehe" Matsuri giggled and sticked her tongue out. Mei leaned in and bit her neck
"N-ngh~" Matsuri moaned and trembled
I-I can't take this heat anymore~

"Thanks for taking me home" Nene said as she smiled softly
"Hehe no problem Nene" Hana said and ruffled her hair
"U-uhm anyways thank you so much" Nene said as she blushed
Wh-why am I blushing? I've never felt these emotions before...
Nene got out of the car and looked at Hana
"S-see you later then" Nene said
"See ya. I'll pick you up later tonight so we can go to the party" Hana said as she smiled
"Okay. Bye" Nene said and waved goodbye
"Bye" Hana said and drove away
"So...are you intrested in her?" Nitski asked
"What?" Hana asked
"Nitski shut the hell up if you don't want our punishment to be worse" Juhin said
"I'm just curious. The two of you have started meeting up often" Nitski said
"That's none of your business" Hana said
"Nitski. Shut. Up" Juhin growled
"Oh come on Hana. Don't you think that it's time for you to have a mate?" Nitski asked
"Nitski please stop" Juhin said
"My love life is none of your business" Hana said
"But admit it Hana. You kinda like her don't you?" Nitski asked
"Like I said...that is none of your business. Now shut up before I punish you even more" Hana said
"Jeez I was only curious. No need to be so mean. Your secret is safe with me" Nitski said as she smiled. Hana stepped on the brakes and sighed deeply
They're acting like a bunch of kids...
"Get out and start cleaning" Hana said sternly as she glared at her
"Eh? Weren't we going to clean tomorrow afternoon?" Nitski asked
"Matsuri-chan offered me to punish you both" Hana said as she smirked
"What!?" Nitski exclaimed
"B-but why me!?" Juhin exclaimed
"Just shut up and get out" Hana said as she glared at them both
"But Matsuri told you not to punish us until tomorrow" Nitski said
"I will let you go to the party...if you finish cleaning my place including my car" Hana said
"Wh-what!?" Nitski exclaimed
"I was only going to let you clean my place but after that shitty talk...I decided to make it slightly worse. Though it's not completely bad...if you finish on time" Hana said
"So if we finish then we can go to the party?" Nitski asked
"Sure" Hana said
"Let's hurry" Juhin said as he got out the car
"Can't believe Matsuri betrayed me" Nitski said and pouted
"Hey less chatting and more working if you want to go to that little party" Hana said
"Shit! Right" Nitski said and stepped out of the car. She followed Juhin inside and started cleaning up the place. Hana stepped out out of the car and locked her car
"But admit it Hana. You kinda like her don't you?"
Like her? Heh...maybe just a little bit
Hana smiled a little with a slight blush. She jumped a little and shook her head
Ugh...don't start blushing
"Let's just check on those troublemakers" Hana said and walked to her home. She entered inside and was surprised seeing Nitski and Juhin start to clean everything up
"Wow you two must really want to go to that party" Hana said
"Of course we do" Juhin said
"So I can get to see that girl again" Nitski said
"Huh? What girl?" Hana asked
"One of Matsuri's childhood friends. I think her name is Cyndi" Juhin said
"A cute and sweet Omega. I must have her!" Nitski said as she started brooming the floor aggressively
"Hey do your job right" Hana hissed
"S-sorry ma'am" Nitski said
"Haha" Juhin laughed softly
"Huh? What's so funny?" Nitski asked
"Just surprised that you actually fell in love with someone. You usually just fuck with anyone so it's kinda surprising you like someone...especially an Omega" Juhin said
"Shut up. I don't know what made my heart go crazy was her. That sweet and innocent Omega...oh god...I can't wait to have my hands on her hehehehehe" Nitski giggled only to earn a smack on the back of her head
"Maybe you don't deserve to go to the party if your plan is to only see that Omega" Hana said sternly as she glared at her
"A-ah I wasn't planning to d-do anything bad to h-her. I o-only wanted to know her better" Nitski said and my stupid mouth
"I'll be keeping an eye on you during the party" Hana said
"Huh?! B-but I want to have fun!" Nitski said
"Nitski finish cleaning up then you can talk" Juhin said
"You better listen to your little bro if you want to go to the party" Hana said as she smirked
"Grrr...yes ma'am" Nitski said and started cleaning again
Fuck...I need to hurry up and finish this!
After cleaning up the house the two Mizusawas ran outside to clean Hana's car. Hana stood in front of the window and chuckled softly
Damn I've never seen them work so hard before...they're so eager to go to that damn party. I hope nothing bad happens...
Nitski and Juhin ended up finishing cleaning up then groaned in exhaustion
"Come inside you two. I've prepared something special" Hana said and opened the door for them. Nitski and Juhin walked to the house and gasped seeing a delicious meal along with sweet desserts
"Wh-what's this?" Nitski asked as her mouth drooled
"Thanks!" Juhin said and immediately sat down to eat everything
"Thank you!" Nitski said and started devouring her meal
"Jeez slow down you two. There is no need to rush" Hana said
"I must hurry so I can get myself ready and so I can met up with her" Nitski said
"Your crush?" Juhin asked
"Shut up" Nitski said
"She's going to the party?" Hana asked
"Of course she is. Didn't you hear? Matsuri invited them" Nitski said
And once I meet up with her then I can seduce her
"Good luck with that" Hana said and chuckled softly
"I should call Matsuri and ask her for help" Nitski said as she pulled her phone out
"Do you think that Matsuri will help you? I bet she already knows your plans" Juhin said
"She owes me. Besides it's time for me to have a mate" Nitski said as she smiled softly and dialed Matsuri's number
This bitch better pick up unless her two mates are fucking her
"Hey" Matsuri said
"Hey Matsuri. I need help" Nitski said
"Help on what?" Matsuri asked
"Listen I need to know what your friend Cyndi likes" Nitski said
"Why?" Matsuri asked
"B-because she seems like a nice person and I want to be her friend" Nitski said as she blushed
" just want to fuck her don't you?" Matsuri asked
"Wh-what?" Nitski asked and blushed
Shit...she knows
"Don't think I'll help you with that. You just want your hands on her" Matsuri said
"Please! Help me! I won't do that. I want her to be my mate" Nitski said
"What? Since when were you intrested in finding a mate?" Matsuri asked
"Please help me! I do love her and...she's m-my type" Nitski said
"I've never heard you talk like that before..." Matsuri said
This is the first time I've ever heard her voice like that..I wonder how her expression looks like
"So you'll help me?" Nitski asked
"Sorry but I decided that I don't want to go" Matsuri said
"Wh-what!? Come on! Help me out please!" Nitski said
"Nope. No can do" Matsuri said
"I won't harm her or anything" Nitski said
"Hm? I dunno" Matsuri said
"I'm coming over there right now" Nitski said
"Eh?" Matsuri asked
"I am going to your place and beg on my god damn knees. I don't care if the three of you are fucking" Nitski said
" really want her don't you?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. Besides it's my first time feeling something like this..." Nitski said
"Fine but you better buy me dessert" Matsuri said
"Sure" Nitski said
"Guess I'll have to get changed soon. Anyways see ya" Matsuri said
"Thank you so much Matsuri! I love you! See ya later!" Nitski said and hanged up
"So she actually agreed to help you?" Juhin asked
"Of course she did" Nitski said
"Good luck but I will still keep an eye on you just in case you decide to do something stupid" Hana said as she patted her head softly then glared at her
"Y-yes ma'am" Nitski said nervously

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