Chapter 6

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"Mmmgh..." Matsuri groaned as she was laying down on the bed
"Cute" Mei said stroking her hair softly
"Uhm...can you just remove the buttplug?" Matsuri asked
"No" Mitsuko said
"Why not? It's bothering me" Matsuri said as she touched her ass
"Because it will remind you of us and who you belong to" Mei said and cuddled her. Matsuri blushed and tried to sit up but her body was too weak
Ugh...I hate it when I'm in heat but at the same time...I can't help but love it
"When will we go and pick up my work?" Matsuri asked
"We?" Mei asked
"Yeah I'm coming too" Matsuri said
"We agreed that you won't be coming" Mitsuko said
"Then let me just take my medication for my heat. I want to at least go outside" Matsuri said
"You're staying" Mitsuko said
"I can go and pick up your work" Mei said
"I want to go" Matsuri said
"No you're not" Mitsuko said
"Why not mommy? I won't get out the car" Matsuri said
"Because I said so. You can go Mei" Mitsuko said as she stroked her hair softly. Mei blushed deeply as both her ears and cheeks redden. Mitsuko pulled her close leaning towards her head
"Also remember that the rules apply to you too~" Mitsuko whispered and licked her ear earning a moan from Mei
"I-I understand" Mei said as she trembled while blushing crazy
"Alright. Go ahead and pick up her work" Mitsuko said
"Wait...does that mean I have to finish it tonight?" Matsuri asked
"Of course" Mei said
"It's homework" Mitsuko said
"But I don't think I can especially since my body is all weak..." Matsuri said and buried her face on the pillow
"We'll help you. Now hurry because I don't want you to stay out late" Mitsuko said and leaned in giving her a soft kiss. Mei blushed and nodded
"Of course" Mei said as she kissed her nose. She headed out of the room and went to the room to grab fresh clothes
"Take me with you!" Matsuri said
"Hey sit" Mitsuko said grabbing her leash
"Waaah!" Matsuri whined. Mei finished putting her clothes on and walked out the room
"I'll be back quick" Mei said
"You better because there will be consequences" Mitsuko said giving her a glare
"Please let me go" Matsuri whined
"No" Mitsuko said. Mei only let out a soft giggle and walked downstairs
"Hey Mei I asked the driver to take you" Mitsuko said as she held her phone
"Thanks babe" Mei said as she gave her a soft smile
"Take me!" Matsuri said
"Hey! Get back in the room!" Mitsuko growled
"Hide and seek!" Matsuri said running away. Mei laughed a little as she headed to the door
"Meow" Kitty purred
"You can come with me" Mei said as she kneeled and held her. The cat purred and licked her hand. Mei walked out of the mansion and saw the driver waiting for her
"Hello ma'am" The driver said and opened the door for her
"Thank you sir" Mei said and went inside the car. The driver went to the driver's seat and left the mansion heading to the University. Mei looked outside the car window staring at the sky
I better hurry just so I can spend time with them
The driver stopped in front of the gates and stepped out of the car so he could open the door for Mei
"Ma'am would you like me to accompany you?" The driver asked
"No thanks. I'm good but please take care of Kitty for me while I'm gone" Mei said
"Of course" The driver said
"I'll be back okay Kitty?" Mei said
"Meow" Kitty said. Mei walked away heading to the University. Some students who were walking out only turned to look at her and drooled over her. Mei only ignored them as she kept walking
"Ah! Hey Aihara!" Someone said. Mei turned around with her glare but stopped's her friend
"A-ah s-sorry Aihara-san" Ari said nervously
"No it's fine" Mei said
"I knew someone was going to pick up Matsuri's work so I decided to pick up her work and hand it to you or her other mate" Ari said slightly nervous as she handed the papers to Mei
"Thank you" Mei said
"Hey Ari" A guy said as he stood behind her
"Hi Arton" Ari said
"Hey is she you know?" Arton asked
"Matsuri's mate? Yes" Ari said
"Ah so this is how she looks like. Wasn't she the one who came with another Alpha?" Arton asked
"Yes and that other Alpha is Matsuri's other mate" Ari said
"Oh I understand now" Arton said
" two are Matsuri's friends right?" Mei asked
"Y-yes" Ari said feeling a little worried
I heard Matsuri talk about them being really jealous...especially jealous of her friends
"Yep we are" Arton said
"Are you two close friends with her?" Mei asked
"W-well I wouldn't say close frien-"
"We sure are!" Arton said
"Shut up!" Ari said
" you two are close friends with her" Mei said. Ari only trembled as she felt her entire body froze
Please...spare me. I don't want to end up like that asshole in the hospital
"What does Matsuri usually talk about?" Mei asked
"E-eh?" Ari asked
"What?" Arton asked
"Does Matsuri always talk about us? Or...someone else?" Mei asked as she glared at them wanting an answer
"O-oh well Matsuri usually talks about you two when she's around us" Ari said
"Only you two know?" Mei asked raising an eyebrow
"Yeah I don't know why she hasn't told anyone else about her two fated mates" Arton said
"Probably because she is afraid about what others might think of her or if they'll make fun of her" Ari said as she shrugged
Matsuri has nothing to worry about if they find out. Her two Alpha mates can seriously beat everyone in this University. That would be terrifying...but very fun to watch
" one else knows about us but you two?" Mei asked
"Yep" Arton said
"What does Matsuri talk about when she is around you two?" Mei asked
"She sometimes talks about how much she misses you both or that she kinda regrets getting a dorm" Ari said
"What? She does?" Mei asked
"All because she thought she needed some space but ended up realizing that she felt lonely without you two" Ari said. Mei only felt her heart skip a beat as she blushed
"Thank you. I hope you two have a nice day" Mei said and walked away
"Y-yeah have a nice day Aihara-san!" Ari said as she waved goodbye
"Why were you acting all nervous?" Arton asked
"Just shut up" Ari said
I guess they're not so bad after all...
Mei only walked to the exit passing by the drooling Alphas. She only went back to the driver until she felt someone behind her
"What the hell do you want?" Mei asked as she glared at the male Alpha. Suddenly the male Alpha flinched as he sensed a strong Alpha aura from Mei
"Ma'am is this man troubling you?" The driver asked
"No" Mei said and kept on walking. She got to the car and the driver opened the door for her
"Thank you" Mei said
"You're welcome ma'am" The driver said and went to the driver's seat then left taking Mei back home. After a few minutes Mei got home and the driver helped her out
"Thank you" Mei said
"No problem Aihara-san" The driver said as he bowed down
"Let's go Kitty" Mei said as she held her closely while holding the papers with the other. She got to the door and opened it only finding Mitsuko on top of Matsuri
"Mei! Help me!" Matsuri whined
"What's going on here?" Mei asked and stepped inside putting Kitty down
"Oh you're finally back" Mitsuko said and got off of her
"What the hell happened?" Mei asked
"Just teaching her a little lesson" Mitsuko and walked up to Mei giving her a kiss. Mei blushed and kissed her back. Matsuri just looked at them and began to crawl her way to the stairs
"Where do you think you're going?" Mei asked breaking the kiss
"Hahaha...nowhere" Matsuri said and stood up
"Sometimes I wonder if you're doing this on purpose" Mitsuko said
"She is" Mei said
"Huh?" Matsuri asked
"I talked with your little buddies and they mentioned something about you feeling lonely..." Mei said. Matsuri's eyes widen and chuckled nervously
"Is that true?" Mitsuko asked
"Y-you see I thought...I-I thought it would be n-nice to have some space alone b-but uhm...y-yeah it's true" Matsuri said as she rubbed the back of her head
"Why would you want your own space? You can just tell us if you need your space" Mei said. Matsuri only looked away and giggled
But you two never listen...
"And what's with the lonely thing?" Mitsuko asked
"Her friend said that Matsuri complains about being lonely" Mei said
"Matsuri..." Mitsuko said
"Well it's not my fault. You two always spoil me wh-which...I enjoy a lot and well...I-I ended up getting clingy" Matsuri said mumbling the last part
"Are you still going back to your dorm?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well...maybe since you two have family business to take care of which is completely fine" Matsuri said and stood up from the floor
Fuck...why did Ari have to spill the beans?
Suddenly Matsuri felt a pair of arms wrapped around her
"We said you're more important than work" Mei said
"It's okay" Mitsuko said. Matsuri blushed deeply and smiled softly
"To the room" Mitsuko said
"E-eh!? But we already fucked!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Cuddle" Mei said as she kissed her nose
"Yay! Cuddle time!" Matsuri said

"I survived..." Ari said and laughed a little
"What the hell was wrong with you back there? You looked like you were about to faint or pass out" Arton said
"Did you sense her aura?" Ari asked
"Yeah but I shouldn't worry about it. It's not like she was going to beat us up" Arton said
"That's what you think..." Ari said
"You're just overreacting" Arton said
"If you were there when Hunton got beat up then you would've definitely be scared of them" Ari said
"I want ice cream" Arton said
"What the hell is up with you? You always eat ice cream at this time of day" Ari said
"Because I love ice cream" Arton said
"Don't you get sick?" Ari asked
"I'll pay" Arton said
"Okay. I'm in" Ari said and followed Arton heading to the ice cream shop. They both got to the ice cream shop and stepped inside ordering their ice cream
"Thanks" Ari said
"You're welcome. See? Isn't it nice to have some ice cream?" Arton asked
"Yeah I guess" Ari said as they walked back outside. Suddenly the two of them started to hear a bit of yelling as a woman stepped out of the shop
"You bitch! You'll pay for this!" The woman shouted. The woman turned around glaring at them
"Ex-excuse us..." Ari said grabbing Arton dragging him away
"Hey! You two!" The woman said calling them. Ari's eyes widen and stopped
Wh-why the hell is she calling us for?
"A-are you talking to us?" Ari asked nervously as she turned around
"Yes you two" The woman said
"What do you need?" Arton asked giving her a slight glare
"Do you two go to the Alpha's University?" The woman asked
"Uh y-yeah" Ari said
"Why you ask?" Arton asked
"Are you friends with Matsuri Mizusawa?" The woman asked
"M-matsuri? Uhm....wh-why do you want to know?" Ari asked
What does this bitch want from Matsuri? Does she know her or something?
"So you two are her friends..." The woman said
"Hey what the hell is wrong with you? What do you want with Matsuri?" Arton asked
"Is it ture?" The woman asked
"What's true?" Ari asked
"Does that Mizusawa have two...fated mates?" The woman asked as she glared at them

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