Chapter 33

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"S-sir...why do you need to talk to me?" Matsuri asked
"It's about your family" Hojo said
"Hm? My family?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Hojo said
"Why though? It's bullshit..." Matsuri said and gasped covering her mouth
Oh shit! I just said a curse word right in front of him!
"Relax Mizusawa. It's fine" Hojo said
"Anyways why do you want to talk about my family?" Matsuri asked
"I discovered something quite...interesting about the family that I believe you must know" Hojo said and got to his office
"What is it?" Matsuri asked
"You'll soon understand" Hojo said and walked to the desk. Matsuri looked around the office and saw a picture frame
Hm? Wait isn't that?
"Mizusawa please take a seat" Hojo said
"A-ah sure" Matsuri said and sat down on the chair
"Look sorry for asking but you were left by your parents right?" Hojo said
"Uh yeah pretty much" Matsuri said
"So you never heard anything about your family right?" Hojo asked
"Yeah..." Matsuri said as she looked down
"What about when you saw your grandfather? Did he say anything?" Hojo asked
"Well...uhm..." Matsuri paused as she looked down
"You know you're not the first person to have two fated mates"
"He said something about...someone who had two fated mates" Matsuri said
"Hmm? So they didn't tell you everything?" Hojo asked
"What do you mean by that?" Matsuri asked
" see. Have you ever searched up about your family?" Hojo asked
"Why should I? They're all fucking assholes...and I don't want to deal with them. I also don't want my cousins to get involve with them. Even if that old man seems like a nice man...I still won't go back home. This is my home and I want to live with my mates" Matsuri said. Hojo only looked at her surprised for a moment
Fuck...what am I thinking?
"Good work Hojo!" The coach said. Hojo only panted heavily and wiped the blood off the side of his mouth
"Don't fucking mess with me" Hojo growled as he glared at his opponent. He walked away and sighed
"Hehe you were amazing out there" Sho said
"Shut up" Hojo said as he walked away. Suddenly everyone only watched in amazement as they saw the beautiful young girl
"Who is she?"
"She is so pretty"
"Damn look at that body"
Hojo turned around and his eyes widen blushing deeply
'Sh-she's pretty...'
"Hm? Hey Hojo who are you looking at?" Sho asked he looked at the direction that Hojo was looking at
"Ohhhhh now I get it" Sho said and laughed
"What the hell?" Hojo asked
"You like her don't you?" Sho asked
"Wh-what?! You asshole! No I don't" Hojo said as he shook his head
"Oh come on Hojo. It's okay to like someone" Sho said as he laughed a little
"Shut the hell up. I don't like her" Hojo said as he walked away while blushing. Hojo only let out a soft groan as he covered his face. He stepped out of the arena and walked down the hallway
'Shit I really can't stop blushing...'
"Hey Hojo-kun!" Taruto said as he jumped out of nowhere
"Oh hey Taruto" Hojo said and kept walking
"Hm? What's up with you?" Taruto asked
"What are you talking about?" Hojo asked
"Well...your entire face is red" Taruto said
"Wh-what? No it's not!" Hojo said
' it really that noticeable? Shit! I need to stop!'
" there someone you like?" Taruto asked
"U-uhm...well actually...ugh...y-yeah. I think I like somone... " Hojo said and sighed in defeat
"And who is this lucky person? Guy? Girl?" Taruto asked as he smiled
"What the fuck? Why would it be a damn guy? I'm not fucking gay" Hojo said as he glared at him
"Haha! Sorry about that bro. Just w-well uh...nevermind! Anyways who is this lucky girl? Do I know her?" Taruto asked
"'s...well...ugh! This is so fucking embarrassment..." Hojo groaned
"Oh come on! Just tell me. I want to know" Taruto said
"I-it's just someone okay? Now forget it and leave me alone. I have to think..." Hojo said
"Uhh...okay I guess. See you later" Taruto said and looked down a bit
'So he finally likes someone...that's nice I's obviously a girl...'
Taruto turned around to leave and his eyes widen as the auburn haired girl walked pass him
Hojo was outside taking in some fresh air and to calm himself down. He looked up at the clear blue sky and sighed deeply
"Hi Shintani-kun" Someone said. Hojo jumped and turned around seeing the beautiful girl
'Wh-what the hell is she doing here?!'
"H-hi uh...h-how uh d-do uhm...u-uh" Hoio only looked away covering his face
'Fuck! I can't even speak!'
"How do I know you? Hehe I actually heard a lot about you" The girl said
"O-oh you have?" Hojo asked
"Mhm. You were really amazing back there" The girl said as she smiled
"U-uhm thanks and u-uh... y-you too" Hojo said
"Oh where are my manners. Hehe my name is Soha Taniguchi" Soha said as she smiled warmly while blushing
"Th-that's a beautiful name S-soha" Hojo said and blushed deeply
"Thanks Hojo" Soha said. Meanwhile the Mizusawa only hid himself and looked at the two Alphas
' like her...'
End Of Flashback
"What about my family?" Matsuri asked. Hojo jumped snapping out of his thoughts
"W-well...what I found might shock you but...the other person who had fated mates was from your family" Hojo said
"From the Mizusawas?" Matsuri asked
From my family? So I'm related to that person?
"People actually have tried keeping this a secret...mostly your grandfather because there was a huge incident" Hojo said
"What happened?" Matsuri asked
"Take this" Hojo said as he handed her a flash drive
"Huh? What is this?" Matsuri asked
"I got it from your father..." Hojo said as he looked down
"Have you seen it?" Matsuri asked
"No...I think this is for you to see but I did do a little research about it" Hojo said
"...why are you telling this to me? Why is this important?" Matsuri asked
"You'll find out soon..." Hojo said
"Is it something bad?" Matsuri asked
"It probably is...the way your father described it made me get the chills" Hojo said
"Bullshit...I bet this is another trap" Matsuri said
"Hm? A trap?" Hojo asked
"Yeah. I bet they want me to come back home to become the heir of some shitty company" Matsuri said
"Oh that. Anyways...just see what's inside it and more importantly...don't tell anything about this to your mates" Hojo said
"Hm? Why?" Matsuri asked
"It's best if they don't know anything..." Hojo said
"Uhm...okay then" Matsuri said
Is this really important that not even my mates can see? I wonder what's inside it...
"Is that all?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. That is all. Be careful with this information that I'm giving you. Maybe even try and talk with him to get more information about it..." Hojo said
"Why should I? I have a feeling this is just a fucking trap" Matsuri said
"Well I'm not sure if it's a trap but...I guess it's up to you if you believe it or not" Hojo said
"Okay...I'll check it out later" Matsuri said as she put it inside her pocket
"That will be all. I just needed to give that to you" Hojo said
"Oh really? Well...okay" Matsuri said
"You may leave now..." Hojo said
"Okay sir" Matsuri said and walked to the door
"And Mizusawa...please take care of my girl. I know I'm a terrible father and have done horrible things to my please...take good care of her for me" Hojo said
"Why?" Matsuri asked
"Hm?" Hojo asked
"Why did you do those things?" Matsuri asked. Hojo sighed deeply and teared up
"After losing my beloved angel...I didn't know what else to do. All I wanted was the best for Mitsuko...I just...never wanted her to end up as weak as me. I may act tough and seem strong but...I'm really weak inside. Heh...only Soha knew what to do and when I lost world fell apart" Hojo said then looked up at Matsuri
"You are amazing Mizusawa. I hope you love my daughter with all your heart. She needs you" Hojo said and smiled. Matsuri's eyes widen and smiled back
"Sure...father" Matsuri said and stepped out of the office. Hojo's eyes widen and smiled softly as he looked down
Father huh? Heh...guess they were meant to be

Matsuri walked down the hallway and went back to her mate's office. She only let out a soft giggle
She is just like her father...there smile is the same. I guess he isn't so bad...he is just like Mitsuko. Tough on the outside...soft on the inside
Matsuri got to the door and opened it. She jumped seeing the tall woman. Estella only turned around and glared at her
This stupid bitch...I'll kill her. If it weren't for her...this company could've been mine!
"Estella get the hell out of here" Mitsuko growled
"Heh...whatever. I'm leaving" Estella said and walked to the door passing by Matsuri
"This is not over..." Estella whispered before stepping out of the room. Matsuri only looked at her and clenched her fists tightly
She really hates me...
"Matsuri is everything okay?" Mei asked
"Hm? Oh yeah I'm okay" Matsuri said and closed the door then walked up to them
"What did my father say?" Mitsuko asked
"Oh uhm...well it's nothing really" Matsuri said as she smiled
Sorry but...I don't want to make you two worry so much for me
"Baby are you sure?" Mei asked as she wrapped her arms around her
"Yes babe. I'm fine" Matsuri said and kissed her nose
"Are you sure? He didn't say anything bad?" Mitsuko asked as she walked up to her
"Your father is really kind" Matsuri said as she smiled
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"He only said to take good care of you. Guess I was wrong about him. He is a nice man" Matsuri said
"Oh...that's all" Mitsuko said and played with her hair
"Uhm so uh...what happened?" Matsuri asked
"Hm? What?" Mitsuko asked
"With your cousin" Matsuri said
"She was just talking bullshit..." Mei said and kissed her head softly
"It was nothing bad?" Matsuri asked
"Don't worry it's really nothing" Mitsuko said and gave her a soft kiss. Matsuri blushed and kissed her back. Mei rubbed her stomach slowly and slid her hand down to her area
"W-wait people will hear" Matsuri said as she blushed
"That is if you can keep your voice down" Mei whispered
Let's have a little fun" Mitsuko whispered. Matsuri blushed deeply and smiled softly. Meanwhile Estella stepped out of the building and sighed deeply as she stood outside
Fuck...they're all sluts
"Hey there" Isha said as she walked up to her
"What the hell happened to you?" Estella asked
"Uhm...kinda got beaten by a certain kid" Isha said and chuckled softly
Can't believe I was beaten up by some kid...
"What? You got beaten up by a kid?" Estella asked
"Pr-pretty much..." Isha said
"Please don't tell me it's that Matsuri girl?" Estella asked
"B-but she's strong! She may seem weak but she is pretty tough" Isha said
"I'll believe it when I see it but right now I don't believe it. Guess you're just weak as an Omega..." Estella said
"Wh-what? I'm not weak!" Isha said
"You lost to a little bitch. That girl isn't're just weak" Estella said
"Alright then fight her. You'll see that you're wrong" Isha said
"I'm not wasting my time with a bitch like her. I need to think of a knew plan since you and that bitch just failed to do your job" Estella said
"Huh? Khyra failed?" Isha asked
"Mitsuko told her to fuck off. She is just fucking scared of her" Estella said
"Aren't you scared of her?" Khyra asked as she appeared
"Why should I? Mitsuko is a bitch" Estella said
"Then you do something about it" Khyra said
"Don't worry...I know what to do. Besides...I know that little bitch used to like she is fucking with her sister" Estella said
"Just end her already" Khyra said
"You can end the Aihara and I'll just end Mitsuko. I fucking hate her..." Estella said
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Isha said as she looked down
"Why? You scared of that Mizusawa?" Estella asked and laughed
"Wh-what?" Isha asked
"Haha! She's definitely scared of a little kid" Khyra said
"You may not believe it but...I saw someone else behind her" Isha said
"Stop talking bullshit" Estella said and laughed
"No I'm ser-"
"Let's go Estella. This bitch is just a fucking little baby" Khyra said
"Hehe stop joking around bitch" Estella said and walked away. The two left Isha behind and she only looked down trembling
I-I'm serious...someone else was there...and she looked just like her

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