Chapter 29

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"Hey you piece of shit. Stop wasting our god damn time" Nitski said
"You two we must have a word with you" The old man said
"Listen you old asshole. We aren't intrested and we don't fucking care about being part of the family again" Juhin said
"You two are idiots" Taruto said
"Just leave us alone and leave Matsuri too. We won't let you take her just because you need a god damn heir to the Mizusawa family. We are happy here and we don't want to be rich and famous" Nitski said and walked away with Juhin
"Taruto...I am going to murder you if you don't get me those brats" Zander said
"What? How the fuck is this my problem?" Taruto asked
"You and your brother are a fucking disgrace to this family. All because you thought your kid was a pathetic Omega" Zander said
"But she is" Taruto said
"You still don't get it? What a dumbass" Zander said
All that explaining and he still doesn't get it...
"What about the whole Miaseakuu thing?" Taruto asked
"With that kind of strength I'll be able to get everyone to bow down to me as their King" Zander said
"What about me? Shouldn't I get something because I'm helping out?" Taruto asked
"I'll think about it but for now...just get me those three" Zander said
"How do you want me to get them?" Taruto asked
"I don't care how you get them. Just as long as they're still breathing. We need them alive for now" Zander said
"I understand..." Taruto said
"And I hope you stop thinking about your gay friends" Zander said as he walked away
"Wh-what?! I'm not gay!" Taruto exclaimed
I don't like dicks...
"Yeah right. I'm glad you didn't stay with them. Besides that beloved girl wouldn't appear...I wonder if she has thought about the two fated mates thing" Zander said
"That girl won't listen to you" Taruto said
"Don't worry. Matsuri will come and ask about it" Zander said
"If you say so...but I still think that Matsuri won't fall for your trick" Taruto said
"We'll see about that..." Zander said. Meanwhile with Hana who only watched them just clenched the steering wheel tightly
I have to do something about them or else...they will get hurt. Who can help me?
Hana only looked down for a moment and shook her head
I don't want to but...I have no choice
Hana drove away heading to the forest. She went to the secret route that she hid for years and stopped her car
I can't believe I'm doing this...I thought I would never come back to this place
Hana stepped out of the car and started walking down the path. She trembled slightly as she heard noises
There just animals...just animals...
Suddenly a man popped up in front of Hana
"Heyo!" A older man shouted
"Aaaaaaah!" Hana exclaimed and punched the man
"Ow!" The man said and fell to the ground covering his nose
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! Sorry!" Hana exclaimed
"What the fuck Nagamine!?" The man exclaimed
"It's your fault! You scared me!" Hana exclaimed
"Ouch...I think my nose is broken" The man said as he touched his nose gently
"Jeez sorry..." Hana said
"Nah it's fine" The man said and chuckled softly
"I need your help" Hana said
"My help? What do you mean? I think I taught you and your sister everything you need to know in a fight" The man said
"No. It's not that it's-"
"You hungry?" The man asked
"What? No I already ate. I came to-"
"Hm? You sure? I mean I can prepare you some-"
"Anderson Mizusawa!" Hana exclaimed. Anderson froze at the name and gritted his teeth
"Don't fucking call me by that" Anderson growled
"S-sorry but this is important" Hana said
"Please don't tell me it's about the stupid kid..." Anderson groaned
"It is" Hana said
"Listen I can't help you with that kid" Anderson said
"But you two are related" Hana said
"I know that but I can't deal with that shit" Anderson said
"They're here for her!" Hana said
"And who is they?" Anderson asked
"Those Mizusawas...are after them. You have to help can't do this alone" Hana said
"Is it because you can't do it alone or really are weak at murdering someone?" Anderson asked
"Shut up" Hana said as she looked away
"Jeez sorry about that. It's just your sister was much more...well you know" Anderson said
"Just fucking shut up. I don't like doing stuff like that...and're right. I am weak..." Hana said
"Come on. Don't start talking like that. Anyways is it Zander Mizusawa?" Anderson asked
"Y-yeah that old man..." Hana said
"So you want me to get rid of him?" Anderson asked as he looked at her
"You're the only one who can help me" Hana said
"Listen know I don't just murder people for free" Anderson said
"I understand...just do it" Hana said
"Hehe but not before you give me what I want...Nagamine-san" Anderson said
"Yeah...I know" Hana said as she held out a small bag from her pocket
"Oh? You've been keeping it for a while huh?" Anderson said and chuckled softly
"Because I knew I couldn't keep Matsuri I obviously kept these just in case for an emergency" Hana said then threw it at him
"Aha! Perfect!" Anderson said and hid the bag inside his pocket
"So...are you in?" Hana asked
"Sure I'm in but I'm not sure I'll be able to defeat that piece of shit..." Anderson said
"What? You said you will do it!" Hana said
"Yes. I agreed to help but I never told you I was able to finish the job" Anderson said
"Do you know how hard it is to collect that stuff!?" Hana exclaimed
This asshole better stop fucking me! That shit is hard to find in a town like this! I'm going to fucking kick his ass...
"Hehe I know I know but you see...Zander isn't so easy to defeat. He is pretty tough even though he is an old man..." Anderson said
He is so impressive. He can still fight in that old body....I wish I could do that
"'ll still do it?" Hana asked
"Sure. I'll try" Anderson said
"Don't just try. Do your job right before I kick your ass" Hana growled
" you want to challenge me and see if you have improved?" Anderson asked
"No thanks. Not today" Hana said as she turned around to leave
"Hm? Why not?" Anderson asked
"I'm a little tired today...and busy" Hana said as she blushed a little. Anderson stared at her for a moment and laughed
"Haha! Don't tell me you have a mate? It's about time actually. I thought you were going to stay single forever" Anderson said
"Shut the hell up" Hana said as she glared at him
"Hehe sorry. Anyways who is the lucky guy?" Anderson asked
"U-uhm...well it's uh..." Hana paused and blushed extremely hard then tried to cover it
"Ohh I get it. It's a girl huh? Hehe anyways I hope you have a nice day with you little mate" Anderson said as he smiled
"Yeah and you better do your job right" Hana said as she glared at him
"Woah calm down. Hehe I understand" Anderson said
"Good. Have a nice day" Hana said as she walked away
"When will you tell Matsuri the truth?" Anderson asked
"...she's not ready yet" Hana said
" better tell her sooner or later because it won't be pretty once she finds out for herself" Anderson said
"I know..." Hana said and walked away
"Good luck" Anderson said
You'll need it...

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