Chapter 7

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"What the hell?" Ari asked as she glared at the mysterious girl
"I only want to know" The girl said as she smiled
"Mind your own business. Let's just go Ari. This hitch is just waiting our fine" Arton said and grabbed Ari walking away
"Hey I'm only asking besides...I heard a few rumors about the Mizusawa having two mates" The girl said
"Why the hell do you want to know?" Arton asked
"I'm one of Matsuri's friends" The girl said
"Hm? What's your name?" Ari asked
"Tonisha" Tonisha said
"Ha! Nice try bitch but Matsuri has already mentioned you before" Ari said
"What?" Tonisha asked
"She has?" Arton asked looking at Ari
"Of course. You're just a bitch who made her life a living hell all because she was a weak Omega" Ari said
" that's what she said about me? I see but the truth is that she made my life a living hell" Tonsiha said
"Yeah right. You bullied her" Ari said
"All because of what she did to me. That bitch may seem like she was the victim but the one who got hurt was me. She is a liar..." Tonisha said as she growled while clenching her fists tightly
"What?" Ari asked
"That Mizusawa is just fucking lying..." Tonisha said
"Sh-she is?" Ari asked
"Matsuri would never lie. You're the one who is a lying bitch" Arton said
"Arton calm down" Ari said
"Why should I? This bitch is being a fucking slut" Arton said
"Jeez so disrespectful to girls" Tonisha said
"Sorry but...why do you want to know if Matsuri has two mates?" Ari asked
"Because I was curious..." Tonisha said
"Curious?" Ari asked
"Yes. Anyways...I guess the rumors about her having two mates must be true. Well I guess it was nice talking to you..." Tonisha said and started walking away
Two mates? I guess it's true...hahaha...the little baby bitch now has two fucking mates? That's not possible...
"What the hell was that all about?" Arton asked
"Who knows...let's just go back to our dorms" Ari said as she walked away
I remember that Matsuri talked about her...
"Wow...two mates?" Ari asked
"Y-yeah..." Matsuri said as she rubbed the back of her neck
"Oh so that explains the marks on your neck" Ari said
"Hehe y-yeah" Matsuri said nervously
"Does it hurt?" Ari asked
"Huh?" Matsuri asked
"Does it hurt when the three of you do it?" Ari asked
"Wh-what?!" Matsuri exclaimed as her face redden
"Who is top or who fucks who?" Ari asked
"S-sometimes I'm top but...I'm usually bottom" Matsuri said
"Your body must be extremely sore" Ari said and laughed a little
"Y-yeah..." Matsuri said as she blushed deeply
"Anyways two fated mates huh? You must be very lucky" Ari said
"Hehe I guess I am" Matsuri said as she smiled softly
"Have you ever had a crush on someone? Or did you just instantly fell in love with them?" Ari asked
"Hm? Actually...I used to like someone but...she was in love with someone else" Matsuri said
"Oh well that must've been sad..." Ari said
"Yeah it was but...I ended up finding my two fated mates" Matsuri said as she smiled
"Awwww!" Ari said
"Sh-shut up" Matsuri said
"You're so damn luck to have two though! I can't help but be jealous...ah wait! Does everyone know about your two mates?" Ari asked
"Uh...n-no" Matsuri said as she rubbed the back of her neck
"Huh? Why not?" Ari asked
"W-well...I mean for some people it strange I guess. People don't really believe in fated mates...especially if it's two" Matsuri said
"How do they feel about this?" Ari asked
"Well...I told them that it might take a while for me to feel comfortable" Matsuri said
"Is there a reason why you don't feel comfortable?" Ari asked
"Well...let's just say I usually got beaten up back then because I was a weak Omega" Matsuri said
"That must suck..." Ari said
"Especially one bitch..." Matsuri said as she looked down
"Huh? Who?" Ari asked
"Tonisha..." Matsuri mumbled
"Huh? Tonisha?" Ari asked
"Yeah...she was the one who started bullying me for no reason. That's when others started hurting me as well..." Matsuri said
"That must've been terrible..." Ari said
"Yeah's over now" Matsuri said as she smiled softly
"That's good to hear" Ari said
End Of Flashback
I guess Matsuri was talking about her...
"Hey Ari you okay?" Arton asked
"Hm? Yeah I'm fine" Ari said
"You sure? You seemed spaced out for a moment there" Arton said
"Yes. I was just thinking about something" Ari said
"About what?" Arton asked
"Just something..." Ari said and took a bit of her ice cream
Maybe I should give Matsuri a call and tell her about this. There must've been something that happened between them...

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