Backyard party with aliens

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You hate waiting on the bus? Yeah, well, try to wait for an ugly purple alien when you're completely done with aliens like we were doing. Just try it, I dare you. It's even worse than waiting on the bus. Why? Oh, only because the big purple son of a biatch wanted to destroy us with his army of creepy aliens. So, yeah, this was way worse than waiting for the bus to come by your stop.

While we were waiting we made bets on who could kill the most aliens. Cause that's what one does in such a situation. You make bets on who can kill the most of those suckers. And you think of crazy ways in which you can kill them, cause that's fun too. You know, just to make the waiting less stressful. The only one who didn't join into the betting pool was Fury, because... well... he's Fury. He's the cold brooding type of person. I don't think there's any fun left in him. I mean, most of the time all he does is sit and stare. That's all he does. Sit and stare and brood. I wonder what it's like to stare when you have only one eye...


I still think we should have let Mack record that alarm. It goes really well with the nickname his friends gave him, but he said he's more of an axe man... or a shotgun axe man. Oh well, pity. As soon as we heard the alarm everyone was send into a rush to get dressed. Or at least, they tried to rush themselves, humans are slow. Okay, yeah, I couldn't use my powers to get to the yard, yes, we had agreed to meet Thanos in the backyard, don't ask me why, because I'd go back to the point where I started, which is the most annoying part of my abilities, but humans are still slow.

"Well, this is it huh," Mack said as we were suiting up. "Yes, this is it." "This might be the biggest battle we'll ever get ourselves into." "Let's hope it is. And if not, well..." "Let's not think of that now. Let's focus on what's to come in the next thirty minutes." "Already thought of doing just that, but thanks for the tip, Turtleman." He smiled at me and at that moment I thought of what would happen if I lost him during that fight. I sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "What if we don't make it through the day?" He looked at me, I could see it in his eyes that he imagined losing me. "Let's not think of that either," was all he said before he kissed me.

We kissed for a few minutes, then we realized we had to continue the whole suiting up thing. This didn't take us thirty minutes, of course. "So, what now?" I asked Mack when we still had twenty minutes left. He sat down on the bed next to me. "How about we pray?" I nodded, "Yes, let's do that." He took my hands and closed his eyes. I closed mine too and we prayed. We put our lives in the hands of God and when we opened our eyes we actually felt better, at least I did and I think he did too. "We should go," Mack said, "they might start to wonder what's taking us so long." "Well, they won't expect anything else from a guy with the nickname Turtleman, now would they?" I teased. "I should have never started to call you Yo-Yo." "It's too late for that now." I got up and walked to the door, "Come on."


"That took you long enough," I said when Mack and Elena finally arrived in the backyard. "Yeah, Turtleman kept me a little busy," Elena replied. "Oh did he now?" Daisy asked. "Really Tremors?" "What, you guys are cute together, let me ship it." Mack shook his head, but he smiled, "You're really weird, do you know that?" "Thanks. I do my best." "How about you do your best at being serious right now?" I asked her. "Hey, just tryna break the tension," she said, "is that so wrong?" "No. I just need you to focus." She rolled her eyes, "God, you're so boring sometimes." "Thanks. I do my best." Daisy looked at me as if I never made a joke before, "Wow, did you just try to break the tension?" "Maybe, you'll never know." She shook her head and mumbled something about me being weird. "What was that?" "Nothing." "I thought so."

We all waited in the backyard for wat felt like an eternity. The tension got worse every minute, it even came to a point where I wished I hadn't told Daisy to focus, then again, if she wasn't focused she might not have been prepared at the moment the ship landed, which was bout ten minutes after Mack and Elena arrived in the backyard. The first ones to spot the ship were Nebula and Gamora. Which wasn't a surprise, because they knew what to look for, even though the ship was just a little dot on the horizon. The dot came closer and closer, the ship seemed to become bigger and bigger. Eventually there was this huge ship just floating above the backyard, as if Thanos or whoever his alien pilot might be, had seen us standing there. They probably have, I remember thinking. Next to me Daisy looked up and said, "Let's get the party started."

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