Chapter 10: Morgan

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4 months later

Tony's POV

Oh crap! It's happening. I'm excited? Scared? A bit of both?! Oh my God my baby will be here. My Child. I don't know why but now it's really sinking it that I will have a real child of my own. Am I ready? Will I be a good father? Will I end up like my father? Oh my god! Come on Ton you have taken down a literal GOD. You can handle a child.

Pepper is next to me in our car.
"How far are we Tony?" She asks grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
"Only about five sweetie! Rhody is in his way too. He will meet us in the hospital."

We finally get to the hospital and are escorted into the maternity care area. Pepper gets situated and I put down all the baby bags. We don't know if it's a girl or boy. Either way it's name will be Morgan, after Peppers uncle who helped her throughout her life. It's middle name is going to be Howard. Yes even if it's a girl.

Rhody arrived soon and we waited in the lobby till it was time for Pep to push. So I left Rhody by himself until I saw a famous Red-head Walt's through. Pepper must have invited her.
I gave her a wave and went to see Pep. I'm still not on the best of terms with her. Well not like it used to be. I do miss them a lot. And I mean even Steve. I send them Christmas cards and presents every year, hey I'm not a monster. Things will never ever be the same.
About one hour later I hear my baby cry.
"It's girl!" The nurse exclaimed handing Morgan to Pepper.
"Hi Morgan Howard Stark. I'm your momma and this," she points to me, "is your annoying daddy." She laughs. How. Rude.
"Hey that my Morgan too!" I shed a small tear just because she's so perfect. All my doubts went away.

I've only know her for two hours yet I can live another without her. I thought it would never be possible to find happiness, let alone in a kid, after Thanos. God, if the Kid was here. He would flip out.
I laugh at that thought seeing Peter's face when we tell him that I'm having a kid.

•Tony's thought•
"Kid sit down with me and Pep, we have news."
"Okay Mr. Stark.." peter nervously says.
"I'm not fired am I? I thought I did pretty well defeating Thanos..."
Tony laughs
"No kid, we have an announcement."
"We are having a baby!" Pepper exclaims.
"What?! I'm going to be a big brother!!"
"Sure kid.."


I sighed, he would be so happy..
I held on to Morgan just a little tighter.
"I won't let anything happen to you little Stark."


Short I know but it's just a little sweet!
Time skips soon....

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