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Lizzy's POV

After dinner we all talked a bit and snacked on some of the rests until it got dark. Mrs. Robinson went home about a hour ago and Tara and Jax decided it was time for Abel to get into bed. "I really had fun. Thank you Lizzy. I needed that time out." Tara said and hugged me. "No problem, I had fun too. It felt good having someone around to talk to. Like grownups." She laughed. "I know how you feel." "How about you girls make this like an regular thing?" Jax chimed in. "Actually I would like that.", Tara said and smiled at me. "Yeah me too. You already have my number so, call me?" She nodded and hugged me one last time, then Jax hugged me, carrying out Abel on his arm. When they were gone, Opie looked at me apologetically. "I guess I am heading out too. Ellie is getting tired and Kenny is getting clumsy..." "Don't worry Mister neighbor, go ahead. I better put my kid in bed too." "Yeah about that... Chibs already figured that she's tired since she fell asleep on his lap, so he started to put her down." I looked at Opie dumbfounded. "Oh really? Oh..." "Don't worry. He's good with kids." "Yeah, I can tell..." Opie grinned at me. "Goodnight Lizzy and thanks for everything." "Anytime Opie. Oh and Lasagna on Thursday is still on?" "Sure." "Ok, see you then!" The kids hugged me and then Opie and the two were off, too.
Silently I made my way to Lizzy's room. Standing on the side of the doorway, so they couldn't see me, I saw Chibs tugging her in. Josy had on a pair of new pajamas, her face and hands clean. "Alright lassie. Time to sleep." "Uncle Chibs?" "Aye, lovie?" "Do you like my Mommy?" "Aye, she is a good Ma'." "I wish she was happy more often. Today she was happy."

I didn't trust my hearing, did she really just say that?

"Why is yar Ma' not happy?" "Because she has just me. She tells me I am her everything. But I guess that is not enough. She has no friends. Today was the first time that we had people in our home except Mrs Robinson. " Chibs nodded at that. "Let ma tell ya sumthin. Yar Ma' is a fine person and with us she found some friends for a lifetime. Just like ya did with Abel." Josy giggled. "I like Abel. He's funny." "See, yar Ma' will be more happy, I make sure of tha, lassie." "Thank you uncle Chibs!" She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, lovie." Chibs kissed her forehead, turned of the light on her nightstand and got up.

I was leaning on the wall next to the room, when he made his way out of Lizzy's bedroom. Startled he realized it was just me standing there. I could tell he saw the look in my eyes, because he gently rubbed my arm, with an knowing expression. He motioned with his head to go outside. He let me walk first and he laid a hand on my lower back, while following. In the backyard he guided me to the table and we both sat down. "How long Lizzy?", he asked quietly. Knowing what he was talking about I let my head hang down. "Not once since I got pregnant." "Family, friends?" "Not existant." He laid an arm around me and sighed. "Ya know it's not healthy to fight alone." "Yeah... I am kinda exhausted to be honest.", I whispered truthfully.
Watching me, he squeezed shoulder a little. "Yar a good woman. Ya deserve someone better, but if ya like, I would stick around until someone better appears in yar life." Glancing at him, I really saw him for the first time. He was older than me, something in his early fifties if I was right, but he was attractive. His salt and pepper hair, his goatee, his dark brown eyes and even his scars. Him being so close to me felt hands down amazingly good.
"I would like that." I said quietly and looked him in his eyes. "But I don't think, or better said, I don't care if someone better comes my way." Surprised he blinked at me. "Ya don't know ma, I am a son, I am a..." "A troublemaker, a criminal, a person who fights common law? I don't give a shit. You put a smile in my kids face, you make me feel less lonely. You have a good heart. There's nothing wrong about that, is it?" I studied his face, when he averted his eyes to his cigarette pack, with what he was playing around. Silence fell between us, but it was no awkward one. I smiled at myself when I looked up to the stars, enjoying somewhat the moment. "I know what being in a motorcycle club means, Chibs. My dad was a VP." Chibs shifted in his seat. "What?" "Don't worry. It was another lifetime and far away. He's dead anyway." He stared at me. "What club, Lizzy." "You probably don't know them. It was a German club called the Arrows. The club is extinct as far as I know." Chibs swallowed. "You are from Germany?" I smiled at him. "Yes. My Mum was German. I was born there and I grew up there. My dad was an American citizen though. But he stayed in Germany because of my Mum." "Why did you leave?" "When my Mum died, my dad changed. There wasn't really much family content. He was all in the club business from then on. They were on a run, when he had a motorcycle accident. He died then and there." I glanced back to the stars. "Both of them are up there somewhere, keeping an eye out for me and Josy.", I whispered, my eyes tearing up. Chibs who listened silently, pulled me closer to him. "Why did ya leave Germany?" "Josy's dad was in the club, too. He felt sorry for me, so he and I hooked up. When I got pregnant he told me that life didn't work out with him and a kid. He already had a family and I knew that. I was his sidechick. I told him I want to keep the baby but I need to move on. He helped me to get to the states. Butch new someone over here and through that guy he bought me the house. He was no bad man." Chibs shook his head. "Still he left ya alone in a foreign country." "It was my decision Chibs.", I whispered. We fell silent again, slow music playing in the background. I sighed. "I like that song." The white Buffalo's 'come on love, come on in' was playing.
Chibs surprised me when he got up, pulling me with him. He pulled me close to him. I needed a few seconds until I realized he started dancing to the song with me. Swaying slowly to the beat, I laid my head on his shoulder while he held me. One of his hands on my hip, the other on my back, my hands on his chest.
"Ya deserve so much. Let ma be the one to show ya.", he whispered and started stroking my back gently.
Breathing in his scent, a mixture of cigarettes, leather and his own manly scent, I felt content.
He rested his chin on my head. "Do ya mind ma stopping by from time ta time?" I smiled into his leather kutte. "No, not at all. Just let me know if you manage to come by at dinner time." He chuckled quietly. "Aye, I can do tha'."
Soon after that the song was over and we pulled away. "Thank you Chibs." He tucked a streak of hair behind my ear, stroking softly over the soft skin behind my ear. His expression full of emotions.
He sighed. "I should be goin'. Ya need sleep and it's gettin' late." As much I didn't want him to go, I knew he was right.
"Yeah... I guess you're right." "Do ya work tomorrow?" "Yah. From 9am to 5pm." "Ok. Then I'll guess we see us tomorrow evening then." "I hope you don't mind eating the rest of today's food, I don't waste food." "Nah, don't mind. I get to spend the evening with two lovely gurls." Blushing at his words, I swallowed hard. Chibs grinned. "I'd like to see more of tha, love."
Suddenly he leaned down and kissed the corner of my lips. "See ya tomorrow, Lizzy."
And before I could say something, he left.

Touching the skin, were mere moments before his lips lingered on my skin, my heart started jumping.

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