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Chibs' POV

The next morning when I woke up in my room at the clubhouse, my first thought was about Lizzy. I haven't felt so sure about anything the last couple of years, but I really wanted to keep my promise to her daughter and make her smile.
I got up, groaning at the pain in my back, stretching myself. Then I thought of Lizzys hands on my chest while we were dancing and I couldn't hold back a shiteating grin. That grin never left my face, the whole time until I made my way to the picnic table outside of the clubhouse. I sat myself on top, lightening a cigarette. Gemma was getting out of her car and saw me, so she came over. "Morning sweetheart." She kissed my cheek, like she always does and sat herself next to me. "You are all smiling... what's about that?" I just shrugged, but I couldn't stop myself from blushing a little. "Chibs? Are you blushing?" "Aye." She looked at me in disbelief. "All those years I know you, you never blushed, not even when I ran into you and that croweater fucking in the storage..." "Aye."
With loud roar Jax pulled up with his bike. He turned off the engine and made his way to us. "Mornin' darlin." Gemma said when he kissed her cheek. "Can you tell me why the fuck Chibs is all smiling and blushes when I ask about it?" Jax grinned at me. "Let me guess, Lizzy?" I nodded taking another drag from my cigarette. "Aye." Jax nodded. "I figured you two would hit it off." I shook my head. "Not what ya two are thinking. We just talked and danced." Both were gaping. "She's more than a croweater." Gemma started coughing. "Who's Lizzy?" "Opies neighbor, Mum. The one we helped to find her kid." "Aye." Gemma shook her head. "I never thought I would be alive to see you finding a girl to actually be with. And now she's a mother, too." I smiled at the thought of Josy. "Aye. And her kid is... just like my Kerrianne when she was younger." "Oh Chibbi..." "Nah, I know she ain't my daughter." "She's not going to like club business man...", Jax stated. And my smile got brighter. "Oh brotha, she totally is aware what MC means... her Da' was a VP in a German club." Both watched me. "She is absolutely okay with it. Josy is the daughter of a member of tha German club. He couldn't commit ta her though, because she was after her parents death kinda the sidechick. But he took care of her after she decided ta move ta the states. He bought her the house and the flight ticket."
Gemma nudged my shoulder. "Just don't get hurt, honey." "I wasn't intent ta get hurt. She has no contact after all. She told ma the club is extinct. Donna know what happened, but I will figure it out. I'll see her later after all." Gemma kissed my cheek. "You know, I want to get to know her. I don't want some chick hurt my boys." Jax rolledhis eyes. "How about next Friday dinner at my place? Bring her." I nodded at her. "Aye, Ma'. But no interfering!" She held up her hands. "I would never do such thing." Jax and I smiled and simultaneously said "yeah..."
Then Piney yelled from the shop. "Tow-truck needed at the street north of charming. Two flat tires!"
"Guess tha's ma call. Jackie-boy yar with ma?" "Yes sir." "See ya later Gemma."
And with that Jax and I were off, leaving Gemma behind.

Later that day

I was running some errands for the garage, when I saw Lizzy outside of the hardware store, standing on a ladder, cleaning a window.
I pulled up next to her in a free parking spot.
"Heya, need a hand, lass?" , I shouted when I got out of the truck. Lizzy turned her head in my direction and smiled brightly. "Chibs!" She hurried down the ladder and misstep a rung. To her luck I was already nearby and I cought her from falling on the concrete. I grinned at her, holding her close. "Forgive ma for saying tha', but I never thought I would catch an angel falling from the sky..." Lizzy laughed out loud. "Smooth Chibs, very smooth!" I let her back to the floor, so she could stand on her own feet. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you have to work?" I pointed at the truck. "I do. Just saw ya and wanted to say hi." Lizzy smiled at me. "Well then... hi!" I chuckled. "Did ya already ha' a break?" "Nope, no time until now." "Wanna join ma then? Wanted to get maself sumthin from Darcy's." She nodded at me. "Sure, just let me tell my boss." "Ok, I'll wait here." She grinned and went inside the shop.
A few minutes later she came out, her purse in her hand and a smile on her lips. "Ready to go." Josy definitely was right. Her Mommy being happy is a life goal - my life goal.
We were walking down the road to a small Diner called Darcy's. I opened the door for Lizzy and let her in first. We sat down in a small booth, facing each other. The waitress came and looked at us expectantly. "We ha' two coffees and two of Darcy's special." I winked at Lizzy. "Alrighty, yor orda is thea soon.", the waitress said in a deep southern accent and left us. "So how's yar day goin so far, love?" "Well. I've been working. Nothing special.''
She cocked an eyebrow at me. "And yours? Your shirt looks a little dirty." "Aye. Two flat tires on a truck in the dirt roads in the north of Charming. 'twas a little dirty."
We chatted away like that, it felt easy talking to her.
When the food came, her eyes almost fell out. "Chibs, that is to much! I can't eat all this!" I snickered at her. "I am hungry, don't worry. Eat as much as ya can!" We started digging in the food when the bell above the entry announced another customer. Looking up from my food, I saw some brothers approaching. "I am sorry in advance, love.", I said quietly to Lizzy. She looked at me askingly, when Tig, Happy, Bobby and Juice saw me and started hollering. "CHIBBY....", Tig yelled. "We thought that must be you with the Tow-truck... no one else but you craves Darcy's food as much as you do.", Juice said. They greeted me one after another. "Guys, if ya mind... I ha' company." I gestured to Lizzy, who smiled at me. Damn that smile. Tig put his hand theatrically on his heart. "No way... Sugar how could you betray me with that man! I thought we had a connection!" He sat himself next to Lizzy and I shot him a glare. Lizzy otherwise laughed at him. "Oh poor you, I didn't know you had feelings, beside down in your pants!" Bobby, Juice and even Happy laughed at that and Bobby sat himself next to me, while the other two organized two chairs to sit with us. Not really happy about it I looked at Lizzy. She winked at me and leaned over the table and took my hand in hers. Gladly noone else payed attention, because they were checking the menu, except Bobby, who looked at us directly, nodded in agreement. "How's your daughter?", he asked. "Thanks, she's fine." We continued eating and talking with the others, Lizzy kept her hand in mine the hole time.
"All right guys, but I have to go now. My break is almost over and if I am late my boss won't be happy.", Lizzy sighed. Tig stood up to let her out of the booth and I shot Bobby a look, so he got up too. "I'll walk ya back, lass. Be right back. Boys behave." All four of them grinned and waved at us. I walked her out of the diner, my hand resting on the small of her back. Glancing over my shoulder I saw all four of my brothers watching us nonchalantly. Tig and Juice threw kisses at us. Rolling my eyes I concentrated on Lizzy. "I am sorry it went tha way." She smiled at me again. "Oh don't worry. It was fun. They are easy to be with. And you know I can handle bad biker's." We shared a glance and started chuckling. "Oh shoot, how much do I owe you for the food? I didn't pay mine!" "Don't worry, love. I got it covered.", I told her when we arrived at her working place. "Thank you Chibs. How can I pay you back?" "Dunno." She looked at me and smirked. "But I do." She faced me, my hand now on her side, she got on her tiptoes, her hands on my shoulders. A chaste smile gracing her face.
All of a sudden she leaned in and kissed me. Pulling her into me, I deepened the kiss.
When she pulled away, she stroked my cheek. "See you later, Chibs." And she walked away.
"Lizzy?", I managed to call after her before she went into the hardware store. "Yeah?" "It is Filip. Call ma Filip." She smiled brightly at me. "Ok, see you later Filip!" And then she went inside.

Lovestruck I walked back to the diner, where the guys were waiting for me.
As soon as I entered Darcy's all of them grinned at me. "You're claiming her?",Happy asked. "Aye, she's mine. She kissed me." All four started snickering. Tig rolled his eyes. "You're claiming her without even getting into her pants? Boy, she already got your balls in that purse of hers..." "Yap, Chibs is neck deep down in it... look at his expression."
I didn't care at all. Still feeling her soft lips on mine, I couldn't wait for later that day to see her again. The guys kept laughing at me, but I sat there, sipping my coffee, grinning like an idiot.

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