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Chibs POV

"The kid is mine. It's coming back with me."
Lizzys face went from afraid to plain angered. "The FUCK you don't! You haven't been here when I was pregnant, you weren't here when THE KID was born, you never cared about anything - YOU are just the sperm giver and that's all!", she yelled into the phone. Gemma and Tara shuffling silently to her side, both being mothers knew how she felt about her family. They signalled her, by laying their hands on her shoulders, that they'll be here for her. Butch laughed dryly on the other end of the phone. "I had someone watching you the whole years. You got involved with this, what's it in English.... uh yeah... Posers of a MC. You turned to another club without my permission and you whored around. I bet you slept with all of these fuckers, hope they don't care, but I am going to gut you out. For what you did to me, to the kid and to my club!" Lizzy hissed. "That club of yours you're talking about is non existent, DU VERSCHISSENER HURENSOHN!" Another laugh of that asshole on the phone made my blood boil. "Ah there's the German bitch I know. Obviously you didn't do your homework quite well, because the club is running better than ever. Now listen close. I know where you are and with whom, so you know what you get when you mess with the wrong guys. I am taking MY KID away from you. Even if I have to kill all of those cocksuckers!"
I couldn't handle it anymore and pushed through Jax and Clay in front of me, snapping the phone away from the shaking hands of my love. "Ah ah ah.... who ha' we here... I'd rather ha it yar not insulting ma ole lady and especially not ma club." I pressed through my teeth. Jax and Clay both breathed in heavy, probably both of them thought I would scream at the asshat on the phone. "I should've known it. Who am I talking to now?" Clay took the phone out of my hands. "You are talking to the whole club of... what did you say? Oh yeah... posers. I am the president of those cocksucking posers and let me tell you, they all do a perfectly fine job doing exactly that. How may I help you kind Sir?", Clay said with a sarcasm dripping voice. I pulled Lizzy to me, holding her close. Jax winked at us. "Quit the bullshit. You know what I want. I want the bitch dead and I want my kid out of there." Clay chuckled with his deep voice. "Ah, well. You see there will be a little problem with that. Lizzy is kinda the head girl in here... we can't let her go. And we raise her kid to be a good cocksucker too. So we can't make that happen. But if you'd like, we can give you a discount because you are kinda family? Tig, my friend over here, is willing to play with you the whole day." Butch got angry. "Stop making fun of me you son of a bitch!" Clay's grin vanished from his face. "Now listen, Sauerkraut. She's ours. And if you come near her, her family, near the club - you are the one delivered back to Krautland in a plastic bag!", he said deadly and hung up and looked at Lizzy. "You don't need that phone right?" She just shook her head and Clay gave it to Juice. "Run the numbers and find out where these bastards are. They gonna pay for insulting us." Clay's gaze went back to Lizzy. "You ok kid?" "I-I guess..." He came over to us and hugged Lizzy. Everyone who knew Clay, knew that this show of affection was a rare occasion. "You won't go anywhere and Josy will be safe all the time. We take care of you, you understand?", he said to her and pulled away. "Chibs, take care of that one." Stunned because of his behavior I just nodded. Gemma shimmied her way back to us. "Dear, Clay had Juice digging up your family history. Your father was a good man, they knew each other. Hell even Jax' dad knew your old man. They were in the county together." Lizzy looked at her with wide eyes. "H-he knew my Paps?" Clay laughed quietly. "Oh yeah, better than you think. Everytime we went to Ireland for Sambel we stopped by at your place back in Germany. I remember the garden gnomes your mother had put up everywhere." Lizzys eyes teared up. "Wait... then you were the one... the one who brought my Paps home piss drunk that one night and tucked him in! You've been on the phone for hours with me the night my Mum died...'' "Yes, that's me. Wait what did you call me when you have been in Josy's age?" "Uncle smiley-cigar! Because the only thing I saw when we met was that stinky cigar and then your big ass smile!" All of the brothers chuckled  at that. Lizzy smiled at me and then hugged Clay again, crying into his chest. "You are safe baby nag-nag." Suddenly Lizzy laughed out loud from the bottom of her heart.  "You remember!" "Of course because you kept nagging on me for smoking that stinky cigars." The doors of the club opened and Tig came in with Josy holding his hand. Josy saw her mother and made a beeline to her. Lizzy turned around and catched her midair. Spinning her around happily she yelled "Baby today's a good day!" Jax came over to me, pulling out his pack of cigarettes, offering me one. "Who had thought that she really is family...", he said with a smile. "Jackie-boy she just upgraded to be your kind of cousin.", I grinned at him. He turned around thinking. "Huh, guess you're right. Ok then let's have a chat how you better take care of her, or Clay, Gemma and I will have your balls for lunch!" Laughing at that Lizzy averted her eyes to us. "Who will have whose balls for lunch?", she said coming over with Josy sitting on her hip. Both of us just just shook our heads smiling. "I like to play with balls.", Josy stated and we all started guffawing at this.
"HEY NAG-NAG! YOU BETTER TEACH THAT KID NOT THAT KIND OF  STUFF!", Clay yelled above the laughter, trying to keep a straight face but failing at the attempt of it. "Smiley-cigar - my kid just stated what she likes. She's just like her Mama. What did you tell Butch about head and stuff? Add to the list that I like to play with balls, too!" She winked at me and I started coughing, because I choked on the smoke of my cigarette. Opie and Jax both clapped my back, grinning widely. "I guess she will have your balls for lunch then..."
Lizzy wiggled her eyebrows in my direction and I went over to the bar in desperate need for a drink.
Since we were on lockdown Clay ordered the prospect and some croweaters to go grocery shopping, so I poured myself a drink, watching Lizzy interacting with the others from the club. I felt a soft touch on my arm and turned around to be faced with none other than the SAMCRO queen. "She's better than your first old lady." "Aye." "She reminds me a little of myself." "Is tha a good or a bad thing?" She smirked. "We'll see about that, baby. John told me about her. He was there when she was born. He was her godfather." I eyed her surprised. "Yeah, I could make the connection earlier when Clay told me about what Juice found out." Nodding at that I gulped my drink down. "I guess it's ta early ta say things like tha, but I guess I luv her..." Gemma patted my arm. "Of course you do. Look at her. How could you not?" I looked over to where Lizzy was chatting happily  with Opie and Layla. "Yar right Ma'. How could I not." Gemma kissed my cheek. "You are a good man, Chibby. Don't hate yourself for blowing a punch in her face. She saw it coming. And she handled it quite well. She's a tough little thing." Swallowing hard at that I just stared back to Lizzy. "And I guess I am right, but she loves and admires you too." In that moment Lizzy looked up and our eyes connected. Lizzy smiled lovingly at me. "What I heard, you made her smile, you're doing her good. Keep it that way, baby." "I am trying Ma." "Now get over there and take care of your two girls. Remember, the kid may not be yours, but you still can be a god dad to her." I looked at Gemma, seeing her smile. "Thanks Gemma." I kissed her cheek, got up and went back to my girl.

That son of a bitch won't get the chance to lay his filthy hands on one of my girls.


Du verschissener Hurensohn - you fucking son of a bitch (German)

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