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Chibs POV

We all gathered around the table, eager to hear what Clay had to say.
"Last night something bad happened. Juicey wanna fill in the guys?"
"Last night fter the party I was checking the security cameras. Three masked guys were checking out our place. They didn't do anything than watching, but something feels wrong about it." "Juicey called me. I was in my office at the time and looked at my monitors of Gemma and my cameras. Two guys were outside of our place too. Watching my house and not being very subtle about it." Opie, Tig, Happy and I shared a glance. Happy cleared his throat. "We experienced something similar." Clay looked at Happy and Happy looked at me. Jax cocked an eyebrow. "Aye. Ma girl, Lizzy - there was a guy outside of her house this morn, disturbing the whole neighborhood in their night rest.", I said simply. "Lynne, my babysitter, called me this morning. The kids and she woke up because he was making a big ruckus and yelled constantly Lizzy's name."
"Maybe an Ex of her, probably just a coincidence.", Bobby stated and shrugged. Tig smiled and shook his head no. "Excuse me, but that is not the case. A little to much coincidences for my taste." I looked at him. "What yar talking about?" Tig held up one finger. "First, suspicious guys lingering around our properties." He held up another finger. "Second that guy at Lizzy's." He held up a third finger. "And last but not least - third - Butch." My eyes snapped open, staring at him widely. "Ya mean..." Opie scratched his beard. "I guess Tigs right..." Happy nodded. The others looked at the four of us. "Uhm, would you guys mind to share what's going on? What's a butch?", Jax asked. "Not what. Who. Butch is the reason, why Lizzy is in Charming.", Happy told the others. Absolutely not liking where this was going, I sat myself up straight. "Ma girl came here from Germany when she was pregnant. Her Ex - Butch - bought her a plane ticket and her house, ta have her out of his life." Opie nudged my elbow. "Tell them everything Chibs. They should know." I sighed, but nodded my head. "Aye I know." So I told them about her father, the German motorcycle club, her Ex being an asshole for having her as his sidechick and about the call earlier today.
Clay played with his cigar. "And you guys think there is a connection to all this shit?" Opie nodded. "Yeah. It would be a way to big coincidence if that guy showed up at her house out of nowhere and suddenly she recieves a call from her Ex, telling her, he wants her back." "Something else we need to know?" I cleared my throat. "Aye. She's mine." Jaxes eyebrows dissapeared underneath his hairline. "You claiming her? Like old lady claiming." I smirked a little. "I already marked ma territory, so... aye." Opie and Tig who sat on both sides of me, clapped my shoulders, both sporting a huge grin. Clay rolled his eyes. "Not another lovestruck man any this table..." he murmured. The whole table started laughing. "Ok, ok. Guys let's focus. Juicey see into that club overseas, if it really is extinct. I want every info you can get. To all the others, not a word to your ladies or to anybody. Oh and a prospect should be at Lizzys side. I don't like the idea of an asshole harassing a girl considered family. Table dismissed." He brought down the gavel and everyone got up from their seats.

We walzed through the doors and gathered at the bar. It was only 10 in the morning by now, but I still had the need to drown myself in whiskey.
"Prospect, bring ma a Tilamordue." Tig put his arm around my shoulders, smiling at me. "You know it is still early for whiskey." Looking at him with a frown. "There is always somewhere 5pm." Tig snickered. "Oi prospect, bring me a beer!" The prospect brought our orders over and I chugged down the liquor. Gemma came in in a rush. "There you are." She came directly to me. "Lizzy called in the garage. She said you should call her back. It sounded urgent.", she said loud enough that all my brothers could hear it. She handed me Lizzys home phone number. Without any hesitation I pulled out my burner phone and called her. The guys looking at me with anticipation.

After two rings she answered the phone. "Lizzy. What's going on?" Straight forward as always. "He's here.", she whispered. "Who?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. "Him. It's Butch. He's outside my house. The kids and I locked ourselves in the basement." I could hear the kids crying in the background. "We are on the way love. Try ta silence the kids. Hide. We'll see us in a bit." She hung up and I flipped my phone close. With an angry scream I threw my phone into the next wall, where it crashed on the floor, broken into thousands of pieces. The guys and especially Gemma jumped at my outburst.
"He's there. At her house. They locked themselves in the basement.", I growled. Opies eyes grew wide. "My kids..." and without another word, all of us stormed out of the clubhouse, leaving a clueless Gemma and the prospect behind.

The whole patched in club stopped in the side street in the back of Opies house. I wanted to pull out my gun, but Clay put his hand on mine and shook his head. "Chibs think straight.  Not in broad daylight." Opie motioned for us to follow him through his backyard and into his house.
The moment we went inside we positioned us next to the half closed windows, glaring outside. I could see a van with three guys leaning on it and another two guys at the front of Lizzys house. All five of them where dressed in dark jeans and black hoodies.  Jax showed up next to me. "That one yelling from the top of his lungs has to be the Ex?" "Probably." Clay appeared in the living room, shutting his phone close. "I told Gemma to gather all of our families. I want them safe at the clubhouse. How many?" "I can see five.", Happy answered. Jax shrugged off his kutte. "Opie, give me a set of sweatpants and  a flannel of yours." He said while undressing himself from his club clothes. Without  further asking, Opie did what he was told. "What are ya doing Jackie-boy?" Opie came back with the required items when Jax unbuckled his pants and started to grin like an idiot. "I bring out the trash." Clay started laughing, totally aware of Jax intentions.


I pulled my hair into a bun, after I got dressed into Opies clothes. Leaving my feet barefoot, I went into the kitchen and pulled out the trash bag of the bin. Securing the gun in the waistband of my sweatpants, I pulled over the flannel, leaving it open so you could see my muscle shirt. Downing a large gulp of Pepsi out of the fridge I went back to the living room, where the guys ogled me interested. "Keep an eye out. I am doing my kind of research. " I winked at Chibs. "We get your girl out there."
I made my way over to the front door. "Ready for a presentable Californian houseman without a job and a reputation?" I grinned at them and opened the door. The moment I stepped outside I yelled back inside. "AND WHEN I RETURN INSIDE, I WANT YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! I CAN DRINK WHENEVER I WANT TO!" I could see Tig hiding next to the door, trying not to laugh. Then he screeched in a nearly womanlike manner. "But Roy... you already had 7 before it was even 9am!" I tried not to stifle a laugh for myself, glancing sideways to look at the guys. Good thing, they were watching me. All five of them. "FUCK OFF CINDY! DID I MENTION SOMETHING WHEN YOU SMOKED CRACK WHEN YOU WERE PREGNANT WITH SUSIE? NO I DIDN'T!" I turned around facing the street now, lighting a cigarette. I could hear something shattering inside of Opies house and Tig screeching "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I walked swaying like a drunkard to the trash bins, throwing the bag in one of them, muttering to myself. Then I sat down on the pavement, looking down the street. First into the opposite direction then to the other side, where the guys were standing and watching me.
"Oi!" I yelled at them. "GOTTA PROBLEM OR WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME?" One of the guys at the van held up his hands, showing me that they ment no harm. I looked intently at them, my eyes on the guys at Lizzys house. "OI! WHAT DID THAT DUMB BITCH DO THIS TIME? WE DON'T NEED MORE PISSED OFF GUYS IN THIS SILENT NEIGHBORHOOD! ISN'T IT ENOUGH THAT SHE'S INVOLVED WITH THE FUCKS FROM THE MC DOWNTOWN?" I stumbled to my feet. Two men from the van started walking to me, but the one we supposed to be Butch stopped them with a hand wave. He slowly made his way over to me. When he was just about five feet away he started talking to me with a thick German accent. "Hey... you seem like a decent man. We don't want to interrupt the silence of your neighborhood. She just happens to be the love of my life and the mother of my child. You said something about a MC?" I took another drag of my cigarette. "Yeah. You're sure you're her man? Every night she has someone from that ridiculous bikergang over. Never saw a face more than twice... but their fucking bikes are loud as hell, keeping me from my well earned sleep!" Butch looked at me with an unreadable expression. "You sure about that?" "Positive. I was over there the last week three nights in a row, because she had some kind of party. If you ask me it looked more like a huge gangbang." Butch pressed his lips together, his hands forming into tight fists. "Thank you, for your honesty." "Anytime buddy. Oh.... and  by the way she's  not home. She left last night on the back of a motorcycle. The guy was ugly as fuck, but whatever twitches her liking, dude." Butch nodded at me. "Have a good day, mister." "Yeah..." Butch turned around when I flicked my cigarette butt on the street. "Wir gehen Männer. Die Schlampe besuchen wir heute Nacht.", he said in German to his companions. All of them climbed in the van and they drove away. Lingering longer on the street, until they couldn't see me anymore, I went over to Lizzy's house.


Wir gehen Männer. Die Schlampe besuchen wir heute Nacht. - Let's go men. We visit the bitch at night. (German)

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