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Chibs POV

Sixteen days and 5 hours. Sixteen days since my love was ripped apart from me and still we didn't have the slightest clue where they took her. I was worried sick.
When Gemma told me that the Krauts took Lizzy my world started crumbling. First I couldn't believe it,  then I got angry and I attacked Tig, because he was supposed to keep her safe. Tig however didn't block my punches, he told me later, he kind of deserved that, because he hadn't done more. He felt guilty himself for letting them take her away.
The day after the kidnapping, Unser brought back the kids. When Josy couldn't see her mother, she started crying. I cradled her in my arms, rocking her back and forth. She asked me where Liz was, but I didn't have an answer for the 5-year-old. Instead I took the girl with me and she shared my dorm with my ever since. In her sleep she turned to me, holding tightly on to me.
Sixteen days in which I barely slept, smoked more than a chimney and I couldn't help but I stopped my drinking. Everyone was worried about me, they tiptoed around me, sending sorrowful glances to me, like I could break every second.
Through most of the days I helped to gather information about the German MC, running errands,just keeping myself busy. In the nights though, everytime after Josy was asleep, I locked myself in the bathroom and sat on the floor, letting all my feelings out, crying of not being able to help or to rescue her at this point. I missed her like hell and I was afraid that when we finally found her she would be dead.

Lizzy's POV

It was dark when I opened my eyes.  I tried to sit up, but my thigh hurt too much, so I decided to just lay there and change the position slightly. Carefully I let my hand wander over my right thigh and hissed because of the pain.

Then the memories came back.

Butch and his guys took me away from the club, they blindfolded me so I couldn't see where they brought me. When we arrived at our destination, they dragged me into some kind of basement. Butch pushed me onto the ground and started insulting me. He hit me here and there but nothing to hurtful or serious. I didn't respond, especially not in German. Instead I started singing a song I heard on Chibs stereo, what stuck in my mind for days. Butch and the three of his men, who were with us in the basement, looked at me like I was a nutjob. Honestly I didn't care, what they thought, I just kept singing, repeating the same lyrics over and over. That's when they left me the first night.
Butch came every day to me, he talked to me in German, but I didn't listen. I kept singing that one song. That's when he decided to torture me. He hit and punched me on a daily basis from that one, kicked me sometimes too, till I passed out. Last night was different. He was more than pissed and angry. Obviously the sons came closer. After he punched me in my face I started laughing what pissed him off even more. Obviously not one of my smartest decisions, I had to pay the price. Again he punched me in my face, this time I heard and felt my nose cracking. Numb to the pain I felt blood tickling down my face. He took a can of some kind of gas in it, probably hairspray or something, and a lighter. He ordered two of his man to hold me still. Then he asked me, where Josy is. Making another dumb decision, I spat my bloody spit into his face and surprised him with a bloody grin. "Bite me."
When he held the lit lighter in front of the can and pushed the button of the can down, it dawned to me what he was going to do. The next two things I remembered, was the excruciating pain on my thigh and the smell of burned flesh.
I didn't recall much afterwards, because I blacked out.
Trying not to touch or stretch the burned part on my thigh to much, I managed to get into a almost sitting position. Sweat trickled down my forehead and I breathed heavily.
Suddenly I heard a door being opened. "Eliza?", a voice I thought I would never hear again called me. "Beach? Is it you?" The light was switched on and I closed my eyes because of the sudden brightness. The moment my eyes readjusted,  I took in the broad figure of the guy in front of me. The big bulky man in front of me, used to be one of my father's closest friends and even more than that, he was family in every possible way. "Oh Fuck... what did he do to you...", he shuffled closer and I tried to inch back into the stone brick wall behind me. "Why are you here? What do you want?", I asked suspicious, not letting myself believe him, even though I knew him better than every other man. "I just came here four days ago. I heard the boys got into a fight with another MC, some club rivalry shit. But then I recieved a call from one of my men, that Butch went crazy and kidnapped you. Oh Eliza, I am so sorry..." "What are you talking about? Since when do you make the calls? I thought the son of a bitch is pres!" "Nah, he is a wannabe. We don't have a press right now, he died because of an heart attack. But that doesn't matter. What matters is to get you out of here. I just need some information from you." "And why the fuck should I trust you or these guys?" I pointed at my hurt leg. "You know, this is not really good potential for being trustworthy..." Beach nodded. "Far point. How about I let you have a phone call?" My eyes grew wide. "And you would do that... exactly why?" "I need help to get Butch out of the way. He killed his wife, he tried to kill you more than once, he drugged Otto, so he had an heart attack and died because of that. And besides,  we are still family, kid." "You want to kill Butch?" "It has not to be of my hand, but yeah." "Then do it. Grab a gun and shoot him." "It's not that easy. The guys he has around, they follow his lead. The moment I gun him down, I am dead too." I nodded at that. "Ok, what do you need on information?" "Let's make the call first. Maybe I don't need your help when you give me the chance to talk go one of them." He handed me his cellphone and I didn't hesitate and dialed the number of the clubhouse.

Chibs POV

I was sitting on my bed, reading a Goodnight story to Josy, who I had already tucked into the bed. "...and Mr. Bunny called Mrs Bunny ta have a tea party together with Mr Teethless..."
All of a sudden Juice teared open the door. "Chibs, phone! NOW!" I looked at him askingly and he just stated one name. "Liz."
I bolted out of the room, running up to the front, seeing Jax on the phone, smiling. "We'll get you outta there darlin', promise. Oh and here you go..." I snatched the phone out of his hand and held it to my ear. "Love?", I asked with a trembling voice. "Filip.", her soft voice answered. "Oh ma god... where are ya, how are ya...." "Filip, listen to me. I don't have much time, this is kinda risky... I have a friend of my dad's here with me, he stops by at the clubhouse, you guys have to listen and to help him. Please. With him there is a chance to get me out of there." "Aye, everything ya want love." I listened to her breathing. "Don't cry, love, I am here." "Yeah... I just... I... never would be able to talk to you again..." "Aye, me too. Josy keeps asking about ya." "She's with you?" I heard her sobbing. "Aye, sound and safe. I was just reading a bedtime story ta her, when ya called." "Which one?" "The crocodile named Mr Teethless.", I answered now with tears in my own eyes. "That's her favorite... tell her I love her, yeah?" "Ya tell her tha yarself, when yar outta there, when yar home, love." "Probably." "Liz, love, I-I..." "Filip I gotta go...sorry, but someone's coming..."
And then the line went dead again. Staring at the now silent phone in my hand, tears streamed down my face.

The next day we all waited in anticipation for that so called friend of her father's. It was around 10pm, when I sat outside, smoking a cigarette. Gemma volunteered to take Josy for a sleepover at her house, so I didn't have to worry about the little girl. My cigarette was halfway down when Jax and Opie joined me. "Any news?" "Negative." "He'll come. And if not, Juice already is handling the computer shit like he always does to track down the cell.", Jax said. I nodded.
A black Jeep pulled up in the lot. A tall, bulky man climbed out. He held his hands high. "I am unarmed, just here to talk.", he said with an German accent. Opie went over to him and frisked him. "Clear." He motioned to follow him inside. Jax and I followed both of the men, Clay already waiting for us at the table. Clay offered the man a seat at the other end of the table, and the rest of us filled in and faced the unknown man.
"You may talk now.", Clay said nonchalantly. "I have to thank you first. For taking care of Travis girl. He was one of my closest friends." Clay looked at him. "What's your name?" "Beach. Travis is, no, was my brother in law." My head shot up at this, staring at Beach who claimed to be Lizzy's real uncle. "Yeah... he mentioned you. Now what do you want?" And then he told us about the situation about their club and Butch, how it all got out of hand. "And if I am right in some kind of way, Butch killed JC, too. I just don't have any proof." "So ya lead us ta ma gurl and we'll help ya to finish Butch?" "Yeah." I looked at Clay and Jax. Both sported a grim expression. "We have to vote for this." Clay said. "Who's in favor? Yeah." Everyone chimes in with a Yeah. Then it was my turn. I stared at Beach. "If this goes wrong, I kill ya. She's ma ole lady, if she gets hurt  because of ya, I off ya, understand?" Beach nodded, looking at me amused. "I get why she's with you.", he smiled. I cocked an eyebrow. "You're just like her father and brother." I turned my gaze to Clay, he just shrugged. "Chibs, are you in favor?" "Like ya ha ta ask Jackie-boy. Aye, I'm in."

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