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Lizzy's POV

Three days later we all gathered in the clubhouse. It was dead silent. Chibs and the other guys were moody, they had to go on a run. Chibs told me they will be away for four days, maybe three, if they could manage the deal go by faster.
Tig, Happy and the prospects were ordered to stay with the rest of us, while the other men had to handle shit.
I was a little on the edge, sitting in Chibs room, thinking over everything. Chibs came out of the shower, walking naked into the room. He looked at me startled, when I made a choking noise. "Oi, lass, ya scared ma there. What yar doing here, I thought ya girls were doing sumthin?" I looked him up and down, all sorrows and bad thoughts were vanished out of my mind. "Uh..." He smirked when he realized my staring at his naked body. "Like what ya see, love?", he teased. With a huff I just managed to nod. He came over to me and pulled me up to him. "Ma eyes are up here, ya know.", he whispered with a smirk. Swallowing hard I looked into his wonderful eyes. "Yeah, I like your eyes, but those cheeks..." First I caressed his face, but then I slapped one hand on his naked butt. Chibs started laughing. "How am I supposed ta survive three to four days without ya..." "Dunno... I feel like you're taking a piece of me with you... Filip, I feel trapped in here. What if something bad happens?" And there it was. The sorrow and my overthinking got the better of me, despite his naked view in front of me. "Love, nuthin is goin ta happen ta ya girls. Tig and Happy will take care of tha. And before ya realize it, I'll be back." He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead, before he turned around to get dressed. "Will you call me?", I asked quietly showing off my insecurities. "Of course, why?" "Well I know about runs... what happens on a run, stays on a run..." Chibs came over, only dressed in his boxers and a single sock and took my face in his hands. "Ya donna ha ta worry love. I am not going to go out there and fuck around. Not when I have the cutest piece of ass waiting here for ma." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Well... and do I know her?" Chibs chuckled. "Woman, ya will be ma death!" He slightly bent down to me and kissed me passionately. "These lips, this body, belongs ta ya, love. Only ta ya.", he whispered and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

About an hour later the guys were ready to leave. Everyone who had a woman and/or kids kissed them goodbye. Chibs hugged Josy one last time. "Take care of yar Ma', lassie. I'll be back before ya realize I was even gone." Josy held on tight at Chibs, tears falling down her little face. "Don't go... " Chibs kissed the girls head and looked helplessly at me. "You've more of a father figure the last days to her than she ever had..."I whispered and hugged both of them, my little family.
Clay whistled and Chibs kissed me again and handed Josy to me, both of us watching him mounting his bike. Tara, Layla and Gemma gathered around us with the kids and we waved our men goodbye. Chibs sending us one last kiss when he drove by. Tig showed up next to me and positioned his arm around my shoulders, while I watched the motorcycles leave the lot. "All will be fine, you'll see." I smiled sadly at him, but said nothing.

Chibs and I chatted on the phone as often as he could. He told me about the places he wants to take me, the places I obviously have to see. We talked about him moving in with me. We both agreed when the Butch situation was handled, that my house, a several houses down from Opie's, would be the best to live in. He told me he wants to teach Josy some Gaelic.
But still I missed him. On the second day Josy shared his dorm bed with me, both of us already settled into bed, my daughter already asleep. I haven't heard of him for several hours, so I decided to play some candy crush on my phone. I didn't want to socialize today, so I stayed in his room for almost half of the day. It was elevinish in the night, when he called.
"Sorry love, couldn't make it earlier. We rode for hours ta another club." I got up and went to the bathroom, so Josy wouldn't wake up from me talking to him. Sitting on the toilet seat I toyed with the hem of one of his shirts. "You sound tired, Filip." He chuckled slightly. "Maybe thas because I am. Tell me what ya did today." So I told him and we kept on talking, until someone called him. "I ha ta go, Liz. I call ya in the morn, all right?" "Yeah. Try to rest, Filip." "I kinda love it when ya say ma name, love.", he said in a husky voice. "Come back home in one piece and I show you how I really love to say your name..." He went silent for a minute. "Is this a promise or a threat?" "Maybe both?" Chibs laughed out loud. "Go ta bed now, I'll visit ya in yar dreams." "Ok. Filip?" "Aye?" "I.... I miss you." "I miss ya too. Goodnight love." "Goodnight Filip." And then he hung up. I got up and looked into the bathroom mirror. "You are a scaredy cat... you know you love him... just say it, you cow." I murmured to my reflection in the mirror.

The next morning, or better known as the third day the guys were gone, was nothing special. Sitting around the clubhouse with less than nothing to do, waiting for my Scot to call.
Tig walked to me and sit down next to me. "Quit moping. He's coming back whole, you know." I sighed. "I know. I am just kinda worried because we haven't heard of my Ex in days." "Maybe he went back home, crying about his loss..." I smiled a little. "Yeah... i doubt that..." "Come on. Let's get the kids outside. You could need some fresh air too. You're a little pale around your nose." I glared at him. I was far from pale around the nose, because my nose still was blue and green from the punch I got. "Shut it Tigger. But yeah, I'll come with you guys."
We brought all the kids outside, some croweaters and hangarounds playing with them, while Tig and I were sitting on a bench. "Do you smoke Lizzy?" "On occasion. Why?" "Well duh, here is the occasion. Smoke one, you are whimsy." He handed me a cigarette and a lighter and I took it gratefully. Tig put his arm around me when I inhaled the first drag. "I really like you, when you're not pretending to be an asshole Tig." "Ouch... meanie.", he fake pouted so I kissed his cheek. "What was that for?" "Thanks for being here with me." He looked intently at me. "You know since we have to stay put, there's nothing else to do about..." he grinned widely. "Smartass." I chuckled and we both returned to smoke in silence, watching the kids play.
About twenty minutes later there was a huge noise, screeching tires and yelling from the street. Tig and I shrugged at each other.
All of a sudden guns were fired at us. Tig yelled "STAY DOWN!" and ran to the kids to cradle them on the floor. I layed panicking on the concrete, looking around what the fuck was going on. Seeing several men, all dressed in black with ski masks over their heads were shooting at the parking lot until I heard sirens. The moment the police pulled up, the guys were gone. "Is anybody hurt?", Tig asked, holding Josy tight. I shook my head no and so did everyone else. Happy ran out of the clubhouse. "They cut the electric!"
My knees were wobbling, but still I managed to walk to Tigs side and he put an arm around me, still holding Josy. "Let's get you inside."

A few hours later chief Unser and some other police officers were in the lot. On Clay's device, given to Happy on a call, we filled them in, in what's going on and who we thought attacked us. I gave my statement about my Ex. When they had everything they needed they dissapeared from the lot of Teller-Morrows. Gemma and the other girls lighted candles in the whole building, all of us decided to spent the night in the main room at the bar, noone wanted to stay alone.
I excused myself to use the bathroom and I locked myself into Chibs room. Being all alone I allowed myself to let my walls down and I started to cry. Like he knew what was going on, Chibs called. "Love." The minute I heard his voice all my dams broke down. He tried to calm me, he really sweet talked to me, but I couldn't stop. He talked to me for about two hours, most of the time just listening to me crying. A slight knock on the bedroom door made me jump. I went to open the door and Tig stood there. He took the phone from me. "Hey brother. Yeah... I am here... I was with them at the playground when it happened... sure... ok..." he handed me back the phone. "Listen love. I know I am not there with ya and it hurts me ta hear you like tha. Tig takes care of ya and Josy all right? I trust him with ma life. Sleep. And if sleep won't come, drink. Ya need ta be tough again in the morn, but not tonight. Love, I promise ta ya, we drive home tomorrow. I call ya in the morn before we leave and in the evening I hold ya as long as ya need it. Don't worry love, all will be good in the end." "Thank you Filip." "Now go with Tig. We'll see us tomorrow, love." "Till tomorrow." I closed the cellphone and I looked at Tig. "Sorry... it was just..." and then the waterworks set in again. Tig hurried to my side and pulled me close. "I am here, Lizzy, I am here. Let it all out, I am here."

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