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Lizzy's POV

The next couple of days were exhausting to say the least. After I woke up the docs ran me through some health tests. Tara came by, hugging me carefully not to hurt me.
"Oh Lizzy. I missed you!", she breathed into the hug. "I missed you too. How is everyone?" She let go of me and grimaced. "Why are you looking at me like this? What's going on?" "Well the docs gave me the results of your tests... they gave you a clearance... you can see visitors now..." "Well that is... good... I suppose?" She nodded. "Listen, there is something else." "Huh? What?" "I'll be straightforward with you. The test results showed that you're pregnant. Just early in the days. The baby is safe though." I gulped at that. "P-pregnant?" "Yeah." I smiled at her. "It's Chibs'. He is the only one.... who..." "I know." She returned the smile. "Now. Something else. The whole fucking club is out there in the waiting area. Well for now just the guys. If you say you ain't up to it yet, I totally understand and take care of them." I smiled at her. "Nah. I'm good. Bring them in. I was lonely way to long. I want to see my family." Tara saw how sure I was about that and she nodded at me. She turned to leave my room, but hesitated. "You know, I am so glad you are here. The guys like you. Especially Chibs. It almost broke my heart to see him struggling. He stopped drinking alcohol, Lizzy. He sobered up, being a real father for Josy. Chibs loves you." Then she left the room and left me alone, wrapping my mind around the information I just got.

A few minutes later, there was a loud knock on my door. Thanks to the heads up from Tara, I already knew who was on the other side of my door, bidding for entry.
"What are you waiting for? Come on in!'', I laughed. The door opened with a loud bang and all the guys filled in my room. First of all Tig strutted to me. "SISSY!!", he hollered and hugged me tight. "What is with the nickname Tigger?" "Well uh...." Jax grinned and elbowed him out of his way, to hug me instead. "Tig calls you his sister he never wanted, so I figure he calls you Sissy now instead of Lizzy. Good to see you alive, cuz." Smiling widely I hugged each and everyone of them. When all of the sons were done with hugging, my two uncles stood in front of me. "Eliza." "Uncle Beach." I reached out for him. "I thank you so much... for everything what you did for my family in the past and in the present. I owe you." Clay patted Beach's back. "You owe him shit nag-nag. That's what family is here for. Helping and supporting each other." Beach smiled at me. "And I want to be a part of your family again, if you'd like..." "I'd love too."
We talked the whole time, every member of the sons sharing their own story of adventure in the past weeks. I looked up at Chibs who stood silently in the doorway, watching the whole scene in front of him.
"Filip?", I asked quietly and the guys went silent. Chibs sighed and let his head hand down. Opie tried not to smile but failed terribly. "Come on buddy... you got this.", he said, amusement dripping from his words. "What's going on, Filip? And what the fuck is so funny you guys barely can't keep your laughter for you?" Chibs stepped forward, coming to my side and sitting down next to me on my bed. He took my hand in his hand. "Ignore these amateurs. It's just ya and ma, aye?" I nodded confused. "Lizzy... I talked ta yar uncles. Both of them. And I talked ta the club. All guys gave me their blessing...." "OH HELL TO THE NO! YOU AIN'T GOING NOMAD FILIP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS, THAT WAS NOT YOUR FUCKING FAULT!", I interrupted Chibs speech and started yelling at him, being really furious. Chibs and all the other guys were stunned by my sudden outburst, not to say shocked.
Opie was the first to do something. He let his head fall back and started laughing so hard, that tears ran down his face. Then the other guys chimed in too and laughed loud. Chibs just shook his head. "WHAT THE FUCK? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS WRONG?" Chibs leaned to me, caressing my face with his hand. "Oh ma tough and slightly frightening love... I am not going Nomad... are ya outta yar goddamn mind? Where should I go? I ha nuthin, nuthin except this...." He pointed at his kutte and at his brothers. "....and ya. All I ha is ma gurls and ma club." "So what's the matter than? I don't understand, Filip." He breathed in deeply. "Like I said. I talked ta everyone and they gave ma permission ta do tha."
Suddenly he pulled out a small box. "I know it's not much... and I am still kind of married. But... see this as a promise." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Elizabeth Travis. Would ya do ma the favor and marry ma ole bastard when the time is right and I have everything settled?" Shocked I stared at him for a long time. Jax cleared his throat. "Liz.... you are supposed to say something, you know?" I still had just my eyes on Chibs, nodding at Jax. "You... you want to marry me? Even with all this?" Chibs smiled. "Aye, even with all this. Because this is ya. And I love everything about ya, even those new scars." I swallowed hard. "And you know you have to be there for Josy, too. For both of them...", I said quietly. "Aye I kn-... what?" Tears filled my eyes. "I am pregnant Filip." Now he looked at me shocked. "Tara just came back with my test results before you guys came here. She told me I am just a few weeks. It's yours Filip." He nodded at me, with his mouth agape. "Jesus... I am going ta be a Da'?", he whispered. "Yeah, again. You are going to be a father again." Chibs averted his gaze away from me and looked at the stunned faces of his brothers. "I am going ta be a Da', brothers! A Da' of two beautiful daughters and a Da' of a little wee one!" His face was smiling all brightly and tears of happiness were running down his face. I sat up and hugged him tightly. "You better divorce Fiona as fast as you can, because I want to marry you now more than ever." I whispered into his ear. "Is tha a yes, love?" I giggled at his side. "Hell yeah." Chibs laughed happily and hugged me tightly. The guys joined in our joyful moment and celebrated a little with us.

4 months later //3rd person POV

Chibs was standing in the chapel of the clubhouse, he felt so nervous that his insides probably would turn out. A soft knock on the door made him jump. "We're ready, brother.", Jax said. Chibs nodded, breathing in and out to calm himself. Jax patted his shoulder, giving him some silent assistance. "Ok, let's go." Jax guided Chibs outside of the clubhouse. The whole lot was decorated. It looked really festive. At the garage there was a rose bow installed, where Chibs positioned himself silently. Everyone gathered in the lot and greeted him, befriended MCs, families and friends. Chibs felt kind of lost here without Lizzy at his side.
Then it was time. The door of the clubhouse opened up and Layla stepped out first in a dark bluedress . She walked slowly, with swaying hips in his direction. After her Tara came out, sporting the same coloured dress like Layla, walking behind her.
Then Gemma came out with Josy on her hand, both wearing the same colors like the others too. They walked to Chibs and positioned themselves on the opposite side of the bow.
Then Clay and Beach came out, both wearing their club kutte, beaming from side to side. Chibs eye grew wide, when a beautiful woman stepped out if the clubhouse. All dressed in a deep burgundy colored, floor length gown. Her long, brown hair flowing down her back in soft waves. Chibs breath hitched. He had never seen a woman so beautiful like this. The dress hugged Lizzys curves like a second skin, showing off her 5-month-babybump. Proud of the woman, who was guided by Clay and Beach down the isle, he smiled genuinely. Opie appeared next to Chibs, he was going to lead through the ceremony.
Lizzy arrived next to Chibs and Clay and Beach both shook hands with Chibs. The beautiful woman was all smiles today. Chibs looked into her eyes, not really listening to the formalities. "Dear ladies and gentlemen, outlaws and easy riders. We gathered here today to seal a pact between these two persons in front of me. Is there anyone who's not in favor he may speak now. But he has to be sure he is going to die then and there because I have a feeling either Lizzy nor Chibs will let you live.", Opie said smugly and the crowd laughed. Of course nobody interfered. "Now, ladies first. Lizzy your vows please." Lizzy nodded and took my hands in her small ones. "Filip, Chibs. I vow to be there in good times and in bad times. Not only to steel your back, but to fight on your side for our happiness and the happiness of our kids. I vow to you my life, my love and my passion. I promise you to be by your side till death and even further. I am yours. Oh.", she winked at Chibs and smirked. "And I promise to take good care of your balls." Laughter errupted in the audience, Clay guffawed the loudest. "That's my girl!!" Chibs rolled his eyes but still smiled. Opie chuckled. "Ok, that's.... new.... Chibs, your vows now, please." Chibs nodded. "Lizzy, ma love, I vow ta ya ta take care of ya and our children, ta keep ya safe and whole. I promise ta luv and cherish ya for the rest of ma life. Ma life, ma love, ma heart and soul, all belongs ta ya. With this I am willing ta hand ya over ma balls, because I wouldn't like it any other way. Ya are ma world, ma everything. I promise you tha I will always be there and..." he glanced around smirking. "... and to treat ya just as good as ma leather and ride ya as much as ma harley!" The lot applauded at this and Lizzy laughed. Opie cleared his throat. "Now. Will you, Elizabeth Travis, marry this lucky  Scottish bastard, named Filip Chibs Telford, and cherish and love him for the rest of your lives? Are you willing to stay by his side through good times and bad, no matter what comes? Then answer with a loud yes."  "Oh... FUCKING YES I WILL!", she yelled out loud. Opie grinned. "And you Scottish prick named Chibs, will you marry that girl, called Lizzy, who obviously is way to good for you, and cherish and love her for the rest of your lives? Are you willing to stay at her side, to fight for her honor, through good and bad times, no matter what comes? Then answer with a loud Yes." "AYE." Chibs laughed. "Like I ha any other chance... she has ma balls!" Everyone laughed.
Chibs and Lizzy exchanged their wedding rings and held each other close. "From the state of California given right, I have the semi-authority to call you two now husband and wife. Chibs, you may kiss the bride."
Chibs grinned and yelled "TWAS ABOUT TIME!" Then he pulled Lizzy close and kissed her passionately in front of all guests. Raging applause errupted.


So that's it. The story of Chibs and Lizzy. I hope you liked the storyline and the story at all. Thanks again for all the views, votes, comments and the love. xoxo

(P.S.: I changed the surname of Lizzy and her family out of a friendly request. Ghe name isn't important for the story though, so no harm here.)

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