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Chibs POV

The minute Lizzy fell over, I caught her and pulled her into my arms, holding her close to my own body. Clay and Beach both ran over to us, immediately crouching down into the dirt and yelling her name, the other sons stayed put and kept silent. "Is she...?", Beach asked shaking heavily. I quickly checked her pulse and sighed in relief, pressing the side of her face to my chest. "She's unconcious." All of my brothers let out a relieved breath and Beach took Lizzys hand in hers. "Oh my poor niece." "Chibs take care of nag-nag, come on Beach, we need to take care of the rest.", Clay ordered.  Beach and Clay.

I could hear the others talking, when I cradled Lizzy in my arms, crying silently out of relief into her hair. Tig came over to us and sank next to me onto the ground. "We got her out, brother.", he said and laid an arm around my shoulders. Shaking my head at him I just looked at my girls torn and troubled face. She looked like she just walked through hell and came back barely alive. "She did tha on her own, brotha, she did it all by herself..." "Yeah... she is a tough nut..."
Slowly I took in her injuries. Some looked pretty bad, like the burned part of her thigh, others looked like minor injuries. "We need to call a doc.", Tig stated and pointed at her leg.

Clay ordered to take out the other guys helping Butch. "Make it look like they had a fight with the Nazis." Then I could hear some guys pleading and gunshots. A thick blanket of silence was laying over the area of the cabin.

Jax came over and crouched down to me. "Chibs, we gonna call the cops. It is the best thing we could do. We have to and you know that. We tell Unser how it happened and why we are here. Understand?", he told me. "Understood. Jackie-boy, Lizzy needs an ambulance." "Yeah, I got this."

Only a short time later all of our guys left, leaving only Clay, Beach, Jax, Lizzy and myself behind.
It didn't take long and the whole place was packed with the police and an ambulance.


Chief Unser arrived with his minions and looked around shocked. He immediately came over to us. "What the hell happened here? Did you do that?" "Chief, we didn't do shit. We came here, because we got a hint where they are hiding and when we came here, all we could find were dead bodies. The first thing we did, was giving you a call.", Clay said. "And why should I believe you?" "Listen, chief. Do you see these guys over there? Nazis. They probably had some kind of beef with the Krauts. We really don't know and honestly we don't care. We came here for Lizzy. And we found her barely alive and unconscious.", I hissed at him, knowing Unser was always helping the miserable. Unser looked at Chibs, holding Lizzy close in his lap, rocking her gently. "Oh shit..." He gestured for the paramedics. "The girl over there needs help. Take care of her."
I took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it. "So, are we free to go now? We have to tell our families that Lizzy is safe.", I asked grinning at him. Unser looked from Clay over to Beach to me. "Yeah... I guess... but I need to talk to the girl when she is awake. Oh... where is the Butch guy?" "Over there. He has a bullet in his head. If you ask me, it looks like selfdefence... or maybe some of the Nazis gunned him down... who knows." "Yeah, who knows." The paramedics took Lizzy with them to St.Thomas hospital and Chibs joined them in the ambulance.
I nodded at Unser and we were free to leave the crime scene, letting the police do their fucking job for once.

Chibs POV

Together with my brothers, I was seated in the waiting area of the emergency room. The paramedics took Lizzy to St.Thomas hospital, so she could be treated.
On Jax' call Tara volunteered to help and she was stitching up Lizzy.
"Boy, if they don't hurry, I am going cray-zay...." Tig said next to me. I looked at his worried expression. "What are you looking at me like that? Liz is like the little sister, I never wanted! I care about her, too!" He winked at me. "She will be fine, brother. Like I said, she is a tough nut."

Several hours later, Jax nudged me. I looked up and saw Tara approaching. I jumped up and hurried to her. "Any news?" Tara motioned for me to sit down. When Clay, Beach and Tig sat next to us, she started talking. "She had several cuts, some of them had to be treated but most of them were minor. Her nose and cheekbone though were broken many times, it looks like she has been kicked into her face. We had a plastic surgeon look into that and he  gave her some kind of nose job. Without that she wouldn't be able to breathe properly.  Lizzy got a concussion, a few broken ribs, three broken fingers. The worst part though was her leg. After we cleaned her burned thigh we could see how deep and infected it was. We had to peel off the burned skin and transplant some healthy skin on that part. Her tattoos are fucked up now to say the least. She's now in rehabilitation." I swallowed hard. "When can I go see her?" Tara smiled at me. "I can get you in now. She will be awake soon, i guess."

The minute Tara led me into Lizzys room, I just stood there, watching my girl. "I leave you alone. If you need something, the nurse button is on the side.", Tara said quietly and left me alone, not waiting for an answer or anything. Slowly I put one foot in front of the other, nearing myself cautiously. "Oh love... what happened ta ya..."
I took an empty chair and pulled it next to her bed. Sitting down with a small huff, I took in her poor state. Then the dam broke and I let my tears fall. I cried for Lizzy, the girl that meant so much to me. I cried out of relief, anger and sadness all in one.
Taking her small hand in mine I looked at her. "Ya know, yar such a stupid, but tough gurl? God, love, I thought I am going ta lose ya. I thought I would never be able ta see ya and ta feel ya again. Whatever comes out of this, I swear ta ya, I take care of ya and Josy. Ya are ma world."
I kept talking to her like that for hours, when she finally started to stirr. "F-Filip?", she whispered suddenly. New tears ran down my face and I just smiled at her, crouching down near her head, to be close to her. "Liz, ma love! Yar awake!"
Her face halfway bandaged and swollen, she looked at me through one eye, tearing up. "Oh, love, don't cry. Yar safe now. Yar at St.Thomas. It's over." "Filip?" "Aye." "How bad is it?" "Well... it could be worse, love. Ya will be fine in no time." "My leg?" "They did their best. Yar tattoos though..." Lizzy closed her eye and breathed deeply. "I figured." Gently I caressed her cheek. "Don't worry. It doesna matter. The only thing tha matters is tha we are together." She nuzzled her face into my palm. "How is Josy?" "Oh she's fine, she's with Gemma." "Somebody got hurt?" "Noone of importance. Just the fucking Krauts and the Nazis. Tig says hi by the way. He calls you his little sister he never wanted..." Lizzy chuckled silently and looked at me again. "Filip?", she got serious again. "Aye?" "Down in the basement... I just had one thought over and over." "Tell ma."  She looked directly at me and one of her hands pulled me closer. "I love you.", she whispered.
My heart skipped a beat or two at that and I smiled brightly at her. "Oh love... I love ya, too. I wanted ta tell ya tha for so long though..." "It doesn't matter... we had to deal with shit first. Now give this girl a kiss, so that she ain't hurting that much anymore.", she interrupted me and smiled at me, pulling me even closer until our lips met.

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