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3rd person POV

The sons and a few of the Germans, who were on Beach's side, walzed into the hiding space, taking out one of the Krauts after another. Noome showed any kind of mercy or remorse. Beach and Chibs fought next to each other, gunning down Germans and pushing their way through to the cabin. Happy started yelling, when several cars arrived and people started shooting at them. "The Nazi scum is here! They obviously made new buddies! Yeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw!" Tig, Opie and Clay looked at each other, grinning. Finally all bastards were in one place, it was time to show the Nazi pack their place. Jax jumped at one point onto one arriving truck, pulling the trigger over and over at the driver. The car crashed into a treeline, while Jax was thrown off of the vehicle. Bobby and some of the Nomads stormed over, taking out on the way three of the Nazi scumbags. "Jax, you're alright?", Bobby yelled. Jax tumbled over the truck, grinning widely. "Well that was ... fun..." His forehead was bleeding, but besides that he just looked dirty.
Chibs in the meantime threw away his useless gun and pulled out his knives. He was on a one to one match when Butch came out of the basement, holding Lizzy close to him. His gun pointing at her stomach and his knife on her throat.
Chibs stabbed the guy the minute Butch yelled. He turned around, seeing his girl in the hands of that bastard. He started walking in their direction, when Butch saw him and Lizzy did, too. "You better stop there, my friend or she will be just a red spot on the floor.", Butch said threatening. Clay stepped forward, holding his hands up. "What do you want?" "What I want? WHAT I WANT? IT'S A LITTLE LATE FOR THAT ISN'T IT?", Butch spat in their direction. Beach appeared next to Clay, Butchs eyes grew wide, when he saw him on Clay's side. "It's over Butch. Let her go. Look around! We got you this time." Butch looked around, seeing his men either dead or held captive with guns at their heads.
"It's not over old man. You better let me go and I will take this bitch with me and my kid, too."
Lizzys legs gave out under her, the pain in her thigh numbing her completely. She started seizing and whimpering, her eyes fixed on Chibs. She laid all emotions in them, all her love for him and mouthing an "I am so sorry" to her Scot. Butch still held her close, pressing the weapons into her flesh.
Chibs realized how bad Lizzys condition really was and he inched slowly closer. Jax saw it, staying opposite of him, and did the same. Opie, Tig, Juice and Bobby still aimed their guns at Butch and Lizzy, waiting for an opportunity to finish him off, without injuring her.
"Butch, let the girl go. She doesn't mean shit to you.", Clay stated. "Yeah... see that's the point... I don't care about her, but you do. Let's see..." he smiled wickedly. "Either way I am a dead man... how about I finish her off first?"
Lizzy stayed silent until this point. She knew it could happen like that, so she looked away from Chibs directly to Beach and Clay. "Hey...promise me totake care of my family, yeah?", she said quietly and looked them directly in the eyes.
Bobby looked at her, like everyone else. "Girl, don't do something dumb...", he mumbled to himself.
Lizzy closed her eyes and breathed heavily. She saw her whole life in front of her closed eyes. She saw her parents, her aunt, her brother, her nephew and niece, her newfound family including Gemm, Clay, Tara, Jax, Opie and the kids and all the others, her long lost uncles and at last her daughter and Chibs. All smiling. She knew either way, whatever will happen, they take care of the two most important people in her life. She trusted her family. She took a last heavy breath and gathered the last bit of her strength. When she opened her eyes again, she scanned the place, she scanned the situation she was in. She still felt the gun pressed against her stomach and the knife on her throat. She could feel Butch's disgusting breath on her skin at her neck. She was now fully aware what she had to do to end this.

Chibs stopped in his tracks, when he heard Lizzy talking. He obviously was afraid, she might be doing something completely out of her mind. He observed how her eyes changed when she opened them again. Even from the distance, he could tell she had a plan in mind and he didn't like it at all.

Butch still looked like he was on top of the world. He acted like an absolute lunatic, with an abnormal lack of realization in what a situation he was in. He wasn't afraid to die. In his mind he already knew, if he does, so will the rest, especially that easy fuck in front of him. Butch was absolutely unaware of what Lizzy was up to.

Lizzy took in another sharp breath and put all her weight on both of her legs. The pain in her thigh made her vision go blurry, but it didn't matter. She had to end this. Now.

Beach saw the grim expression on Lizzys face. He saw that expression many times before, on her father's, her brother's and her aunt's face. Reading her body language and her expression, he knew that she was trying to do something very dangerous. He also knew that at this point no one could stop her. He failed at the attempt to stop her father and her aunt before, so he just had the opportunity to step aside, look, and pray that everything turns out well.

Butch opened his mouth to speak again. Lizzy took the chance of him being distracted by the people around them and she let her head hang down. Slowly breathing in and out, she knew he thought she was about to fall unconcious. She could hear him yell profanities at the sons and at her uncle, but she didn't get the words, she just didn't care about the words anymore.
With a quick movement, she yanked her head up, knocking her backside of the head into Butchs face. An ugly crunchy noise could be heard and Butch let the gun fall in an attempt to hold both of them still. He failed though when Lizzy started screaming and she pushed her legs hard into the ground and hitting Butch with her elbow hard into his guts. His knife dig into her soft skin of her throat, but she didn't care. She used all her strength to topple both of them over that she landed on top of him on the ground. Butch yelled loudly, but she turned around quickly, ignoring sharp pain in her leg, sitting on top of him, throwing punches at him.
Butch still had his knife in his hand and he tried to ward her off with it.

Chibs was the first to move when Lizzy and Butch fell on the floor. He ran to his love, seeing Butch still had the knife in his hand. When Lizzy started hitting the Kraut leader, Opie yelled Chibs name and threw his gun to him. Chibs cought the gun midair and was the next minute at Lizzys side, pulling the trigger and shot Butch right in between his eyes, before the bastard would harm Liz even more. The blood of the ambushed man splashed up, all over Lizzy.

Chibs immediately crouched down next to the heavy breathing Lizzy. Carefully he pushed some strands of hair behind her ear. "Love?" Lizzy recognized Chibs voice and looked at him blankly. "Love, can ya hear ma?"
She blinked two, three times and then she fell over, unconsciousness greeting her with a warm welcome.

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